It’d be nice if there was another discussion forum specifically for the alleged quitters to pat each other on the back as much they’d like
It’d be nice if people could have input without being condescending. I know it’s a rough concept for some, but try it.
People on the internet say lots of things.
Do you want to believe them, when they have 0 evidence of any kind (no replay codes mostly)?
Or the words of the devs who made the game with plenty of evidence to back them up (i.e. literally every replay ever made)
I chose the devs, it’s a shame that the forums are an echo-chamber for people who got fooled into believing EOMM is a thing in order to use it as a scapegoat for their losses. There are PLENTY of other systematic things wrong with OW that can cause losses other than player skill ( what time you play at, what region you play in, what role you pick, ping, hardware latency, low refresh rate / FPS, inconsistent frametimes, low playercount, mmr desync, and probably a billion other things inside the blackbox that is OW. )
Some of these issues can be fixed by following the advice in this thread though :
https: //www .reddit. com/r/Overwatch/comments/110aol9/eomm_in_competitive_is_pathetic/
Sure is fake. So are the numerous other threads and posts across several sites/forums about EOMM being absolutely stupid.
At least know what you’re talking about first.
I’ve mained Sombra and played her the majority of my DPS time since her launch and have had no actions made on my account. If people have avoided me as a teammate, I sure don’t know about it.
I didn’t quit, i’ve just been playing marvel rivals
I quit because MR is more fun to me, than Overwatch is currently. It replaced OW for me.
You’re wasting the precious hours you have in existence complaining about a game you hate and no longer will play. If that’s not worthy of condescension then nothing is.
Don’t hate it. I hate the direction it went, but I don’t hate the game. Don’t try to force your narrative down other’s throats because you got nothing to go on.
So you’re just a keyboard warrior forum troll, got it. Muted, next troll please.
You no longer want to be a part of Overwatch and yet you’re here, announcing just how much you left this game. Every post you make is another mile down a dead end road.
For me it was just how unfun 5v5 became and how much supports were dominating.
I have no interest in playing what 5v5 became, so I stopped playing.
The aforementioned reddit post contains only an anecdote about what 1 player percieved in a string of games. They seemed to believe that their “sudden string of losses” were the fault of the matchmaker intentionally giving them losing games, instead of the myriad of other reasons it could be, such as the matchmaker being volatile because they hadn’t played for a while, giving them a string of games that just happened to be easy because the matchmaker wasn’t certain of their rank, only for the matchmaker to dial in their rank after a while and start giving them more balanced games, or them being higher ranked and thus getting harder games, or them playing in a region/at a time in which there aren’t many other players playing at their rank so it’s harder for the matchmaker to balance the game correctly, or they could’ve just been tired after 6 hours straight of playing… it could be a combination of a myriad of reasons. The lack of inclusion of any replay codes or video evidence in most of these supposed “proof” posts is extremely telling as well.
Here are a few pointers for you to remember :
Correlation != Causation
~50% of any population is dumber than average
Echo chambers cannot be cited as evidence
The only thing “absolutely stupid” here is you for daring to insult me when your argument is this tenuous.
Seriously, citing a random reddit post? That’s the best you can do? Pathetically laughable lmao.
It’s free for you to bing/google for yourself. It’s not just reddit. You can try and fight it all you want, but EOMM was a major mistake for the game. It’s on these forums, reddit, steam forums, to name a few.
You simply are upset that you were wrong, and I understand that, but understand you won’t be right 100% of the time and move on.
Give me a few good examples then with actual evidence then if they’re so easy to find. Shouldn’t be difficult if you’re not talking out of your butt. The burden of proof is on you, after all.
Wow it sure is bright in here due to all of the projection you’re doing. Try again buddy.
It’s okay man, we all are wrong about something at some point in life. No need to start lashing out with first year psyche student nonsense.
Still no actual evidence… I’m waiting… for someone who’s 100% in the right with tons of evidence to prove it you’re sure taking your sweet time presenting it… anyone intelligent can read this thread and see who’s really correct here and who is stalling because they don’t have any ground to stand on.
The real question is… Why if you no longer continue playing OW, do you still go to the OW forum?
Gaslighting 101, denied. Stop typing, you’re on ignore.
Came here today to see why, if people did quit, was their reasoning. I said mine, and let it fly. Can’t help it got traction.
The hypocrisy here is palpable lmao. If you’re clearly correct you should have no trouble presenting proof of you being correct.
Season 14 made me quit… Hazzard is another terribly designed character that adds CC and mobility and the season 14 patches feels so random that I wouldnt be surprised if it was AI generated lol.