What finally made you quit?

It got to the point it was nothing but Smurfs or throwers. I actually haven’t played in a very very long time maybe a year idk

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I don’t play as much. I just play once or twice per week and then forget this game exist and play other games and do other stuff.

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Crap matchmaker, unbalaced heroes, general lack of wortwhile content and a toxic comminity. I don’t expect to return ever.

Oh, I thought you meant MR. Still playing OW on a daily basis, has been since 2016, and don’t expect to stop anytime som.

For me to quit this game is to
A: Kill off a character I like.
B: Ban me for no reason as I never speak to anyone in game and won’t throw a match because it’s going south.
C: Make a stand alone online optional game where my main is playable.
D: Insult the player base on social media.

Bad matchmaking so I have to troll one game to put me in less sweatier game and when I play tank I usually get those troll support with 2k heals and 8k damage.

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In a sense you’re right, but also wrong. I think for some people it just takes time to move on from the sense of community / social outlet the forums provide. They obviously haven’t moved on yet. But I’ve also been on the forums for this game, and previously WoW and a few others, long enough to recognize some people who do post on the forums never come back despite clearly still having an interest in the community to some extent.

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I haven’t quit, but I stop playing when I’m sick of dealing with Widow and Sombra and fire up MR.


Wait, so you believe Overwatch has great matchmaking, balance, worthwhile content, and a positive community? Sweet Christmas you are in a festive mood. I do not believe even the most delusional shills of all time that admit to trolling ever went that far. We have a new king!



Also, something that made me play less OW and more MR

POG almost every time goes to the male dps in OW regardless of how good you do with a support

I played one match today. Got 3 kills with Juno with her ultimate but the POG went to Hanzo. He killed one player in his pog

OW favors male DPS always over female support, That is kind of sad and boring IMO, like I am some kind of lifeless bot that is just there to heal

In MR a lot of the time the MVP goes to support who earned it and also to female support

Blizzard seems to have some kind of weird fetish for male DPS. Its boring when female support never can get any glory, in MR they can

The only main reason I will not support this game anymore is because of Overwatch’s terrible match making.

I think if they stopped allowing free account creation. It would start to mitigate many of their issues. This does mean putting a cap on account costs at no less than 40 dollars per account created.

it was seeing that widow didn’t get nerfs, seeing that they balantly care more about a skin selling more then their game being and enjoyable, combined with rivals coming out made me just stop. i have no reason to keep playing

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I would guess they feel a sense of community and connection with other Ex-Overwatch players :man_shrugging:

Or they are permanently salty and just cant let go of the past.

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It’s pretty sad that you are implying that the forum is mostly made up of ex-Overwatch players instead of current ones. I guess that is not super far from the truth.


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If you are on the winning team and type “GG” first on a blowout game, I assume you’re trolling.

I mean, this thread kinda shows that to be pretty close to the truth (sadly).

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The game is boring. Why cant we turn off crossplay for PC when you meet people on consoles with XIM using players? Plus alot cheating

What does xim do against you? They are just using keyboard and mouse, just like you. (aim assist is turned off in PC pool). Are you literally complaining that someone on console is using a mouse and keyboard in your PC lobby? lol

Anyone wanna tell him?

The forum is way more entertaining than the game.

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Aim assist is not turned off on the PC pool for console players.