đ“‚€ Pharah ideas thread

So Ashe is a newly released hero. She’s going to make it a lot harder to play Pharah. Would be nice Pharah could have one of these to balance that out:

50Armor instead of 50HP

Manually detonated concussion blast (Tap E a second time). Great for in-air momentum or unusual plays.

Make Lucio heals a TALL cylinder, which can heal Pharah in the sky, if he’s below her.

FastFall (Crouch while midair)

Sideways airdash (Doubletap A or D in the air)

Slight mobility during Rocket Barrage

Cancel her ultimate midway through with right click.


It would be nice if she could somehow be more effective when not pocketed without buffing the likes of Pharmercy.

Perhaps improve her manoeuvrability and give her a larger fuel tank, but she loses fuel when hit such that taking 200 damage leaves with her original amount of fuel. This would be a buff as long as she isn’t being healed, but if she takes more than 200 damage (due to healing) she cannot stay in the air as long as she used to.

Correction: she’s statistically strong (OP is a stretch) with Mercy in the upper ranks of PSN. On XBL, she’s not really that abnormally strong.

Anyway, I don’t think she really needs any more health/armor, but greater mobility would be cool. Currently she just kinda… floats… even if I have to sacrifice some up-front power, I’d really like to feel more mobile and capable of reacting to circumstances around me when I’m in the air.


I always liked the idea of mid-air dodging. But not as fast as the dash example of course.
But still really fast. Enough that you can react to the Pharah’s speed. But also with no carried momentum like in the dash example, so she can still juke and outplay you.


I think the fast fall would be the only thing that isn’t OP.


the armor buff is a big no no: youll destroy bronze and console
the concussion blast buff might be op on the right hands
everything else is gucci, specially the fast fall


Like the fast fall and the side dashing. Maybe you could give her faster fall when not using jets but 2 charges of her jetpackboost. That was you can drop when youre in danger but have another straight away.

I suspect the devs might be contemplating +1 damage on Soldier.

The armor buff completely ruins S76 and Dva as counters and does absolutely nothing to Widow, her real threat in high ranks.


Well they did just buff every hitscan in the game.


More mobility in air would be great. Really love the idea of the fast fall and mid-air dash. Even though I know it will make it even harder to kill her for me :sweat_smile:

The ground pound 2.0
I like it

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It’s hard to make Pharah better without making her stomp pub. Or make her function without a Mercy without making her function better with a Mercy.

How about this?

Maneuvering jets - juke sideways or forward quickly by hitting interact while moving in the air. Or, downward by crounching. 5 second cooldown.
Concussion rocket - removed.
New E ability - suit self-repair. Requires you to be standing and takes 1.5 seconds, during which you are immobile. Fully heals you. 20 second cooldown.

Also, if needed - you can now move at 25% of your normal speed during Barrage.

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Holy cow, those are great ideas, I’m a big fan of being able to cancel ults.

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Potential for pharah to have 400hp? no ty. :black_square_button:
Ultimate could could be less spiky though. :ballot_box_with_check:

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No idea where you’re getting this from?

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We can only hope ;/

I would love these changes but I don’t know what they’ll do…

Cant wait for you to take credit if she gets 50 armor

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No spoonfeeding, learn the game mechanics. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m so confused.