What counters hanzo?

Well, that’s justified. I don’t mind a hero being extremely strong with team support.

But I personally feel ashe on her own has way too much anti dive.

It’s like asking which boop denies Hammond his velocity.

…They all do.

There are only a few heroes a single hero who cannot counter Hanzo. At best he hard counters Bastion. Hanzo only leaves F tier when in particularly skilled hands and surrounded by a team that can either lock in his Dragonstrikes or very rapidly make use of their zoning.

Smallest projectile in the game btw.

Bad aim

If I have to be more serious, don’t bother countering Hanzo. It takes more effort than you’ll be rewarded for it.

Pressure his team to try and force him to a faster paced hero. Hanzo’s one true weakness is bad aim…and ig Hamster after the 3 dozen nerfs he got to storm arrow

hanzo counets himself , as bad this hero after projectile speed nerf, his inconsistency is outrageous

They’re small but lengthy because… well… arrow. And since the hitbox isn’t just the arrow tip and is the entire arrow, sometimes you could barely scratch and end of an arrow near your ear and receive 250 damage and die.

My Orisa is good against Hanzo. She lays down suppressing fire from a distance and can pull him down from perches.

Reaper can make short work out of Hanzo.

Moira is good against Hanzo. Death ball and her essence draw can make short work of him too.

Being a Hanzo main player, I own red hanzo butts with Genji left right and center (If for some reason I do not Hanzo)

lmao given Hanzo’s avg winrate at every rank I think ignoring him probably works, or just any hero playing better than the Hanzo player. Or maybe you’re just worse than these Hanzo players in every way and deserve to lose.

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Dive heroes or any hitscan provided you know how to use them.

Sounds more like you want to 1v6 the enemy team

I can kill brig as tracer, But i can’t kill brig as tracer healed by ana, shielded by reihn + Zarya inside a McCree and Junkrat spam.

There’s no counter vs a whole team like brig did to dive at her release.

It’s still again some sort of a Teamwork game.

They’re not, actually. It’s a single sphere, at the back of the arrow, if testing is to believed.

You should have a pretty easy time with him as mobile heroes like Doomfist / Tracer. You can easily evade his storm arrow window and win 9 times out of 10.

Keep telling that lie to yourself



Except, it is. It’s only .2m

For Reference, Mercy’s blaster is .5m. The only projectiles that are smaller are all .01m which is needed so it can interact with things like barriers.

Quit deluding yourself.