I’m going to be an upstanding citizen of the Forum society and not dig for details there…
I truly don’t wish for anyone’s expulsion from the Forums - I’m not a sadistic person and unlike some people (cough cough…) I don’t take satisfaction out of the misery of others, but at the same time…the Forums just isn’t the right place for some people. There are a few people I wouldn’t miss, that’s for sure.
I was getting tired of it, honestly. On top of spending too much time on it, I actually started finding it stressful to deal with some people.
It was around the middle of the year. Probably earlier.
Definitely. The Forums seems far less toxic than it used to be - I remember being psychoanalysed by a complete stranger for saying “It seems that Moira gets PoTG every game…”
Two paragraphs of someone assuming my entire life and identity for one sentence that I used 0.1% of my brain-power to write.
ASDFJLASDKFJ this but also when people toss in the word ‘strawman’ for effect.
like no sir, we are not on the high school debate team. this is a game forum.
I was actually thinking about this other very active user. But the one you’re talking about is third place
LOL that’s just sad.
But yeah, most of the people left are super chil… I dunno why so many people have suddenly become so chill. Maybe there’s less of a mob? Not sure, but it feels great to come here.
I always try to not associate people with just arguments I’ve had with people but some people apparently take these things personally and just sit there and will fight with you even when you’re not fighting with them anymore…
i also feel like (and this may just be me but) once you’ve participated in one grand forums argument you’ve participated in them all. esp with politically charged topics. it’s always the same arguments, the same responses, and the same padlock icon.
PLEASE the amount of times I’ve seen people pull out extinct words to appear educated when you can just use simple words and not be complicated about your argument LMAO
UGH yeah lol. Or they invalidate everything you’ve said because you used one minor ad-hom. Honestly as long as you can provide a compelling argument, a few debate sins are acceptable in my book.
I feel the same - Maybe it’s because there are less people?
Maybe you were sleeping in the UK?
Thank you! You, too!
The bigger words you use, the dumber you become.
This is a joke by the way, Mods…
oh hey thanks you too
it’s been a rough year but i hope everyone in the very least gets some time to relax and maybe drink copiously eat some yummy food
Oh my god, I remember this LGBT thread where me and this guy argued for like a day, we went through the topic of LGBT → representation → world politics → China/Hong Kong and then we spiralled back to the topic of LGBT…