"We need a Mercy!"

So your argument is back to “pickrates can’t shift in almost 2 months of time”?

How is this at all related to the above post?

Because there’s a good amount of time between June and August.

And because less than 2 months ago, Mercy was tied with Moira in pickrate.

But a shift like that is impossible, right?

Still not sure how this ties into this:

Every now and then I get asked to play Mercy, but it’s always due to Hanzo and Pharah. I’m a Mercy Main, but it’s a little boring to play her when I don’t want to, just because of that amp’d dragon grav combo.

So we’re back to arguing if Mercy isn’t OP unless she’s OP for 100% of the playerbase, huh? 99% isn’t good enough to be OP.


Once again:


August and June.

Different times, different pickrates.

According to frandz that play the console style, they say Mercy was pretty much meta always and mass rez was a nightmare. Shrug.

Mass rez was a problematic trash ult that just gave people an adrenaline rush in mid tiers. It’s good it’s gone, and everyone needs to move on and look forward tbh. It’s sad that after all this time people still MASS REZ MASS REZ OMFG MASS REZ.

The last change was in February, and that was a buff. If it put Mercy in an OP spot, that would have been recognized immediately.

Like initial rework, for example.

The complaints about her being “OP” didn’t begin until 2 months after the latest change to or relative to her.

Ah, just like how Mercy pickrate would have “immediately” gone back to December levels after the January nerf?


Recognized immediately by who? You surely can’t be referring to the forums or Blizzard. Both fail at immediately recognizing things to an amazing degree. Pro style? Mass rez will just be used to bring up Pharah. Like… Always.

They should be balancing consoles separately anyway, like they said they would in the first place.

Elaborate on that.

As most ults do (sorry, Symmetra).

But in low and high tiers it suddenly lost the adrenaline rush?

That’s an interesting assertion, being I sure as hell still had the adrenaline rush when using it properly.

Bringing mass rez back is a way of looking forward, because bringing back the 1.x version would be a hell of a lot more balanced and enjoyable than whatever we have now.

It’s sad that after all this time we still have this flaming garbage rework that has only served to cause problems.

There’s no recoil from a buff.

There’s zero learning curve from a buff, and zero learning curve from a “hey maybe Ana gets dived a lot”.


Is that why it took forever for Season5 Dva to become meta prior to Season5, despite receiving those buffs many months prior?

It was used to bring up Pharah at the highest tiers of play. In ladder you get this hide and rez nonsense etc. It wasn’t a good ult.

Meh. Pulse bomb never gives me an adrenaline rush. Esp not now.

Low tiers probably got it. High tiers, Pharah rez.

No. Still incentivizes Mercy to let team mates die, contradictory to the fundamentals of her hero design, etc, etc. We’ve done this dance before.

Yo we agree on that. Blizzard really sucks at reworking.

I am referring to exactly that. The forums aren’t always necessarily correct in their statements, but when a hero truly is buffed from a balanced/sub-par state into an overpowered state, that is recognized immediately.

Bastion? Less than an hour after going live for the forums to thoroughly crap itself.
Mercy 2.x? 20 minutes.

Ascribing a singular stance to the forum is fundamentally flawed. Obviously. This is some haphazard jigsaw of opinions etc etc. As far as the forum knowing what they’re talking about? Lol god no. Every nerf after Mercy 2.0 was “OMFG SHE’S RUINEDDDDD” if you took the general vibe of the forums.

Nah. Forums don’t know what they’re talking about. Some people do, but not the forums as a whole in some sort of consensus way.

Meaning that those who were already good with the hero would flat out become much better with that hero instantly.

Buffs work as magnets. If you buff a hero, more people will play them for a period afterwards, regardless as to how balanced they are.

Likewise, if you nerf a hero, fewer people will play them for a period afterwards, regardless as to how balanced they are. That’s recoil.

When an OP hero gets nerfed, they’re going to see a decline in pickrate, even if they are still OP. This happened with some of Mercy 2.x’s previous nerfs, some of which dropped her overall competitive pickrate from 16% to 7% for a week… And then it rebounded back to where it was before.

Season 5’s meta (Dive meta, typical heroes were Winston, Lucio, Tracer, Genji, Zenyatta, D.Va) was not a result of any one hero being too powerful. It just happened that said set of heroes synergized better together than any other composition of heroes, possibly due to the winston and Zenyatta buffs that came in late March, and a slight buff to Genji in May. None of these changes made the individual heroes overpowered, but did net a large buff to the overall composition.

After all this months people still wasting efforts with Mercy-Players?.

Mercy-players are too blinded because their Fanboyism and is not posible talk in a rational way with them.

They ignore evidence like pick-rate, performance stats "Give me back REZ i dont care if i ruin the game for everyone i want have my fun back" is like prz…