"We need a Mercy!"

Are you referring to the pro-scene? That is correct. I rarely saw this in the higher tiers in the ladder, unless the team was running PharMercy as an independent strategy (which wasn’t a good idea considering that those tiers also happen to have the best people at aiming in the game; a Widowmaker there could counter that 2 for 1).

Which was more detrimental than helpful to the team, was blown way out of proportion, and was the result of an SR exploit. Instead of fixing the problem (the SR exploit), they fixed something that wasn’t broken and gave us an even more broken rework.

I guess that depends upon how you use it.

Not true, in my experience.

It does not, as letting teammate die feeds the enemy ultimate charge rather than baiting them to expend ultimates, and screws the team over in the post-rez fight.

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That was before the change went live.

Ironically, the people who were saying “Mercy is now garbage, thank goodness” would do a 180 and go back to demanding nerfs after the change went live.

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Yeah but that was also the era of “oh we have the Mercy main gg” when it came to GM. Number advantage and momentum is too strong in highly coordinated play for mass rez to really have a place.

Nah in the lower and mid tiers it was actually a viable strat. Capitalized on poor coordination with very little coordination required.

Not really. I get my enjoyment from the kit, the ult is just… Something to use for me.

Yeah outside of pro play I could see there being more reward for it. I mean hide and rez got all the way to like t500, as rare as it might have been there.

Your team uses no ults, tries to kill the Zarya with grav. Baits their team to use ults. Rez and win.

So long as 1 button press can be anything from 1-5 people instantly rezzed at 100% HP, there will be incentivize to allow people to die and hopefully get value in their reckless play to maximize the return on your Q press.

Sure. Before the changes went live EVERY SINGLE TIME. Mercy mains remind us often of how many different nerfs there were etc. Each time… Same sad story. And when live… You had these drops in her pick rates as ppl were like OMFG I can play Ana now… And then the Mercy pickrate crept back up.

Forum in general has an absolutely horrible understanding of the game. And a very bad memory.

This is highly ironic being that your first contribution to an argument is meant to be inflammatory rather than relevant.

Elaborate on that. Show me what pickrates I have missed.

Hang on, let me fix this so it is relevant to pre-rework Mercy…

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You would be correct to say that tempo-Resurrections were more common the higher in ranks a player climbs. But only Pharah? That is incorrect. It was rare to have a Pharah on the team, much less both a Pharah and a Mercy, being that both of these heroes had low pickrates for their class (I’m excluding defense heroes because they all were flaming garbage at the time. Most still are).

In which case it literally came down to a “learn to counter” problem.

I would still find a Pulse Bomb in a Graviton Surge exiting.

Those last two parts would fail in an equally-matched game if the Mercy was hiding, as the team of 5 would lack the sustain to carry out those conditions.

And proceed to get 2-3 ults in your face before being able to move.

Why is punishing reckless play suddenly a bad thing?

And each time, players went back to complaining about Mercy.

I agree with this, but they aren’t always wrong, especially when it’s a lot of people complaining unanimously immediately after a change.

Try being a mercy main that plays something other than mercy ;-;

Since the rework the community post and re-post evidence about Mercy pick rate and stats OVER-OVER if you will act “Oh show me that” there are 500 topics about that and you probably IGNORED during this time right?

Good try continue losing your time asking for mercy reverts. That will NEVER happen while mercy keep a good pick rate between all the ranks because BLIZZARD balance heros based on THAT


So where are they?

If that were true, Mercy never would have been reworked in the first place.

Speaking of stats, the implied assertion you are making (that Mercy is balanced as-is) is also incorrect:
We Need to Dispel Some Myths About Mercy

eh, don’t hold your breath then, another rework is basically the only way they can fix this trainwreck which i doubt we’ll see any time soon. Res should never have been an ability … which…ppl have said before the rework but oh well…
not to mention, her being the only true healer and the most reliable while ALSO have the ability to negate a pick every 30s makes her too good to pass up…
in addition to like…Ana being garbage and others being either unreliable or offhealers…bleh…

If you remove rez from Mercy, Ana isn’t “trash” anymore. That’s the only thing that makes Mercy OP.


i doubt they’d remove it completely to be honest, but maybe locking it behind valk? but yeah, maybe no E res would help Ana a bit, tho barriers seem to eff her up a lot…but then again i’m not to sure about what could help Ana in general, she just seems too high skill no reward so I can’t rly say much like…you can be equally if not even more useful with other healers with way more effort…

I’m doing good with Ana In master ranked. Anti-heal is huge. It wins team fight very easily.
As I said when I play Ana I’m always : " I can’t rez that " . I never feel like I would be doing me sup job better with Mercy. Except if we have pharah maybe.

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The only barrier that really messes with Ana is Winston’s since it’s a giant dome. Every other barrier can be worked around for the most part. The only reason people think Ana’s bad is because Winston is Ana’s hard counter, and Mercy’s rework took away dive’s weakness making Winston a must pick for 4-5 seasons. Now Winstons barley being played and Ana’s pickrate’s increasing. This meta is actually perfect for Ana, but Mercy just does the bare minimum easier and still has res for the off chance something dies without grav+dragon.

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They should give her another rework… I always thought of the ‘resurrect as a normal ability’ rework as a bit of a band-aid situation… need to brainstorm a way of making into a multi-hero res ultimate again… but it must be hard, or else they would’ve thought of something by now

im guessing it also has to do with teams being more organized the higher you go…last time i played comp was like, 2-3 seasons ago and I was around 3150…it was really hard making people not scatter around so i can do my job…
as for Mercy, i really do think they messed up with the rework, she was considered garbage before the invincibility was added to the res…everyone preferred other healer’s utility compared to Mercy (Lucio/Zen anyone?) … but E res plus her Valk (which is way more useful than ppl give it credit tbh) is just…yeah, why wouldn’t you have her?

ah i gotta agree with this…same goes for Moira…why bother with Ana, especially in lower ranks when you got Mercy and Moira…
also, i think it’s also a people problem, like, with Sym’;s new tele, Ana can get to the high ground yet people still don’t like having a Sym on their team :confused: (most of the time ppl call her garbage but like, her ult can be so useful when you place it right…tele as well…meh)

edit: also, i think we’ll see more Ana when Hammond goes live…Ana and Zen are awesome against him…well, at least it seems that way on PTR, guess we’ll see when it hits live, but, i’m hoping it will be like that

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A team with a mercy, vs a team without makes the game a 7v6.

Also you can’t pull off the meta combo, which is baaad…

So what was her problem when Mercy ws D tier and only shined below plat where Ana a high skill cap hero was her only competition.

The issue with Ana is this leaves most of your dps screwed.

You can’t easily hit the Pharah in the air.

Let alone the bouncing Genji or the unpredictability of a Tracer.

Add in the fact you can’t get to high ledges to do decent shots because you have no mobility and LOS becomes an issue for even the not so mobile heros.

Add in the piss poor hard to aim long cooldown escape tool that is sleep dart and you are a s flanker’s favorite piece of candy right there.


You can play Ana with great skill and get on average C+ results.

You can play Mercy with the same great skills and get A - results.

Ana has a very fun kit but fun does not necessarily mean good when compared to the game.

Add in Ana’s faulty inconsistent weaknesses like her being the only sniper without a climb and the only healer without a self heal; not to mention the only healer who has to aim dead accurate to get results, and you have a healer that has to jump through WAY too many hoops to do their main job.

I wonder if the upcoming dive/tank meta is meant to suit Ana - “Moira can’t keep up with dive and Mercy can’t easily rez or heal tanks enough, surely this will fit Ana?”.

I doubt it will make a difference though, we’ll probably continue to see Mercy and Zen.