"We need a Mercy!"

I just gave real facts about the potential of Ana in casual/average rank, based on my personnal experiences with me playing her.

You on the other hand just assumed without any proof that 100% all my games won with Ana was just 1 sided, as if you played with me.
Did we duo-queue together since season 7 by any chance ?

No and your facts can easily be shot down as correlation /=/ causation. The fact that you had different supports does not necessarily mean it changed the outcome of the game. Ana has too many weaknesses and is only run because Mercy is so god damn boring.

dude u’ve been at this since the old forums, will ya drop it? she was F tier before invincibility and the rework, chill, it’s literally her stupid res that’s the problem…
which is also a problem cause, at low-ish ranks not nearly enough people focus her while she’s standing there for 2s and resing while shining like a damn beacon lol.

still, i doubt they will touch her any time soon, cause they messed up a lot, plus a lot of other heroes are garbage * cough * Ana *cough * Sombra *cough *
so ya…we’re still stuck with Meryc

also, i so called it that even with nerfs she’d still be good lol.

And also, the fact that 1 team had a mercy and the other not, doesn’t mean Mercy changed the outcome of the game.

That’s fair, but I just don’t see any reason you would pick Ana over Mercy. Even in tank meta Ana only surpassed Mercy in Grandmasters

Actually, she doesn’t.

Well i don’t play mercy :joy:

And Mercy + Ana works in my average/casual rank

She’d need a rework to make that happen, though.

Valkyrie is by its very nature an “ez mode”. You can’t make it harder to preform with without turning it into a completely different ability.

Rez on E is harder to preform already, but the “statue mode simulator” is more of a skillcheck of everyone around Mercy, instead of Mercy herself.

“Make Mercy harder to preform well with” would have been an easier task during mass rez, since making that harder to pull off would have been as simple as placing additional restrictions on it (e.g. a cast time and a LoS check). Such changes would have played into the balanced “consistent base kit, situational ult” design Mercy had back then.

The nerfs to mass rez could have been compensated by giving Mercy an E ability that she can use during the midfight (instead of being railroaded into playing for rez all the time). It could have been a skillshot, or something that demands very precise timing (similar to what it takes to be good with Zarya bubbles, or Winston’s jumps).

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Raw power. A good Ana player can carry a game in a way that Mercy just can’t… or couldn’t.

Ana heals for 90 HPS, +50% more than Mercy.
Ana’s Nade can bump that up to 135 HPS. Good luck cutting through that.
She’s literally the only source of anti healing in the game.
Sleep dart is still the strongest CC ability in the game bar none, and can be as impactful as a Widow headshot.
Sleep dart counters so many ults… so many.
Nano Boost turns one teammate into a veritable wrecking ball without preventing Ana from using the rest of her insane kit.

All of that pales in comparison to E Resurrect. Man advantage is SO GOOD that any 6v5 fight is nearly guaranteed to go to the 6. And Mercy starts the game with it, gets it for free every 30s, and it is a point and click ability.

I would rather have the somewhat lower charge requirement. The most important part of moving Ressurect to her Ultimate is that she won’t have Rez up during the first 30-40 seconds of the game. Meaning if someone dies at the very beginning of the match, they will stay dead.

Ana is work man. Like, I understand that playing her is fun and challenging etc, but honestly, it’s borderline masochistic. You can get at the VERY LEAST similar results, and on average much better, just playing Mercy and not worrying about things like aim or trying to clutch a play.

Mercy is just so safe. It’s relaxing to play Mercy, or Brig. Compared to… well literally anyone else.

I can punish poor play while being relatively forgiven for poor positioning when playing Tracer. I can do the same while playing Brig. Difference? I don’t have to try nearly as hard with Brig. Relaxing.

Same thing with Ana and Mercy. Sure. I could, potentially, do better and clutch out plays on Ana, but that requires a lot of work on my part. Or I could roll Mercy, achieve great value with half the effort. So why Ana? To just say I can? Meh.

It’s not like Brigitte is some sort of hard counter for me as Tracer. I erase Brigittes a lot as Tracer, 6m radius lul. But the amount of effort I need to put in to make Tracer work is just not worth it. I’ll go Hanzo, or Brig, or Mercy, and basically provided the necessary amount of value for my team to not feel like I’m throwing, at a fraction of the effort. No brainer.

To be fair to her, her ult is currently less powerful than her old one, she needed a buff during Season 4 because her kit was undertuned and 50 HPS used to be her healing in beta and Lucio was a better main healer than she was.

Hey, I’ll keep pushing this issue until they finally nerf her down to balanced. I don’t care how.

Or until I finally get fed up and quit the game, I suppose.

It’s normal mercy is an op must pick, what do you expect ?

Expect her to be on equal grounds with her support counterparts?

No. Because if that basic equipment were keeping her OP now, she would have been OP prior to the rework.


She was OP prior to rework, for 99% of the playerbase.

*Popular for 2/3rds, you mean.

If she was OP, we would have seen that in higher ranks, like we are now.

Why is 1% of the playerbase, the logical fig leaf you hide behind?


Because every OP hero has been a part of the meta, if they aren’t defining it by themselves.

You are once again equating general pickrate to actual power. I might remind you once again that Mercy had a higher general pickrate than Ana in season 3.