We buffed Reaper!

Problem is that percent buff can just repeat the God Bastion situation when he get the ironclad, if his self healing make him too much of undying killing machine who barely needs any teamwork.
So i kinda afraid they will tune that down to 25% before even going live.

I have to say, I think Blizzard is handling the Reaper buffs in the correct way. Giving a series of small buffs and adjustments until he finally finds himself in the meta is the right way to buff a hero. Too many times weā€™ve seen reworks totally alter a characters nature and role, catapulting them into the top tier of usage. This is a much healthier way to manage the game long term, and itā€™s a process I hope they stick to in the future.

he actually sounds a bit scary nowā€¦canā€™t wait to see it on PTR when i get homeā€¦hope itā€™s as good as it sounds, he deserves it <3

All we need now is a rework of his E

Reaper is pretty good now, pretty impressed.

Between reaper hog and mercy alot of people are going to be getting deleted

Not to mention the life steal buff as well. Not only will Reaper be more viable with his guns, but he will also live longer thanks to just that 10% increase.

Reaper can frequently get quad kills with his ultimate easily if he is good. It doesnā€™t need a rework.

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Ya, maybe in low elo against 6 dpses that dont include McCreeā€¦ and he might still die.

Why wouldnā€™t he just drink tequila?

well as most of players are plat and below, in which Reaper is too easy to play and destroy everything, this buff will be bad for those elo

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Everyone here is so happy I hate to be the one butā€¦ people have been testing it out on the PTR and either itā€™s bugged, or the change didnt have the intended consequence causeā€¦ heā€™s worseā€¦

Sorry =/

EDIT: Experiments with Reaper changes show them to be a nerf

be sure to check out the images and videos, donā€™t just go off the opinions :stuck_out_tongue:


I donā€™t get itā€¦ every game I play in already has a reaper, usually one on each team. Why give him a buff if heā€™s already heavily played?

Because he can one shot someone or do 10 damage aiming at the same spot from the same distance. He needed consistency.

imo, the concept of shadowstep skill isnā€™t bad, it is the implementations of it that was bad. For example, the animation lock and mobility lock.

only in bronze/silver lolā€¦

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I agree, this buff is probably the worst they coulda done, buffs him in low elo, where hes already dominant and hardly makes a difference in the high-elo where hes horribly weak (Not to mention the horrible 25-30% overral nerf to his dps while not on melee range)ā€¦ Just B****ard things.

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yeah but thats life most characters get balanced at high level for the 10 % top people, but in plat and below all those changes are not balanced (especially reaper its so easy to have impact with him there). but of course people will try adapt:)

So I must be ignoring it happening in high plat

You know the spread thing is a nerf because now you have dead zones and the pattern is now a bullseye shape instead of an area where the pellets will hit.

So instead of doing a fixed spread pattern thatā€™s the shape of a square, diamond or triangle or what ever, theyā€™re using a bullseye pattern with lots of dead zonesā€¦ enforcing the fact that his shotguns are only good at arms reach distance and anything beyond that the pellets turn into cotton candy.

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Is high plat so weak in your zone? Or are you just exaggerating something that happened once or twice in 100 games? Or are this memories from a few months ago?

I honestly just donā€™t trust your use of a word ā€œfrequentlyā€ - sorry, itā€™s nothing personal, it just feels like it was a BS statement.

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