We buffed Reaper!

Mountain Dew would blend better with Rum

The saddest part is that this also doesnt impact high-elo well enough either, Again, it JUST makes him stronger when hes already strong, wich is low-elo 'n terrible misplays pretty much… hes still going to be horrible into armor/barriers/snipers/mobility/D.va/CC 'n thats what makes him bad at high-elo.

People do have more help when people ult in plat so generally a reaper comes in from above with ult and usually will get the supports during the ult and tanks after if not during. Usually receiving a harmony orb or zarya bubble during the process. Doesn’t happen every game there is a reaper but I still see reapers about 1/3 of the games do this.

On the other hand his ult lacks in range (lucio boop can save whole team, hanzo can jump out unless you ult on top of him) and burst (its dps is lower than normal shooting).
With the current amount of shields, armor, stun and stop effects, negations and just focus fire, it makes his ult one of the worst in the game.
I must say that a few months ago I’ve seen Reaper ult really have an impact, but currently I find it to be a real rare sight. Also when it happens, it usually is in games against teams that are steamrolled anyway by every ult.

Imagine Nano Boosting reaper now! he will heal for 20% of his Nano boosted Attack!!