✅ Want shorter DPS queue times?

The Dev team debate ideas between them, as much as we debate ideas between us on the forums. Just chill.

There really isn’t a good solution though. The best solution to lowering dps queue times is to just completely remove role queue. However, the same people will start complaining again about solo healing and tanking, trash comps, etc. If you go to a 4-1-2 or a 3-2-1 the least favored roles will still complain. 2-2-2 role queue is just the most fair (in theory).

The problem with long dps queue times has more to do with player preference than role queue. So, Blizzard has to look at how to change the players preferences. Evident by how they added loot boxes and other prizes to support and tank queues. So, the real question is; How do you shift the preferences of the player base from dps to other roles? I’d say good luck to Blizzard on that, because the only real solution is removing role queue (which would be a mistake in my opinion). People’s preferences ain’t changing over night, and definitely not for any loot boxes and credits.

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Dude, you dont solve the problem by PUNISHING people that is doing nothing wrong, do you get that? Please use a regular IRL reasoning and logic and see how what you are dropping here makes 0 sense.

Thats not a solution pal, thats a deterrent. Its like increasing the prices to Males in a Club because you want more Females to go in. You DONT do that, you LOWER the prices for Females customers.
Get it now?

Literally added a solution that would in fact work. My proposal is 100 times better than yours because it doesnt PUNISH anyone.

Oh, yes, I agree. That is the only solution I offered because I believe it is literally the only way to address the problem. Role queue needs to swim with the fish.

Goes against the integrity of competitive.

This is not a good solution.

Is this the solution you were mentioning? If so, I don’t really understand what it means.

Except that then tank and support players will be unhappy again. Many streamers, OWL, and YouTubers praised it. If Blizzard goes back on role queue now than it would show the player base that they prefer dps players over tank and support players. Role queue is a good way to show the player base that “hey we care about all roles here, and they’re all going to get played.” I just don’t see what decision Blizzard can make that doesn’t make it look like they prefer one role over the others.

The issue is not role queue, it is when and how the implemented it. If they had a year to make it work and this is the effort they put forth, there is realistically nothing we can do because they do not care about tanks, supports, or DPS. Clearly.

Dude … do you read the posts you reply to?
Its on my first post, last sentences. Seriously pay attention before replying for the sake of replying. I will make a thread about it, it seems that too many people want to punish others for the sake of it.

I don’t think coins or lootboxes are compelling rewards to people with the excessive playtime to reach really high ranks.

Which is why I mentioned rewards out SR boosts could work. Because that’s what people at those ranks really care about.

I agree with this. Way more time should have been put into role queue. However, they needed dps back in OWL and for Goats to die for good.

Could you elaborate on this (if you don’t mind) please? It seems to me that most tank and support (mains not flex) players are pretty happy with the change. I play mostly tanks and I’m pretty happy right now. It seemed to me that dps and flex players were the ones suffering here. How does Blizzard not care about tanks and supports? Most people just say it’s dps they don’t care about form what I’ve seen and read.

Who the hell is talking about coins or lootboxes?
Man … you are not getting it arent you? Well here it is:

There you go.

I was just implying they do not care about the playerbase as a whole because the system was rushed. No new content. Staggered releases. Tanks still have a victim mentality because of how much Blizzard has nerfed them over time and introduced truck loads of cc.

It is obviously overly pessimistic, but I feel they care less about the playerbase and more about just meeting Activision’s standards… Which surely isn’t happening either.

This would be true…but everything you stated above is actually true and we should feel angry and annoyed by it. I call that keen observations not pessimism.

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the best way is probaly increase the amount of players in a game lol 2-2-4dps

Gotcha. That doesn’t really work because of RoleBasedSR.

A GM DPS is probably not going to be a GM Tank or Healer.

So them filling on Tank/Healer is kinda meaningless.

Good initiative though.

I mean the devs are not perfect, and while a lot of the ideas on these forums are pretty terrible, some people actually have decent humble suggestions that could actually work (not saying this one is though).

It does though if you establish a 500 SR limit for example.
Then again, that encourages Flexing so many GM DPS could go for it, which again, helps a lot.

My suggestion either works like a charm or just does nothing, yours literally punishes everyone that queues as DPS. I think the options are clear.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Yeah, but then it’s only a small subset of DPS who can Flex to GM tier Tanks/Healers.

And a subset of those who are agreeable to flexing.

And regardless it still inflicts a time penalty.
(Although, agreed, playing on Tank/Healer is much better than staring at a timer)

The cost is time in queue though.

This mechanism is already in place.