Not this
More of these roles aint gonna fix the fact that everyone just aants to mindlessly blow up the enemy team
That’s similar. Same conclusion. But there’s variations on the arguments used, and presentation methods.
Which you couldve just put in your first thread instead of creating a duplicate.
Would kinda defeat the purpose to present a different rhetorical style at the bottom of a thread with over a hundred posts on it.
If you haven’t noticed, a lot of design is iterative, with variations and tweaks until you get to a best solution.
Add mindless tanks and suppor… Wait a minute.
Just no dude.
Why are you keen on giving less SR to DPS? Everyone deserves the win and the reward just as much. If your performance is not up to par, then you have the performance based SR bonus in the ranks it is intended.
You are just hating and taking rewards from DPS for absolutely no reason. Let me spell it out for you :
SR Gains/Losses are not the problem or have absolutely nothing to do with the queues.
- If they managed it dynamically and advertised it when selecting a role giving a percentage SR boost to Tanks/Healers could work.
- If you don’t change the population sizes, the problem isn’t going to go away. Literally nothing else will work.
No you just want to spam a new thread so that people don’t see that others already explained why your idea is bad.
I couldn’t get much of a straight answer on that actually. Some people didn’t like it, but gave virtually no justifying reasons why.
Then you didnt even bother to read your first thread, making this thread even more pointless because you wont read this one either and spam another duplicate later.
Next thread will probably be approaching it from a different design angle, working on that one already
Welcome to the iterative design process.
Then I’ll just hope mods and people see you’re just spamming and ignore/lock your duplicates.
And you’re not changing anything. It’s the same dumb idea.
You call it spam, I call it coming up with good ideas.
That mysteriously keep getting implemented into the game
I prefer healing than blowing up the enemy, except the crutch of the issue is, unless one enjoys spending 1000 hours on Mercy, than the only way to experience variety in this game is to dip into the vast pool of dps heroes. There’s STILL more DPS than tanks and healers combined.
The only way this works is if you convert some of the existing dps heroes into tank and support heroes. People want to deal damage not create space and absorb damage for their team. At this point most people are just really attached to their heroes, many of the dps heroes have very magnetic personalities. So, much that if Mei for example were moved to the tank role, people wouldn’t stop using her. Her player base would probably follow her. So, would Bastions to if it were converted into an off tank.
Adding more tank and healers wouldn’t make people want to magically start to want to heal and make space. IMO moving some of the more popular dps heroes to other roles would probably move players to those roles. Obviously the heroes have to match those roles. For example, no moving Soldier to tank lol. I think it would be much easier with tanks than healers, but that’s fine because tanks are the most pressing need anyway.
I have an average queue time of ~30 minutes, I haven’t played since I hit 25 games because my favorite game has become 4 hours of queue, 30 minutes of gameplay. A total waste of time.
Pretty sure someone whose solution is to ignore the problem does not care about how long we have to wait. Rofl. Some of the people here are just a complete lost cause and realistically not worth engaging with. Surprised Falcon is getting so much hate for daring to do what the developers won’t… And try to find a solution.
GreyFalcon is a creative Blizz’s Dev disguised as a forum member collecting data about people’s opinions and reactions to possible solutions to OW’s problems.
So the dps who were in diamond, are now lower, and then would cush lower rank games yet will still remain in lower teir games.
They wouldnt keep a dev who comes up with these ideas
These threads never consider consueqences or side effects