Want shorter DPS queue times in Diamond, Masters and GM?
Only good way to do it, is to reduce the amount of DPS in those skill tiers.
Easiest way to do that? Make it harder for DPS to climb and maintain rank, in Diamond, Masters, and GM. (Less SR gains, bigger SR losses)
Less DPS in higher skill tiers
Lower DPS queue times
A chunk of DPS derank towards larger population
Lower DPS queue times
A Perception is created that “It’s easier to climb with Tanks/Healers”
Lower DPS queue times
Yeah, it isn’t going to feel the greatest for everybody. But it really is a question if fixing the problem is important. If you don’t reshape the population, the problem isn’t going to go away.
And if they don’t fix the problem, this game is going to lose a lot of prominent DPS to other games. Which will dumb down the game, and deprive it of a lot of free advertising from Streamers.
I think that would result in massive queue times at low-mid tiers and really only help the high-level DPS players. Instead of a bell curve distribution, we’d have a one-sided distribution that looks basically like a 90-degree angle downward from low to high.
I don’t think this part is correct. I think it will just result in higher queue times of DPS players in Gold/Plat/Diamond or wherever you mean by larger population.
Same thing been said about hero limits when that thing came.
222 isnt end of the world, neither longer que times (WHICH WERENT EVEN THAT MUCH DIFFERENT BEFORE 222 BTW) If people were smart they’d multitask, play something else or watch videos while waiting in que just like other people have done instead of complaining about it)
Also, a lot of players like me & my friends + streamer’s been coming back to this game cause of 222… So it’s not really bad ‘‘business decision’’.
And you think lowering dps player’s sr reward is the best option to do so?
‘‘Unnecessary suffering’’ really? LOL 222 comes with consiquenses just like Jeff himself said. And he specially said that dps players do have longer que times cause there’s so friiking many of 'em.
If people really wanted shorter que times they’d que with a friend/s whos playing tank/support or they’d play tank/support themselvs, or do the things what I said while waiting in que.