✅ Want shorter DPS queue times?

Give me 5 skillful and influential people that are ‘quitting the game’ cause of 2-2-2 role lock change.

Cause I am not seeing it. I am actually seeing ‘skillful dps mains’ playing other roles and it makes their streams more interesting.

Is 2-3-2 the answer I seriously wonder

Yeah, that’s a cost that will make people quit.

I’d gladly take making the game more challenging for the highest skill tier DPS players, over causing those same players to quit the game.

You know. I still don’t think it would fix the queue time issue.

But it wouldn’t make it worse, and it would make the situation a lot more bearable.

So yeah, the idea is really growing on me. :slight_smile:


since you have really only shown that you hate dps and want free sr for playing tank(by making multiple posts about the exact same thing), im gonna report this as spam

and you think that the “idea” that you have is not gonna make even more people quit?

“Some of you will die, but thats a risk I am willing to take” - Lord Farquad

they will leave if that stupid idea is implemented.

Bet you I’ve made more DPS buff threads than you have :slight_smile:

This is actually not the worst idea i have heard the last couple of days.

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I dont advocate for that many dps buffs because I think the game is good as it is.

and I was referring to how all “solutions” you have come up with are almost nothing but destroying the competitive part of the game and making dps suffer. the number of dps buff posts you make have absolutely nothing to do with this.

The problem is too many DPS in High ranks.

That problem isn’t going to go away, unless you make there be less DPS in High ranks.

So remove 222 and the queues go away

or maybe because there are not that many people in high ranks are the problem. should we throw a lot of golds up to them to even it out :thinking: (using your own logic here)

so we throw away everything competive just because you want to “fix” a problem which is a natural thing that happens in skill rating ladders. the “fix” is gonna create far more problems than it solves.

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Says something if you can’t make an argument that:

  • Doesn’t take a structural problem with the game personally
  • Doesn’t seem to understand the topic of discussion
  • Relies on a big exaggeration as your main method of reasoning.

Got any real arguments?

This just might be the worst suggestion I’ve ever seen on this forum. I presume math isn’t your strong suite. You already need to have over 50% winrate to keep your rank at GM. Do you know why they can keep that over 50% winrate without constantly dropping other people away from GM? Because they also play against Masters. It’s a ripple effect that goes through the entire spectrum of SR, from the number 1 ranked top500 player all the way to the lowest SR player in bronze.

Giving less SR for wins than losses take away causes a slow dropdown of ALL dps players. You might think that the good players will stabilize and rank up because they can then carry but you’d be wrong, because those best dps players would be playing against other best dps players as everyone else has already been pushed lower. You’d have top500/OWL pro players drop into diamond and they’d still keep dropping down since every match would have 2 pro’s on both teams, meaning only 2 of them can win and 2 of them have to lose, pushing them lower and lower. If there were no personal performance boost over time we’d run into situation where the highest ranking dps players would be somehere in the silver SR and everybody else in bronze. If the matchmaker still kept searching for proper ranked people plat+ healers and tanks would have infinite queue time, ie. they would never get a match since there are no dps players to put into their games.

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More variety may stop people leaving the game.

It may get people playing more of the role.

It may get people from other roles find a hero they like.

It may get tank / supports playing more tank / support a night.

If it isn’t going to change numbers at all, then I’m happy for all future hero releases to be tank / support since you think it won’t lead to dps players leaving.

And now people who fill have crazy long DPS queue times again.

How about rather than abusing the team players in the game we get a real solution.

Glad you understand the concept. Because that’s exactly the intention of this idea. To shift a chunk of DPS down, in a very gradual way. A “cascade” if you will. That’s not a bug, that’s the feature.

But it seems like you’re missing the part where if it’s possible you make the drop too big, it’s also possible to find a number that’s just right.

Also it wouldn’t need to be ALL the DPS, just the ones at Plat and above. With 2500SR being the peak of the population bell curve.

Or maybe even make it dynamically adjust the higher the skill curve goes.
Or adjust it dynamically by region and skill tier, proportional to the amount of Healers/DPS.

You still aren’t understanding it. It would drop every single dps player. It’s not possible to climb in a system where you lose points by having 50% winrate while playing against equally skilled players. Do you understand what is the point of ranking system?

You suggestion is about as crazy as saying people with certain colored skin need to have higher/lower adjusted SR.

So if they reduced SR rewards by even -1, that would cause Top500’s to drop to Bronze?
Or is that just exaggerated fear mongering?

And if that’s too small to matter, and it’s possible to make that number too big.
By definition a number exists in between that would work perfectly.