+VE Feedback ? Communication DEPARTMENT EXPLAIN PLEASE

“We Only Hear ++++++POSITIVE FEEDBACK”

COMMUNICATION TEAM THIS TOOK ME 15 mins to put together all these are from just past week or two,




This is just from this week and not even all of them













I could post a lot but i want the page to load so keeping it low on tweets




Matchmaking is so good now blizzard fixed it all, am i right, am i right guys

These are just troll account from other less successful dev accounts like fortnite elsen ring apex etc

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good idea to compile all these. i really hope it ends up catching someones eye. i’m a day 1 ow1 player and i’ve loved this game throughout every point in its life up until season 3… even though i’m ranked the highest i’ve ever been, the game has been the least fun to me because of the matchmaking it literally feels like i can’t play the game.


like its not even scratching the surface, like there is a ton on all media especially twitter i left it out cause the memes and swearing there will get me banned if i post lol.

Its a complete joke that they say its all positive feedback.


Bruh, I don’t see any difference in matchmaking lmao all 12 of my games today have been stomps. Nothing new.


lol i think they will read



This thread needs more attention. I play like 1 game a day now. I have so much time in OW but i can’t devalue myself enough to sit and play slapped together games and stomach it for long blocks of time like i used to.


Idk man. I feel like this sort of post makes it difficult to navigate when you’re trying to communicate with a public relations point of view.
I would like to mention that I’m all for them actively working on the matchmaker. At worst, it functions very similarly to ow1.

A lot of people did not like ow1 matchmaker. I could be wrong here but I feel the MM gets blown up more maybe because it has more players than it did on the tail end of ow1’s final season. Which is also part of the problem.

We simply don’t know if the old system would have been on par with the new system with more new players in comp, legacy players beating the new players into the ground, and all the changes.

I’m not defending the matchmaker as is so don’t get me wrong please, I don’t feel like the match maker is the best. I also think they shouldn’t use the word “fix” for a system that can never be perfected. Personally, i think the sentiment towards working on the match maker should be similar to hero balance.

I’ve stated before and sometimes when i make posts about the MM I repeat this. They should get a 3rd party to verify the match maker is top notch, if it is. Players wouldn’t believe the MM is good even if it was (not that i believe it is). That would mend some trust with players since we want official and verified competitive integrity.
It’s not the devs working on the mm’s fault that it’s difficult to measure human skill and the immeasurable.

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I think another problem is that the matchmaking’s one sided games from season 1 and 2 was caused from the game being in the early stages of life and people weren’t settling into their ranks yet. You climb so fast in ow2 that it never feels like the matchmaker can keep up and put you in your rank, it always just wants to put you where your mmr is. Overwatch 1 felt like it never had this problem, I’d play the game and every game would have players of my rank. I was about 2800 so I’d see a range between 2600-3000, this was very broad already. If there are more players in 2, and the division being split up from 1-5, it only seems like it would make sense if you, idk, put players in the rank they are? If you are plat 2, the game should place you in games with players that are about 5 tiers within you, similar to how ow1 grabbed players within 500 sr of you. If one sided games are caused, it is because they aren’t settled in their rank, players are not supposed to shoot to what the game thinks they are. You get an unhealthy and unbalanced game of people that don’t belong to be where they are. You can already see this happening with the diamonds getting in T500 matches not even being able to hold a candle. The ideology of “it’s good practice!!11!!” is absolutely ridiculous too. Yeah, your diamond tank is going to be able to do a lot to take out their #22 DPS widow on the other team, but don’t worry! It’s good practice. I just can’t believe they’re saying it’s all positive when you can look at T500 Twitter and see most people talk about these diamonds trolling their matches… It makes sense why we don’t see the other half of the people with matchmaking problems talked about as much. I wouldn’t complain if I was masters in a gold lobby much at all either lol.

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At this point I am convinced that they are just bribing some shills to say something positive one in million just so they can say the feedback is positive.


am I the only one who just stopped caring and moved on like a sane person?

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The Finals is insanely fun. I still like to read the ow2 forums here and there.

F ow2 though. Completely unplayable and devs don’t know what they’re doing.

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Dude, you should look my topic. Because I’m only one who appreciate the matchmaking, not blame it…

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i would gladly move on if i could even play the game. every single game is a t500/gm match and i never even get put into lower matches unless i purposely drop in comp as a diamond… that is in no way how the game should work. the player should never purposely forfeit their rank to be put in diamond matches AS A DIAMOND PLAYER. moving on for me at this point would be creating an alt account so i can actually play and enjoy the game and that should never be the answer. its just very frustrating

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then go play a new game, duh

I am going to guess, just judging by Satelite images online of the area. Blizzard is NOT doing well. The updated 2023 map of that area shows just how few of folks are working at the company right now.

If you look at GOOGLE EARTH of Blizzard Entertainment and do a car count in their parking lot. Its 26 cars on the West lot and 20 in the East lot. Plus the VERY obvious now-empty parking complex from top-view. With considerably LESS than the last google map posting of above the earth.

Alcon labs, which is just East of them, has a full parking lot and they are closed on Saturday and a Sunday. So we can gauge that alone that It was;

  1. During a weekday
  2. Between the hours of 8am-5pm
  3. During the daytime.

So yeah. Compared to “then” and “now”. its SUPER obvious nobody is home.

The TLDR: OP is insulting the communication team but doesn’t even look at the posts he’s linking. He’s just creating drama.

For context and my opinion on Matchmaking So right there are some issues with the matchmaker, anyone that thinks it's perfect is deluded. Personally, I found matchmaking a lot better in season 3 with roles being matched and I can see it. I have seen bad games and one sided stomps but more often due to tilt than matchmaker. Regardless, I'm happy with the system right now.

Now I want to get on to your point. Most of those posts aren’t objective and since you put time into I’ll try and break them down.

Reading the posts Post 1 - 2 death on defense and enemy get's completion on attack on Rein... is bad. Then 1 death on attack while getting a ton of kills without winning... there not hard committing. It's easy to tell their gaslighting the DPS and using their support rank and scoreboard to cope. So it's not a far leap to they would gaslight the Matchmaker.

Post 2 - “The matchmaking IS rigged” if people believe in that they can’t really be objective or be expected not to try there best to win games which does mess up matchmaking
Post 3 - Legit, post guy has GM MMR and is not a GM player and the rank system tells him he’s diamond. They are addressing this but his problem isn’t the matchmaker here.
Post 4 - Legit, confused that ranks don’t match your MMR but his problem isn’t the matchmaker here.
Post 5- Not really complaining about matchmaking but lack of info on the people you are playing. Pretty objective take.
Post 6- “In s4”- they are talking about OW1
Post 7- Likly again another person confused that rank != MMR
Post 8- Winstreak after change in matchmaker… Not indicating a problem really as this could be because it was fix but still this is direct feedback about the matchmaker.
Post 9- Not very clear but could be feedback
Post 10- If true. Legit issue. He doesn’t really explain though or give details.
Post 11-THIS IS NOT FEEDBACK BUT A LINK TO SOMETHING (this kinda reflects badly on you OP that you don’t really care about the topic but want to create controversy)
Post 12- Wild claims with no evidence. There is no feedback here.
Post 13- Asking Dev to be fired. This is just toxic
Post 14- Guy explains his issue and he’s confused. He blames matchmaking but his reasoning is extremely flawed "de-motivating if you are always the support with the most heal ". Support isn’t about healing.
Post 15- This is probably the first good piece of feedback. It explains the issue, and they understand how matchmaking works and should work. THIS IS THE STUFF DEVS NEED AND SHOULD LISTEN TO.
Post 16- While basic this is good feedback to.
Post 17- Not really feedback
Post 18- Nercoing a post… speaking for all ranks… this is venting not feedback.
Post 19-Minor feedback
Post 20- “I’m just going to make a forum post everyday the matchmaking is rigged” not feedback
Post 21- Expects to get free win for buying skins - It’s a joke not feedback.
Post 23- Basic feedback
Post 24- is post 23
Post 25- Not really feedback but is talking about an issue with it so sure I’d say it is.
Post 26- Legit, but again is about rank != MMR
Post 27- Same as post 1

Right summary time.

8 out of the 27(25) posts are actual feedback and I’m counting the posts that are just it’s feeling worse after the update kind of posts.
There are almost as many that are about not understanding rank != MMR (which is a point they’ve talked about and heard the bad feedback) and but more are posts that just aren’t feedback.

You are linking vent posts, trolling posts, posts that don’t have anything to do with matchmaking and even posts that are just links to dev posts and claiming that it’s feedback and it’s proof the commuication team isn’t doing there job.
The fact is it isn’t and it shows either you don’t understand the issue or you’re gaslighting the commuication team.

My opinion on this… if you are going to insult the communication team with accusations about passing people’s feedback on and you’re not even reading the posts all you are doing to creating drama and being a hypocrit.

If you do care about the issue, you’re doing more damage than good imagine if Devs read this post and thought “Oh great someone compiled people’s feedback for us!” then read about some guy gaslighting his team then some other guy going on about how he deserves free win cause he paid for a skin. They’ll instantly ignore it question the value of reading such posts in the future.

At least you’ve highlighted why feedback doesn’t get back to them because of posts like this and those you’ve highlighted out of the 25, only 1 I’d consider was detailed well thought feedback yet it got only got 2 likes on it, for someone that took their time and put in their experience and what they think is happening in context to what has been said about the matchmaker.
Some guy spamming every day that matchmaking is rigged, 18 likes.

So guess what, the community communicates via likes for people to make trolling spam posts, rather than actual detailed feedback posts.

In that context, the fact they pick up anything is amazing, and imo reflects there doing a better job than you imply.

Either way, I get it you’re annoyed they said they only get positive feedback but to lie and gaslight people’s jobs is kinda sucky bro.


The only thing Blizzard is good at is ignoring any and all “negative” feedback. As if negative feedback is a real thing. Concerns and complaints are part of life especially if you’re running a game. It is cute they think they can avoid it out right though.


this is a big concern of mine. there are too many people saying that the matchmaker is bad just to bandwagon on people having problems because they feel like they need an excuse to lose a game. i just hope blizzard can at least tell which posts are made by people who care and are experienced and which are made by the babies.

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Dude the point here is totally about blizzard saying all feedback is positive only.

Which is a lie or they have been misinformed.

And these posts were just picked up of search results in the last week and i barely posted 10% of it or even less just to show it’s not positive feedback only.

Just the sheer amount shows that people are dissatisfied.

You can’t say this is positive feedback, you probably from communication team or something and got butthurt.

But the fact is either comms didn’t tell Dev’s or Dev’s are lieing pick one.

Stop trying to gaslight others., The posts amount wasn’t even scratching the surface of i go through and link everyone it will be 500 pages long.