Valkyrie Mercy | How is Valkyrie Impactful to YOU?

I don’t really see it that way. It often feels very interactive to me, and the actions I take often depend on the reason I used it.

Obviously a Valkyrie used to get a pick is different than one used to escape and mitigate a Genji ult, or one used to get be able to help out a dps that is out of line of site or in a perilous spot, or one used to get off a sneaky res, or one used as a fight engage, or any one of the myriad other uses. And any Valkyrie usually involves some amount of dodging and repositioning.

But even the completely stereotypical fight engage Valkyrie has some decision making involved. Do you want to heal the main group? Damage boost them? What if there’s a secondary group? Sometimes it’s best to alternate between your tanks and keeping your widow alive, or damage boosting your McCree who is off to the side and about to high noon. Sometimes you want to do one of those things while taunting and dodging their long rage dps so you can take some fire off the group.

I agree that sometimes you end up doing just one thing, but often that’s not the case. And most Valkyries end up having more decision making than a Transcendence, or a sound barrier, or a nano, or a rally, or a amplification matrix, or even a coalescence. The only time it doesn’t is when your whole team is bunched up and taking damage, but those situations aren’t usually ideal for Mercy anyway.

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What I find more disappointing is that 5 people liked this despite the topic having no relevance or discussion to mass res whatsoever.

Way to show there isn’t a anti Mercy agenda lmao


It’s like Coalescence; it charges quickly has has lowish impact. I think it’s fine.

You mean a pro-Mercy agenda – those 5 likes came from people who wouldn’t want to see an old version come back.

Disclaimer: I wasn’t one of the 5.


I love Valkyrie. It’s very impactful for me. I like it because it’s the most versatile ult by far. Its greatest strength is its flexibility. For me, no two usages are alike because there’s no “right” time to use it and what you do during that 15 seconds is entirely up to you. You get to do whatever you think your team needs most from moment to moment. I think it allows a skilled user to shine in a way that no other ult does. This iteration of Mercy’s ultimate is my favorite by far.

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  1. It really isn’t unless I’ve got a death ball of 5 DPS just wrecking shop with the chained damage boost.

  2. It’s great anytime I need to one hand play OW, so like grabbing a bite or a drink, fantastic for that.

  3. I barely use it, I see the ult button and feel no need to use it unless my team needs me to get there quickly or they’re pushing and I don’t feel safe advancing. I don’t think Mercy’s had an ult I loved, Mass Rez was preferable to every iteration of Valk but I still had issues with that.

  4. I’d like to at least get big main lil chain Valk, but ideally scrap her ult and everything except GA and start over. More on track of tweaks, I’d absolutely be over the moon for a Valk where you could toggle which targets would receive chain beams, with less connected allies increasing her HPS/Boost. Keeping her great at single target enabling, but retaining her option for group healing.


AoE 30% damage to all your team is equal to put 6 discorb orbs. Only Noobs mercy still using as AoE healing

It isn’t. Valk can be used in many ways but it does everything poorly/has extremely minor significance. In my book, impactful means something like Shatter, Grav, Trans etc.

Absolutely nothing. First few weeks I liked the flight and the effortless get away card but it got old pretty fast.

I don’t like Valk at all but if I had to pick a Valk version, that would be PTR Valk 1.0 just for the lulz.

I don’t care what happens to the hero, I stopped liking her. Nowadays, I only play her out of habit while waiting for Baptiste to hit comp.

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Half the time when I have Valkyrie available, I pop it simply to heal my tanks up at a decent pace so it’s quicker, even outside of combat with no enemies around


Not impactful at all tbh. If they are going to leave it as is they can at least lower the cost of ultimate charge so we can get it more often.

You do the same thing when not Valking, except now you’re deciding which group, instead of which individual. Its less choices, than a none valking Mercy. Also her increased survivability means even positioning matters less.

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To me Valkyrie is just a slightly more powerful E ability and nothing more. I’d rather see mass resurrect return and Valkyrie watered down into an E ability which won’t be hard since it’s not that powerful to begin with.


It is impactful if I manage to either get kills or bait an enemy into over committing to kill me and they end up dying instead.


No. Mass Resurrect was far better despite its flaws. Valkyrie is… not an ultimate. It is more akin to 2 Es and 2 passives glued together.

Yes. They are way too long to type here… so here’s links.

Most Recent
6 item list of reworks

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If it is not impactful at all there is no value in getting it faster, or at all for that matter

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When used well, it makes Mercy extremely difficult to kill.

I am not a fan of Valk, but one way it’s impactful is just keeping Mercy alive without the threat of being dove.

I find it to be the most unsatisfying ability to use in the whole game; don’t care about whether it is good enough to be meta or not when its too boring to use in the first place.


If you use GA well, it’s not a problem. Sustaining team, on the other hand…

What’s the point of staying alive, if it means everyone else dying?

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  1. It’s pretty weak and very team dependent. Yes, pulling out the blaster can make some direct impact, but cmon, it doesn’t match Mercy’s attitude. The only powerful thing that Valk gives is making Mercy very hard to kill. But… Regular GAing already provides it, especially with super jump.
  2. Movement and chain beams. Yes, chain beams are awesome, but outside of damage boosting are weak.
  3. When i starded playing OW, there was a version with possibility to make 2 insta-rezzes in valk. It was really cool and very impactive because of her rez being actually valuable and Valk still provided working with teammates that are alive.
  4. I want main healing beam in Valk to have more healing power.
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Props. This is a good approach to a thread.

Valkyrie is impactful to me in the sense it allows me to enable my team mates to achieve their individual goals, increasing my own ability to remain alive and basically become an unkillable target, and enable myself to take initiative into my own hands via pistol or mobility.

The free flight mechanic afforded via Valk along with the GA speed increase allows me to quickly respond to any given situation when it comes to the supporting of my team mates. If required, I can also pop the pistol and take things into my own hands.

The ability to have a rolling 30% damage increase, imo, is huge and very versatile. If we move from the objective I can still apply that benefit. By managing my central or main target of the beam, I can given any situation make sure that those needing healing are getting it, or that those needing dmg boost are enabled to push forward and gain ground.

For me, Valk is impact due to it’s ability to provide for the team reliably, while enabling my own moves. I’d love for it to empower rez, but I understand why there may be hesitation in that area, as Rez is so powerful.

Covered that above well enough imo.

Current Valkyrie is indeed my favorite version of her ultimate. That doesn’t mean I don’t feel it could use changes, it just means that when I take into consideration the game as a whole and the gameplay experience of those around me, it seems like the best (thus far) version.

Megadodo’s big main little chain comes to mind, as well as potentially reduction on weapon swap, and increase in range or reduction in cast time when it comes to Rez. I’d ideally want it to be a 10-12s type duration ult that then includes an “empowerment” of Rez. Be it increased range or reduction in cast time/movement speed. I don’t see the movement speed as a HUGE factor for me, I’d much prefer a reduction in cast time or increase in range.