Valkyrie Mercy | How is Valkyrie Impactful to YOU?

As a former tank player totally worth it

Imagine getting a 6k shatter and mercy swoops in just rezzing them all

Yeah no thanks would rather have low healing

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Tfw Mercy’s in Wakanda trying to get the Mind Stone out of Vision for a big 10D underwater Mahjong play that results in her getting erased on entry. So many feels, such shame…

Valk is about as useful as trying to put out a oil fire with water


Hyperbole is about as helpful as trying to run a marathon after shooting yourself in the foot in order to signal the start of it.


A few things to that-

If its a 6 man shatter, that means Mercy is in that shatter. If you didn’t target the healers first in a shatter, you and your DPS have bad game sense and practically threw away an ultimate by not targeting someone who can bring a whole team back (potentially).

Second, the chances of getting off a 5 man rez was about as rare as gold. I’ve only ever gotten 2 5 man rezzes in my two years of playing Overwatch when she was actually worth playing. People tend to fantasize every resurrection always brought back 5 heroes, when in all reality it usually brought back 2, maybe 3 if you’re lucky or depending if the enemy team all decided to die together.

Third, an ultimate for an ultimate. Its a fair trade. I dont see any issue with it considering Mercys ult was an answer to ult spam, which is ironically an issue the game faces today. I wonder why? :thinking:

Aaand fourth, you’re a former tank main like you said. That leads me to assume that you dont know just how bad Mercys healing is with tanks today, which is like waiting for paint to dry if you’re a Hammond or Reinhardt. Its annoying.


If I have Valkyrie R.I.P to the enemy widow

And if you did, Mass Rez is pointless.

Enemy team all decided to die together? Huh?

1:1 eh?

Wait what? Ult spam means more than 1 ult… So how is it ult for ult now???

Which, ironically, Mass Rez fails to address due to your first paragraph. If they target the healers first in that ult spam… Rip the counter to ult spam…

Ikr? Like nothing I just addressed makes any sense.

Truth. It’s like people just regurgitate talking points instead of trying to understand the game. Annoying stuff.


I think the best approach to adjusting Valk is the reduction of duration, with an increase to the power (including an effect on Rez itself) and then seeing how that goes. Not so much a balance adjust as just a change in how it “feels” for those that are desiring that.

What I feel Valkyrie lacks is the “clutch save potential”. Like, I don’t need to save the whole team, but I’d like to be able to save at least one.

For example, I was playing Moira and we ran into OT. Our Lucio was trying to contest, but their Torbjörn put his ult on and around the payload. So I solo-ulted the Lucio and managed to keep him alive through the lava and other damage, making sure he felt confident staying on the objective long enough for the rest of the team to arrive and help. I think most would agree that Coalescence isn’t the best ultimate, but ensuring that Lucio’s survival made me feel great. The same game I also could use my ult to clutch-save our tank about to go down. I miss this with Mercy, because the 10 hps boost doesn’t really make much of a difference.

I feel like Valkyrie is actually more for me than my team, to make my job easier, and I want to be there for them while also showing what I can do.



Thats uh…spelling errors on my part. Its 5 am here, so I’m running on fumes.
which is also why my reply is a bit short here

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And useless ult is good… Why?

I’d rather not have an ult that’s rendered irrelevant just because people are semi aware or just honestly playing the game how it should be played. Like Mass Rez can’t even be used to zone like Dead Eye can or whatever. No thanks.

Going back to that point, any healing ultimate, or any ultimate will be rendered useless if you’re dead because…well, you’re dead. Can’t exactly use an ultimate if you’re dead.

Unless they introduce a hero in the future that can resurrect themselves


Uh huh…

And Mass Rez is the only one that requires your team mates to be dead in order to use. Thus decreasing your chances of using it due to numerical disadvantage and the momentum being swung against you…

I’m sure it was super thrilling and fun in QP where everyone is just yoloing though…

Anyways, off topic. No need to continue this.

Quite sad they made it more… impactful mostly by bringing back her previous 60HP/s in it ;p

I think it’d be more sad if bringing 60 hps back into it didn’t make it more impactful.

At least now people appreciate that 10 hps difference. When the change was announced the general consensus was it didn’t matter. My how the times have changed…


  • Healing rate increased from 50 to 55.
  • Regen heal rate increased from 20 to 25.

Angelic descent (Passive)

  • Descent speed decreased from 1.5 to 0.75


  • Healing rate increased from 60 to 70
  • Halves resurrect cooldown upon activation of Valkyrie if resurrect was already on cooldown (ie. resurrect was at 22 seconds left, it now goes to 7 seconds but using resurrect will keep resetting to 30 seconds without any halves unless you activate Valkyrie again.)
  • Resurrect cast time decreased from 1.75 second to 1.375 second.
  • Slower movement from casting resurrect decreased from 75% to 50%.

Comments: Theses change will provide to Mercy what she needed to feel a bit better with or without Valkyrie than she is right now without making her overpowered.

I mean, if they didn’t buff Ana and Lucio at the same time… would it have? On console, where I play, it hasn’t made a great difference but I guess the PC experience is different. From what I can tell the perfect spot would probably be around 55hps (everything else equal).


It is not bad.

Infinity ammo, projectile speed.

I can’t say at all, i play since christmas 2017. But I would like to try mass rez

1 extra rez, 1st rez will be instant 2nd will be with 2 (not 1.75 s) seconds cast time, 80 or 70 hp/s so it can outheal more things.
Voice lines:
Classic/Zhu Que/Pink/Sugat Plum Fairy


I will watch over you!

Gemeinsam kämpfen wir!


Heroes never die!

Combat Medic Ziegler


Amplifying biotic stream!

Valkyrie-Kampfpzeduren aktiviert!


The battle is not over!



Those enchanted can never die!

Fliegender zauber aktiviert!


A dark power calls you forth!

Devil and Imp


I will watch over you!

Gemeinsam kämpfen wir!


Heroes never die!.. for a price.

  1. Despite it often being called ‘spectator mode’ I find it enables a greater degree of survivability, especially if a comp lacks the vertical enablers of GA like Pharah, winston and Widow. Having the ability to chain heal/damage amp on a whim for the whole team during a push is just extremely powerful. If need be, valkyrie also enables more risky resurrect scenarios that would otherwise be unwise ordinarily.

  2. Its a nice “Get out of jail free-card” during certain ultimates, or in anticipation of them. There’s nothing more amusing than hearing a riptire coming, and taking off into the sky. As a healer, you know you’re going to be a prime target, so denying that possibility is very satisfying. Also daring genji’s to double dash-dragon blade up in the sky and waste several slashes worth of time on a mercy in valk never gets old.

  3. Mass Resurrect will always be my favorite, I only wish they’d fixed it to have LoS restrictions and a cast time like it has now instead of tossing it altogether. The original Valkyrie was incredibly broken and fun to play, but understandably it made fights very long and tedious given how prevalent mercy became after the rework, and had to be nuked into its current state.

  4. Honestly, they’ve done alright with it so far ( except the overall healing buff before the rework being reverted except while the ult is active irks me to no end). The only thing I could recommend, would either be increasing the range on resurrect during valkyrie, or transforming it into an advanced version of it during valkyrie. My idea for that would be for it to act as a pre-emptive resurrect on the target that acts like a heal over time during its duration, but triggers the resurrect if the target dies while its still active.

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Actually, currently she’s moving much faster while ressing in valk, but it wasn’t in the patch notes. I dunno if that’s a bug or a feature.

My belief on this is that prior to the recent patch slows and boops primarily were not being applied properly to flying targets. Therefore, when Mercy was rezzing in Valk, her increased flight speed and such wasn’t being properly accounted for regarding her speed reduction during rez. Now, with the recent patch and it’s changes, the speed reduction during Rez is taking into account the increased speed she has during Valk.

That then leads to it being faster, due to the increase in base speed, than it was prior to this patch. So it wasn’t that the speed or anything regarding it was changed, just that the system now being more accurate regarding adjustments to heroes in flight results in her speed during Valk Rez being faster.

To me, that makes sense, and accounts for this perceived increase in speed people are experiencing.

I could be wrong, but it seems like the most logical explanation.