Valkyrie Mercy | How is Valkyrie Impactful to YOU?

Some people just can’t let mass res go :joy:

ANYWAY I think a nice idea would be to swap out her damage boost for her pistol, and then use her damage boost as her alternative weapon. Of course, the damage boost would likely be treated as her pistol is currently, resulting in “MeRcY put your damage boost away and heal meeeeee”

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I’ve been playing Mercy since open beta. I used to somewhat dislike Valkyrie, but I’ve grown to love it. While I sometimes feel nostalgic for mass res, I much prefer Valkyrie over it. Sorry for not writing my response using your numbering scheme, I wanted to write it using an organization that worked better for me.

Valkyrie is a very flexible ult. It’s a healer’s Swiss army knife. You can do so many different things with it, and I often use it in multiple different ways in any given game. I think this adds to the thought process and the creativity in using it.

Estimating the player count difference made by Valkyrie isn’t as easy as it was with mass resurrection, but it’s not impossible. In my experience, a good Valkyrie can make a 2-3 player count difference. Resurrection might have sometimes gotten more than that, but experience has shown me that there are simply more opportunities to actually swing a fight using Valkyrie than with resurrection. It might make a smaller swing, but you can leverage it at more opportune moments.

I agree that it’s not a flashy ult. Its impact can be subtle, and it can be quite bad if used incorrectly. In those ways, it’s much like the rest of Mercy’s kit (which is part of the reason why I love her - she’s always in the background, but she ends up controlling the fight).

I enjoy it for its sheer flexibility, I enjoy it for its subtle power, and I enjoy it for its decision making process (not the decision of who to heal, but the decision of when and how to use it).

I don’t really think it needs tweaks, though I wouldn’t necessarily mind them. The one that is most obvious is to have a stronger main beam at the expense of weaker chain beams.

That being said - I think her out of Valk healing needs to be dialed up a bit, but that’s a whole different story.


I haven’t thought about that, good point. Maybe switch the pistol trigger to the ult button for the duration of Valk?

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Look, can we all stop derailing this thread and get back to discussing Mass Rezz??


Hey I think that’s a great idea!

However, I know not everybody here is familiar with the consol button layout, but I think pressing Y to shoot might be problematic for most Mercy players to get used too. I of course can not speak for all consol Mercy players, but I can see it being an issue.


Valk personally ensures my safety. It is pretty difficult to kill Mercy during Valk. It also helps for me to spot / cover heals for more of my team with the beams. The infinite ammo is good, especially when there is a free moment to fight a widow that might be giving the team trouble.

Overall between increased mobility, health regen, distance when healing, chain beams, and infinite ammo, the ult provides strength in its versatility.

This does not mean I think it works well as an ult (or that I think mass rez should return in case people jump on my case about that). Valk to me seems like a long CD ability that was placed as an ult.

Nearly every ult in the game has infinite gratification on some level, there’s a very clear reason to use it and it makes you feel powerful. There are clear defined moments when you should or should not ult as other characters. Mercy’s momemts are not always clear which makes it feel unsatisfying as an ult.

Personally, I’d tone it down and move it as a long CD ability and replace the ult with something else. But that’s just me.

The range and mobility the most. If I need to, I can go as high as the sky allows and still heal / damage boost. Or I can be far away and low to the ground, out of LOS of my enemy while the chain beams still get my allies around the corner.

I like both her mass rez and valk for different reasons. As an ultimate, valk however feels a bit of an oddity compared to other ults.

I’ve come up with ideas in the past, however I don’t have one of the top of my head that I feel is worthy writing out, would need to flesh it out more.

That being said, while I do think she could and should be changed at some point in the future to have more clearly defined gameplay, I don’t think she’s currently in a bad spot. I think there are other characters who desperately need blizz to focus on them more before Mercy, unfortunately. Doomfist being my top pick followed by Brig (whether you’re a fan of hers or not, is anyone happy with how she is right now?), and Sym.

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  1. It doesn’t feel impactful to me at all. I just pop it when a fight starts.

  2. Flight I guess.

  3. Pre-Buff Mass Rez.

  4. Make it an ability.

  • How is Valkyrie Impactful to YOU?

I typically have Valk every single team fight, so for myself personally it has a lot of value. The only time I wont use Valk in a team fight is when I know the enemy Zarya is waiting to grav, if we survive grav with maybe 1-2 deaths, I’ll swoop in a pop a rezz and resume the team fight with Valk. I’ve saved many perceived lost team fights this way. Valk for me can turn the tide in several different ways, you can contest the point by dodging and juking enemies (possibly getting a cheeky kill in the process). You can fly back to your team mates from spawn faster (Oasis Gardens is one of my favorite maps to do this) or, and my personal favorite, go and kill THEIR supports or the enemy sniper.

  • What do YOU like most about Valkyrie?

I love that I don’t just sit there and wait for the ability to end (I am lookin’ at you Zenyatta {I love Zen, no hate, only <3}). I can fly around, supporting my teammates, go and kill a few enemies, re-position for a cheeky resurrect and so much more. Valkyrie gives me even more mobility, which is my favorite aspect of Mercy.

  • Is current Valkyrie your favorite version of Mercy’s ultimate? And if not, which iteration of that ultimate was your favorite? Why or Why not?

Yes, I feel currently it is the most balanced version since she was launched and I favor balance over everything else.

  • Do you have an idea of a Valkyrie-based rework/tweaks? If so, what are your ideas?

My only QoL change for Valk would be to remove the LoS requirement for resurrect while Valk is active. I understand why this was removed for the CD but since Valk is supposed to be a souped up version of herself, I believe this requirement should be removed. Still keep the current range, but make it so you can resurrect through objects, walls, ect.


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  1. Valkyrie is impactful because of the AoE healing and the +10 in hp/s
  2. Free flight and the speed and range upgrades
  3. My favorite version was broken moth, right as she was reworked. I was never able to try Resurrect sadly.
  4. Valkyrie is a very good ultimate but I think she needs something about her rez.
  1. Damage boosting and healing the group I think is impactful (depending on the situation though)

  2. Being able to fly over walls to heal those on the other side like flankers, plus different from being on the ground.

  3. Can’t really judge this, since I started Overwatch early September 2017, so I never played Mercy with resurrect as her ultimate (would love to have tried it).

But I’ll admit, Mercy was pretty strong when I played back then, even stronger, when the player knew the “insta rez, ‘q’, insta rez again, wait 10 seconds for the next rez” tactic (I agree that even though I played vs AI bots, which I still do; hard bots, I can imagine.
How annoying it would be with those multi-rezzes; thankfully, it was fun for me on vs AI, since my teams back then got wiped by the bots constantly (they could headshot back then and were OP aimbots) and the satisfying feeling of those rezzes going off and teammates thanking me I’ll admit was fun (vs an enemy with no emotions of course lol).

  1. I think Valkyrie is fine for me. It’s the 50 hps in her standard mode I think is lowish, since it doesn’t heal fast enough, plus when I play as Mercy, I tend to help my dps (and other teammates when necessary) with damage boost and keep an eye on teammates for heals.
    I think 55 hps should definitely be tested and give Mercy a tad extra heal, so she’ll be able to be used for faster movement; switching to healing another target faster.
    Mainly want 55 hps to try as well, since it’s harder to keep your healing target alive, and I feel 55 hps will be helpful to both tanks and dps, compared to 50 hps for heal dps only.

Note: I say all of this as experience, when I’m the only healer, otherwise, when I have another healer helping, I don’t mind the 50 hps; only go to heal other targets, if the other healer doesn’t notice, which can happen if it’s an ally Widow in the back and it’s no-ones fault. :+1:

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I personally like Valkryie but would tweak it:

  1. How is Valkyrie Impactful to YOU?

-It’s an instigator ult that essentially means “for this fight, at least one healer has a much better chance to live and be a bit more apparent”. The chain damage boost is strong and makes your team push. I like infinite ammo to dive squishies and secure at least one pick for my team

  1. What do YOU like most about Valkyrie?

-Right now, I’m LOVING the buff to rez in Valk, the more fluidness to rezzing makes it feel like an ult.
3. Is current Valkyrie your favorite version of Mercy’s ultimate? And if not, which iteration of that ultimate was your favorite? Why or Why not?

  • personally, the version of simply one extra rez(with cast time still) is my favorite, and I believe with the other supports being much stronger now, that iteration wouldn’t outshine anyone with 50hps base heals.
  1. Do you have an idea of a Valkyrie-based rework/tweaks? If so, what are your ideas?
    -Id like the devs to try a stronger main beam and weaker chain beams. Say 80 and 50? Chain healing, imo, is redundant for Mercy’s Kit.
    -or, like stated, bring back one extra charge of Rez in Valk, and maybe decrease Ult charge gain by 5% to even it out
  1. Valkyrie allows me to do multiple things that I normally would not easily be able to do. Ex. Pick off the widow that is harassing the team or quickly take out an enemy support while healing/boosting the team.

  2. I love the improved mobility. Vertical mobility is something that can go unappreciated and allows me to take on more risk when going for a clutch Rez if it is needed.

  3. This version is not my favorite. I greatly miss the interactions with resurrect as an ability. Having it tied with Rez made it feel like it had more power loaded in the kit up front instead of spread throughout the team. I understand why the changes were made, but I still wish there was some form of interaction with Rez in Valk.

  4. I would enjoy having a bit of the speed that was stripped away from GA returned.

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  1. Valkyrie gives me a get out of jail free card, so to speak. Depending on the other team’s picks, most aren’t able to shoot me out of the sky and such. Also, I like being able to get behind rein’s shields to either a.) pick off the squishies or b.) finishing him off. Plenty of times where we have a stalling rein and all he needed was a quick melee. I also like using Valk for the damage boost, esp. in conjunction with my team’s ults!

  2. The infinite ammo and flying. I really like flying haha.

  3. I wouldn’t say current Valk is my favorite version, but it’s pretty close. I know that the “moth meta” was OP, but dang, was it really exhilarating to get off the rezes. I unfortunately didn’t get much time with it though. Mass rez wasn’t my favorite; I honestly didn’t find it much fun when I did have the chance to use it, but I also wasn’t into the competitive scene at that time either.

  4. Tbh I think if you’re Valking you shouldn’t have a cast time/should have shorter cast time for rez if it’s off cool down. I don’t think she should get an extra rez necessarily, but I feel like with the recent boop changes, her rez cast time in general should be tweaked. If not in Valk, but just on her E ability (if they were to tweak her E cast time, I would take even 1s vs the 1.25s, ESPECIALLY considering the boop changes!)

Sorry for any grammar errors, can’t stay too long on the forums right now! :smiley:

  1. It isn’t. Mostly it’s “get out of lost fight alive” ult for myself.
  2. Extended range/flight to heal/boost from safer distance, and get away from annoying Genji players.
  3. Favorite was one with two resurrects. Still prefer old ult. Current version lacks power.
  4. Make it E ability. Or make Valkyrie spread damage taken by any individual teammate between all teammates connected by beams, with 60 dmg per teammate at maximum being spread.

There is little to no impact from it, when it comes to changing way fight goes: it allows to make victory faster/defeat slower, and that’s it. It’s power being spread out makes it extremely vulnerable to any mistakes of individual teammates, easily causing chain reaction of deaths with no way to stop it, as each teammate dying adds pressure on survivors.


heals you continuesly while avoid damage, and thus allows you to outlive or outdamage and thus carries you

having a lot of control over my movement and being able to heal while out of danger


leaving mercy’s ult as it as and adding a message whenevr someone picks mercy that says: if you dont like her dont play her

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Buddy, dude, stay on topic. This is about Valk.


Than spend the next 15 seconds or roughly 10% of the match not making decisions.

One of the best initiation ults in the game. Use it and your team has drastically improved chances of winning the fight.
It’s not a defensive ult tho, using it as such is basically asking for trouble.
It charges super fast, you can almost use it as a cooldown, there’s not much reason to save it.

it lets me fly.

Mass rez was used 90% of the time to rez a single person. Even if it was reintroduced with cast time and los (why? it was weak even when it had invulnerability and i though mercy mains hated the cast time on E rez) pros would still use it as tempo rez.
Swapping valk and rez would be a massive nerf at pro level. Probably a big nerf on ladder as well.

rework no.
Maybe faster movement during rez? (i thought they gave her that last patch, but isn’t it a bug?).
The rest is fine.

Now, how will you use these answers in the future?

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How is Valkyrie Impactful to YOU?

Ehhh, I find it relatively mediocre… You can use the chain damage boost to initiate a fight, but the moment your team start taking damage you have to drop it for healing or people on your team will die. I feel I can get more value out of Coalescence (Which is argueable the worst support Ultimate in the game atm) than from Valkyrie.

What do YOU like most about Valkyrie?

Increased mobility and chain beams are nice.

Is current Valkyrie your favorite version of Mercy’s ultimate? And if not, which iteration of that ultimate was your favorite? Why or Why not?

No… Mass Resurrection would make up for Mercy inability of burst healing (People would die because of it). However, once for whatever reason Blizzard decided to buff it, everything went downhill. #NeverForget Mass Resurrection 1.0

Do you have an idea of a Valkyrie-based rework/tweaks? If so, what are your ideas?

I think the healing on Valkyrie need to be increased. 60hps didn’t saved anyone before, and still won’t save anyone now… Zenyatta have a 300hps ultimate that can pretty much make some DPS ultimate useless and nobody bats an eye. Hell, even Coalescence is a 140hps healing burst. I feel they could increase Valkyrie healing to 100hps and it would still feel unimpactful compared to other support ultimates.


Now, Dodo and I do not see eye to eye about a good many things.

But… this? This is a good change.