Valkyrie Adjustments?

I had an idea and I wanted to get some opinions on it. I want some honest critiques on the concept and not the usual “_______” Isn’t coming back.


  • Active time reduced to 10 seconds
  • While Resurrect is off cooldown and Valkyrie is active Resurrect becomes “enhanced” and becomes a 1-time use AOE Resurrect
  • Cast time/Movement Speed Slow/ Animation Lock and Range still apply to the AOE Resurrect.
  • The same way you Rez a single person with Resurrect you would need to do the same in order to AOE Rez and the 15M circle will radiate from around the soul that you selected to Resurrect.


  • This will promote CD management. That will give Mercy players something to improve on that isn’t just survivability.
  • Valkyrie becomes a threat worthy ultimate during the fight, not when your team is at an advantage.
  • The timing of when to use Valkyrie would be much more crucial not just spam it once you get it.

The goal of this is to shift some of the power from the length of Valkyrie and move it towards parts that don’t necessarily feel useful. As someone who plays Mercy regularly, I find that Rezzing in Valkyrie isn’t optimal since it cuts down on time spent Healing/Damage Boosting. So shifting some of that power to Rez to bring back multiple allies would make me think about using Resurrect more. It would also give that feeling of being a hero again.



This would be a pretty nice change to give Mercy. Everyone wants that feeling of being a hero and this would give Mercy that opportunity. I would love to test this on the PTR!


This would basically tie Mercy’s basic ability to her ultimate.

It would be completely foolish to use Valk without your cooldown for resurrect and also would completely discourage using resurrect when your ultimate charge is over 50% for fear of losing a potentially tide turning aoe Rez.

It wouldn’t be cooldown management at all, it would be ‘never use resurrect outside of ultimate unless you have literally no ult charge’.

This would also increase Mercy’s power level significantly when a difference of 10 hps was the difference between weak and must pick. (how can we justify this massive increase in power?)

This also brings back some issues with her old AoE resurrect that were part of the reason the original ult was replaced in the first place.

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Well, resurrect never was supposed to be basic ability. And if you worry about AoE issues, just make it related to her beams: if soul has beam connected to it, teammate will be resurrected.

Tempo Resurrects are far more powerful then an AOE Resurrect. Especially since the restrictions set in place would make it far more difficult for it to be successful without coordination from your team to peel for you or the obliviousness of the enemy team.

You really don’t understand why Mercy was a core pick in the GravDragon meta do you? There was no must pick status because of healing… it was her ability to damage boost dragon strike without the use of an ultimate which negated the effects of trans. It wasn’t her “healing” that’s a huge misconception. Often times damage boosting a dragon strike led to a team wipe. That’s why Mercy was picked.

Actually, it clears most of the issues about old Resurrect. Except for the misconception of it being OP since that will never change since it was drilled into everyone’s heads when it was popularized as being OP.

It’s funny because all abilities, when used in conjunction with ultimates, are much stronger except for Rez?

That’s where skilled Mercy players will be separated from lower ranked Mercy players. ie. CD management knowing when to utilize a Tempo Resurrect in a certain scenario vs. When to not use it. Which puts skill into using Resurrect instead of using it whenever it’s up.

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Though they depend from your teammates being better, than other team. So I would stay at higher gold with no chance to climb from there, no matter the efforts.

But still, it gives you the possibility to make a play on your own. Which is what Mercy players want but aren’t admitting it lol. All they want is a way to make plays that will help their team to win a team fight. But all big plays require you to put yourself at a risk which is exactly what this would do. But the payout would be great.

Would rather be able to provide number advantage, than merely keep teammate’s numbers at same level.

Well, you still have the power to do that. I don’t see what point you are trying to argue lol? Nothing really changes besides having the ability to perform an AOE Rez. You can still Rez a single target if you wish. That would be the safest option. But you would have the ability to Rez multiple targets if need be. It opens up possibilities for Rezzing in Valkyrie.

I like the conecept but would discourage rezing when close to having your ult which I don’t think blizzard would like.

Just my 2 cents though.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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I can see how players will hold onto Resurrect, but that’s all apart of skill development. Knowing when it’s important to use that Tempo Resurrect to have the numbers advantage or when knowing to save it to use it for an upcoming team fight.

Also keeping track of Rez Cool down and knowing when it’s about to go off CD and time it with Valkyrie being active will make Resurrect feel more inclusive and useful when Valkyrie is active.

So, literally big rez but with a cast time and a need to make sure you have rez off cooldown?

Same idea, different name.

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Yes and no?
It’s an AOE Rez correct.
But it’s not the same as old Resurrect since there are a lot more factors involved in order to perform the AOE Rez.
Any critiques besides the name? :thinking:

Sorry, that did come off a little toxic lol. I’ve just seen so many mass rez ideas that I’m sick of reading about them, and that’s what yours reminded me of. I don’t think it’d make sense to even have a duration on this version of Valkyrie anymore when all people will use it for is the AoE rez it comes with.

Though, it would promote interesting timing questions. If you pop it after everyone’s dead, the enemy team will focus you if you try to rez, so at what point do you try and be cheeky to pop it? And if you’re mid-rez and someone in the area dies, do they also get rezzed? Because that’d be interesting for like, grav combos. One person in the grav dies and you begin rez while the rest die.

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Hope you don’t want answer on old question: “Why not just buff Valkyrie’s healing/damage boost instead”.

Well not necessarily. I know I would personally use Valkyrie whenever I could since it helps secure my team victories when we have the advantage in a team fight. It’s more or less an extra precaution in case your team does get pelted with ultimates that you have a trump card to use if you are ignored. Which is what happens when Valkyrie is active. Mercy doesn’t feel threated by anything because it’s easy to just out damage her healing and deal with her after the fight is over. That way when Mercy does use it the enemy will know that Mercy potentially will use Rez against them so they would need to take precaution and prepare for it to happen (except this time it will be easier to counter).

The duration is similar to old Rez. I don’t think cutting it down any further would make sense since death timers are already 10 seconds.

But possibly you can throw in a shorter invulnerability period for allies being Resurrected to say 1.75 seconds but they are unable to contest the point while invulnerable? That would make 2 CP a little less annoying since Mercy would have to survive and contest while her allies are being Resurrected.

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She was a core pick for much longer than just the DragonGrav meta.

Most but not all, that’s pretty much what I said.

No most abilities on a characters core kit is not tied to power in their ultimate, the ultimate usually either stops the ability being used entirely or resets the cooldown. You could argue that genji’s deflect in an exception but really he can get just as good value from the ability when used outside of his ultimate as inside of it.

We know from the past that giving Mercy 3 total resurrects in her ultimate makes her a tad bit strong, I think even if we change how situationally that happens it will still be too strong.

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Because of instant burst Resurrects. Keyword instant.

What’s left that I missed?

Ana grenade empowers her ultimate? Boosters empowers her ultimate?
Reinhardt’s ultimate empowers his abilities making them easier to land?
Zarya’s bubbles empowers her ultimate damage potential and charge rate?

Should I even continue lol?

Yes, it was strong. You know why?


This Rez wouldn’t be instant.

She was meta without the instant rez, they were removed for quite some time before the Drag grav, it only came about from the Hanzo buff. She was meta before then without instant rez.

This is not the same, her grenade doesn’t get stronger during her ultimate it makes the ultimate itself get assisted.’s boosters don’t get extra damage or move faster, etc.

Your suggestion is to alter the functionality of the ability itself during ult not for the ability to assist the ultimate or augment the ultimates power (which all abilities do to some degree)

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Find me exactly which patch you are talking about. I’ll clearly explain why she was meta.

But the functionality of Rez can’t assist Valkyrie because of her current design. So you need to flip it in reverse. Just like how I showed you with Reinhardt. Landing an earth shatter makes your abilities more effective since players are easier to hit because they are knocked to the ground. Therefore his ultimate increased his abilities effectiveness.

What about Genji’s Dash? Getting a kill resets his dash and his ultimate makes his movement ability more effective closing the gap between enemies?’s boosters increase the effectiveness of self-destruct. Letting it be thrown far into the enemy backline?

What I’m giving you examples of is " X " affects " Y " Mercy’s Resurrect doesn’t have that it’s just there.

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