Which Ultimate is the most "Meh" to use?

Mcree and his suicide buton

Coalescence has no real use. You have to trade burstheal and your escape option for low heal/damage.

Why not BOB then? You just throw a turret and can go AFK, it’s even more ridiculous than the old Torb “pressed R and sat on the payload” ults we’ve all seen.

Because B.O.B is B.O.B and we all love B.O.B.

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it like:yeeeee i am flying and holding down left click…and i am doing everything mercy does on the ground but i am flying and healing a bit more yeeeeee


i hate moiras ultimate, i dont even know why i play her anyway

Mercy’s spectator mode.

Thank god she doesn’t have this. Would be crazy OP for any good Widow

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Widowmaker’s ultimate seems less powerful in low tier play, but in higher skill games it becomes extremely useful to sight out enemy team pushes


lol i 100% agree, its a far better ult for creating space than most tank ults tbh :stuck_out_tongue:

Moira’s ult. I don’t feel impactful at all when I use it, and I think there is almost never a perfect time to use it. What do I know, I just suck at Moira.

Well it shows you where everyone is. Also to your team.

Stop all flankers.

And announcing it makes it area denial. Actually one of the best area denials in the game.

Not all ults are designed to get kills.

See when I think of “meh” ults, I am thinking dull or no discernable impact on the game. My heart is always racing with McCree’s ultimate, because 99% of the time I will die, but that 1% of gameplay where I land that solo high noon on a Widowmaker whose back was turned… :kissing_heart: absolute perfection.

When I play McCree (unless I see a a supper clear opening) I use his Ult for 2 things. To get some quick damage in on the entire team+free reload or to shatter a Rein Barrier when you have one of those Rein V Rein team stand-offs.

Or solo Ulting a FLying Mercy/Pharah I guess

I know that’s how it’s supposed to work, but you can’t ground pound until the ultimate animation is finished. Even if you do manage to catch people out, there’s a decent chance that they’ll clear the mine before it activates, use a mobility skill to escape, or they’ll just survive it anyways. I’ve never seen anyone who can consistently get kills with it against a good team.

Widowmaker, Mercy, Moira and Roadhog I guess. They can be good but it’s… Meh

Mercy it’s like “cool I’m safe now but like… I haven’t changed much… on they have a junk? Well this is wasted time”

Moira’s is good for finishing squishies and can kinda keep a Tank up in a big fight but it’s not amazing

Symmetra by far is so much worse than meh to use.