Unpopular opinion: i like mercy

i think mercy is better with e rez, although her ult should do more healing and reset her ability timers. my opinion, sorry if u dont like.


this is literally the perfect post. No reply could ever do any justice

So instead I’ll just say a random overwatch quote

Back in my day we’d have this payload delivered already

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Yehr duwin’ Jeff’s work, laddy. Good on ye.

If Valk would reset cd of abilities, at least Rez will be enhanced in a certain way. With reset, you can res, Pop valk and re-res. This will bring 2 potential res, and ofc a not so big buff to Mercy to make her “OP” / “Must pick”.

I would like it. It will be better.

then the nerf mercy people will cry :slight_smile:

If you don’t want mass res back, your opinion doesn’t matter /s

But to be serious, I agree that she is very enjoyable right now.

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May I ask why? Pure curiosity.

the cooldown time is good and idk, i just prefer it to old mercy.i like how its a regular ability instead of an ult.

I don’t really like her right now, but that’s the cool thing about opinions we’re both allowed our own.
I would’ve preferred a more midfight capable Mercy instead of a swing from god tier endfight to really strong fight initiation.

Maybe an ability that let her seperate her boost and healing beams and target one ally with either at the cost of a cast time, decreased beam length, even a delay between beam swapping or some other midfight ability would’ve satisfied me better that E-Rez does.
But hey from what I’ve seen it’s about a 50/50 split of like v dislike.

More to do

Risky nature of it makes it enjoyable if pulled off in front of enemies or behind their backs

I know you didn’t ask me I just wanted to feel important ;_;

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Honestly, the biggest thing I hate about Mercy is Valkyrie. Love everything else about her. I loved Mass Res for its risk/reward (before invuln, which I never understood why she received) and think E res is okay (not great or bad) for the same reason. The risk/reward is fun to play with. But Valkyrie is just AWFUL and I wish it would disappear and never return. Hate it to my core.


Then i hope they’ll leave the game. It’s impossibile to say “nerf mercy” also after that kind of buff.

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She’s better than before.

Still doesn’t excite me without being aggressive though

No way, I like Mercy too!

Can’t wait for her to be brought back and them to erase this dumb Valkyrie hero that’s been masquerading as her for so long.

This is how I envision a slight adjustment to Mercy.