Uninstalled this POS game finally

congrats I’m really proud of you


What isn’t clear to me, is what you can’t deal with.

I’m not saying OW is perfect, but what are you upset about with the game? Balance? Combatting toxicity? Racism?

Even though, I wouldn’t want this, the player base wants more nerfs, in order to improve the game.

Fixing the matchmaker alone would make this game so much better. One of the worst mm I’ve seen.

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I think it’s unfair to call a game bad just because you got bored of it. Especially if you only got bored of it five years after release. I’ve got games I love which I got bored of in a matter of weeks.

i read POS as PS and got so confused as to why voidal said

Good luck. Just don’t complain if you miss any easy to get limited time item. Or actually make sure to come back JUST to get the limited time items if you want them. See you in Overwatch 2, if you’re getting it and if you’re a Europe player.

Oh so thats what it means. Thought it was like point of view (POV )when I first saw it.

I’ve been playing on and off for 1 year and a half now…still the same old overwatch

No, please come back :sob:

im just sticking around for pve in overwatch 2, im here for the characters and world. The game feels great to play, but the competitive aspect of it, the awful matchmaking, it is it’s greatest weakness and the number one thing holding it back

Unfortunately this will never be addressed due to corporate greed. Screw the integrity of the game when we can sell a few more smurf accounts to selfish players.

In the mean time ill grit my teeth and farm cosmetics.


It means piece of Expletive

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I made a detailed post about a lot of minor issues that would be nice fixing in the game.
If you wanna check it out: [Please Read] Quality of Life Updates / A nitpicking thread

Well, what did you expect?
Whatever it is, a year of entertainment for 40 bucks is a decent game in my book. I could name maybe 4 games like that that I have ever played.

That’s rough, buddy!

good man, just stop playing :slight_smile: solves all the balance issues, and all that snazzy jazz!..i still have mine installed…but i’ve not touched it in months

Funny how they completely ignore this question lmao

See you in two weeks.

The sarcastic bye’s make it easier to stay away.


Nobody asked…20char

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Hmm…huh!? You say something?