Ultra extreme low quality matchmaking

This is not what I think. Like, at all. But, I’m also open to the idea that we’re just totally misunderstanding each other. I explained something very similar to others recently, maybe you can check that out and get a better idea.

Uh, yeah. Clearly misunderstanding you (and each other) then. I don’t see how these two recent statements can both be true.

This was talking about the system that some people think helps get smurfs out of low ranks. Perhaps I misunderstood “helps”. I agree it’s a bad idea, just not for the reason I understood you to say. Though, I’m not entirely sure what you mean by “smurf” so I can’t form an opinion much past that. It won’t stop someone throwing, that’s for sure. It’ll move alt accounts a bit faster, yep. But it’s not the only thing, obviously.

I think it’s a bit odd to say that MMR gets smurfs out of low ranks. If you mean the thrower type of smurfs, then certainly not. If you just mean alt accounts, I mean, MMR moves everyone around to where their skill level is…so I guess it’s not wrong to say that, but that phrase is generally used in relation to PBSR.

Entirely correct. The whole point is to push high performing players (generally Smurfs) out of ranks they don’t belong in.

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This is also correct.

I mean…when you put it this way it makes it sound like it’s not doing its job very well. I guess that’s my concern here.

It’s really not intended to move smurfs. It does move smurfs, of course, because smurfs are just mis-ranked players and the goal is to properly rank players. Dealing with smurfs is a side effect, not it’s primary goal, then.

It’s just a semantic difference, I guess. But then again, if you’re using the first definition of smurf that I jokingly replied abova, then it really does nothing to the first definition of smurf because it’s just so easily defeated.

I’d hate think that we’re giving people this logic: MMR moves smurfs. Smurfs don’t move. Therefore, MMR is broken.

It’s debateable whether PBSR was ever meant to move smurfs in the second sense, but lots of people think that it was. I actually believe it is to compensate for a fast learning curve, but I don’t think we’ve heard much about the matter so who knows.

No…. And anyone who genuinely asks what MMR is wouldn’t get this type of response out of me.

Performance Based SR on the other hand, is implemented to reward exceptional game play (which in Overwatch, generally only comes from Smurfs because individual impact in overwatch is very difficult).

Moving Smurfs isn’t “why” PBSR exists. It just does a 1/2 decent job.

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I’m not an expert in PBSR, but I was pretty sure that “impactful gameplay” wasn’t really the criteria here. I thought it was, and I paraphrase here, “using the same metrics as being ‘on fire’, but instead of being compared against your team, you’re compared to other players of your rank on that hero”.

But maybe that’s what you mean by “impactful”.

My initial response to Zax was to correct his statement that MMR moves smurfs. The second premise is a given and the conclusion simply follows.

Yeah don’t waste your time. You won’t believe some of the backwards nonsensical things this person believes. Either that or they’re just trolling.

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I’ve known Zax a long time (probably the 1st person I met on the forums). Haven’t really been following your conversations but its pretty clear you guys are just at a misunderstanding.

Him stating

is likely a shorthand response

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It’s definitely a misunderstanding, keep in mind, English is not Zax’ first language (not even sure if it’s a second, probably third/fourth).


The moment you challenge his viewpoints and he has no logical response, he’ll start to personally attack and strawman you so I can’t blame you.

So let me get this straight. Somebody completely misunderstands what I’m saying, blocks me after claiming I said something that I said literally the opposite of, wasn’t even saying anything all that wrong so wasn’t challenging anything, just using the terms backwards, and you two both want to dogpile on contributing nothing to the conversation that you waltzed into except personal attacks.

Meanwhile, there’s another conversation where we appear to have actually resolved a misunderstanding, showing that I at least am capable of actually listening and reading and trying to understand.

But it’s me who is doing the personal attacks and straw-manning? Not you two, who have personal attacks in the quotes here?

Bros. C’mon.

Trensharo has some wise words for the both of you.


Yes. Just one example among many here:

Won’t respond to you further since you’ll most likely just resort to more personal attacks/strawman.

Blah Blah Blah, “I am a fan boi who’s self worth is tied to a game so can not fathom that my being good is not really tied to a true system of matchmaking, which is why I play what is considered by every other game designer as the most flawed system of matchmaking to ever exist (to the point they advertising as not being OW Mathmaking as a tagline)” . I fixed that for ya. You’re welcome.


Still salty about something from days ago?

:skull: :skull: :skull:

Stick to the contents of this thread instead of bringing up a strawman.


He cant, he never has anything valuable to add to any discussion. The only thing he does is policing the people that dont share his opinion whilst ignoring/approving the same behaviour of the people that do share it.


So you’re okay with putting a handicap on Usain Bolt just because he’s the best of the best and no one can beat him!? How is THAT fair? It’s not.

The ONLY THING that has to be “fair” are the RULES of the game/match/competition that EVERY player/athlete is subjugated to. If the player/athlete’s skill, on the other hand, SUPERCEDES that of their competitors, then SO BE IT! Congratulations to Usain Bolt for being the BEST OF THE BEST and may he glory in the fact that NO ONE can defeat him.

Competition is meant for ONE thing only: to determine WHO IS THE BEST on the same level PLAYING FIELD, whereas, the playing field must be fair and balanced, WHEREAS, fairness has NOTHING to do with a player/athlete’s skill and ability BECAUSE competition is mean to determine WHO IS the best.

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Well said, 100% agreed!

MMR should NOT be in Competitive, full stop.


The only ignorant statement is you claiming:

And you don’t think I have?

2100 SR to 4,3k on Tank and Support while 2100 SR to 3,7k on DPS.

He literally demonstrated it two posts below! xD

Give this man a medal for most useless contribution to a thread.

So basically you said that the system rewards people who are lazy but at the same time you cimbed with hard work?
In the same system?
so it does reward hard work too right? Otherwise you wouldn’t have climbed.

How to destroy their own argument in two posts…

You use this Olympics example a lot: do you know what’s Olypmics in sports? It’s like Overwatch League in Overwatch.

If you got to the Olympics you already had to climb your way through regional and national leagues/tournaments.

If you’re in the Olympics you already grinded your way through “the ladder” of irl sports.

It’s like being in GM or in OWL, you had to be better than everyone else to even get a chance to be there.
They don’t put 13 y/o kids against Bolt.

But this seems really difficult to grasp for “The Riggers”. xD


Yes but Overwatch League doesn’t use Overwatch Matchmaking, if it did it would be better because it would prevent unfair matches from being played. In order to find out who the best teams are, they must play against equally matched teams so that it’s fair. Right now OWL allows teams to play anyone which is ridiculous because some teams are better than others.

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You’ve literally lost your marbles.