Ultra extreme low quality matchmaking

OWL allows any team to play any team in a round robin fashion which is absurd because the teams are almost always unfairly matched up. The teams have to be evenly matched to even tell who is better.


i never implied that i thought that at all.

we’ll have to agree to disagree. I stand by what I said because only whiners and complainers are the ones that btch about such things as fairness in real competition just because there are others that are just simply better than them. You don’t hear the best of the best athletes doing that. they do the exact opposite. That’s why they win.

No i did not “basically” say that at all. Read the context of my reply first and you’ll destroy your own response quite easily.

What’s useless about a truthful statement in the context and realm of competition? Whining and complaining are the true culprits of ill-performance decision making capabilities. What i said is true. it is true, not just within OW, but in all performance engaging activities. Useless thread? you’re funny. Your reply is what’s useless and, also, unsubstantial.

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I’ve already blocked him. I have little patience for that, these days.


Well, when you have teams that can hoard tons of talent and have them sitting on the bench for 90% of the season… what do you expect?

OWL needs to address that, as it’s actually a contributing factor in holding back team parity and creating these huge disparities.

This all feels like incrediblly bad league structure and management.

What you have to realize about hulk is he’s kinda like an angry baby. You sit him in time-out and ignore him and all of a sudden things get quiet.

He literally has an entire channel in his discord where he screencaps everything mean someone’s said to him on the forums.

In short: he’ll never forgive you. His children’s children’s children will seek the families revenge a millennia from now. And you’ll know (from beyond the grave) the debt is paid, all because you dropped a couple of logic bombs and “mad cuz garbage” one-liners on him :rofl::rofl:

Hypocrisy is amazing, isn’t it? :rofl:


He’s also most likely a troll who likes to bait reaction from people online by saying the controversial thing you can say.


I for one appreciate hulk being a +1 for those with nobody to +1 them :smirk_cat:


Dude, I literally quoted your message where you say it, stop the cap! xD

I’m really sorry but do you have reading comprehension issues?
Cause I literally quoted Hulk’s post while writing that and you assumed I was talking about yours. xD


also very slow! the matchmaker in my basement creates more games per second.

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The problems with this are that it matches smurfs with smurfs with normal players. This means instead of the smurfs blasting through and climbing, 100% of the time 50% of the smurfs in matches stay in the same rank causing more problems. Plus, the others who get stuck with them in matches. A smurf being outsmurfed is always the first to throw…

Without this artificial barrier, smurfs would float out of ranks much faster.

There are two competing definitions of smurf. Do you mean someone who is on an alt account and temporarily under ranked but otherwise actually trying to do well, or do you mean someone who had deliberately thrown they’re account down to a level where they can dominate?

I’m not claiming one is more correct than the other, just that the terms aren’t always clear.

Doesn’t matter. A strictly random SR-based matchmaker would help with both varieties.

If it’s the former, then they will climb out faster by facing less other improperly ranked players.

If it’s the later, then those players are always either in a throwing or win state. By not intentionally matching these players, you won’t add extra losses(100% of all smurf on smurf wins also means 50% of all smurfs lose) and potentially more games as they climb to the point that they start throwing again.

Also, it would eliminate any argument about the system working again them. Wouldn’t a lot of you like that?

This is an oxymoron.

Is it random, or is it based on skill?

Wouldn’t it make much more sense to just ban the player if the system actually knows it’s this type of smurf? The system obviously didn’t know of any smurfs, because awareness of the Smurf means elimination of a Smurf.

Not that they don’t exist. But as far as the system knows, they don’t seem to exist, right?

I meant random matchmaking existing within the brackets of SR as opposed to the current MMR existing within the brackets of SR.

No. You would have to create entire detection systems for smurfs. Way more variables to add than the current system. You would also have to change the rules to make it a violation to play below your level while not banning those who are new to comp or have improved. You’d be surprised how much gameplay improves with a big PC upgrade.

Or you could just remove MMR.

That isn’t and never has been how the system works. You’ve been lied to.

What exactly do you think MMR does such that both is not “a complex detection system for smurfs” but also somehow is “intentionally matching these players”.

If it’s doing it intentionally, aren’t they necessarily detected?

SR is an openly visible system that anyone can see or track. The point gains are pretty static once your MMR has been established for a while.

This is why you don’t see streamers getting 100 point SR gains in bronze while smurfing on a silver border account.

It uses rudimentary metrics to determine that a player is performing better than others in the bracket. That’s kiddy level analytics. What you’re suggesting is they algorithmically figure out a player’s motivation and reasoning for playing the way they do. Wildly more complicated, if not impossible.

I’m trying to not suggest anything other than that very direct quote from the devs that says SR has never been used in matchmaking. And that isn’t my suggestion, that’s Kaplans.

I’m trying to understand here. It sounds like you’re trying to say that it uses rudimentary metrics (a opposed to wins/losses?) to match smurfs, but not non-smurfs together, but it doesn’t actually know that they’re smurfs, because as you say, that would be impossible.

This final point, that accurate Smurf detection is very difficult verging on impossible, we totally agree on. I just can’t square that with the other things you said regarding putting smurfs together intentionally. I really have no idea what you mean.

I’ll try to clarify, but I’m not sure if you’re just being intentionally obtuse or what…

It’s easy to tell a player is performing better relative to their SR rank.

What isn’t easy to tell is why.

If I go from a sub 60fps setup to a 144fps setup, I’m, in all likelihood, probably going play better and be detected as a ‘smurf’.

Should I be punished in the same manner that you suggest as someone who rank tanked or bought a bronze account to smurf?

How would you know if someone hasn’t been practicing or getting coaching or whatever people do to improve?

There’s a myriad of acceptable reasons to be better than the other players in your lobby. Using the current(or really any) MMR system, you’re not going to discern these things in an accurate way.

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Not intentionally. The rest of what you said, I get and agree with. I don’t understand what you mean when you say these following quotes, especially since we seem to be on the same page regarding the fact that the system cannot tell if a Smurf-like player is truly a Smurf.

which has a typo, but seems to be implying that it, the matchmaker, intentionally matches smurfs in a pattern, though due to typo i can’t quite tell if you mean it intentionally matches smurfs with other smurfs or with normal players, but either way it seems to assume that the smurf is known about.

combined with this:

You seem to be saying, and here its even stronger, that the game intentionally matches Smurfs, which to me means that a Smurf is recognized by the system.

I’m almost certainly misunderstanding you, in those two quotes. You clearly recognize that the system cannot tell smurfs apart from normal players.

There is a thing that not many players know:

SR goes from 1 - 5000
MMR goes from around ≈-3 to ≈+3.

But yeah you get more SR if your predicted win percentage is lower, same for the opposite.

MMR it’s not an exciting number and it may not even change after game. The reason why SR exists is to make players feel like they achieved something. Imagine playing a game, winning and seeing that your MMR didn’t change. You feel unrewarded. That’s why they don’t even show your MMR and why all rewards and the leaderboard are based on your SR.

I took some inspiration from one of Tomi-22443’s Posts. They explained the part about SR being just a reward really great!