please do remove internal mmr wich is an actual rank
The Overwatch matchmaker is more fair and accurate than the actual World Olympics and you, along with tens of thousands of other people, suffer from Dunning Kruger syndrome and are having a hallucinogenic experience when you see the teams are blatantly lopsided.
Twist the tinfoil one more time, I don’t think it’s tight enough yet.
(let me guess, kicking and screaming right?)
Edit: I’d wager my Doomfist could kill beat you playing Wreckingball (at a self proclaimed Master level), I’ve seen the vids.
Please remove SR and match only based on MMR, matches will be much better.
Even the three people who defend the matchmaker think it should be changed.
tbh I think it’s garbage too, I simple do not blame it for my own lack of skill.
they even afraid to show us our mmr =)
Having seen your doomfist, doubt it.
Well said! 100-percent agree.
I have my bets on you homie, ZEST’s wrecking ball is silver tier
Thats bad idea as it helps smurfs to get out of low ranks.
Already done. Not sure why people think otherwise. We don’t have decay as an example anymore, but you could see that matches weren’t made on SR at all and when they got rid of it they said that it’s not and never was.
Also, it can’t be. It wouldn’t make any sense.
You’re thinking PBSR, I think. MMR does nothing of the sort.
Smurfs are maliciously breaking the system to play at a skill level below their own. In games without MMR there are technically no smurfs as people can play at skill levels below their own by design.
Play Quick Play in Overwatch and go to Apex or Valorant for competitive integrity.
It’s 2022. If you’re still here complaining about this, it’s your own fault and you should reevaluate your choices re: what games you play and for what reasons you play them.
MMR alone is fine, as the system can easily snuff out smurfs by their performance spikes and simply match them against other players of similar MMR.
The issue is the rank system. The fact that being within a specific SR range forces the system to queue you with and against players of that SR range is what allows smurfs to do what they do.
The system cannot say “ehh… this is a smurf so let put him against masters players” if their SR is 1250. The system’s inherent design prohibits that, so the SR always takes precedent, which is why smurfs can throw to low ranks to ruin games with 100% efficiency.
The changes to the rank system in OW2 aren’t going to address this.
They should move to a system where there is MMR only, but they probably assume that doing that isn’t really going to engage players as it doesn’t give them a rank to ego boast or shame others with/for. The issue is that ranks are like medals. People want the best rank/medal, and without that carrot a lot of interest in the competitive mode will disintegrate.
But that same system is the one that creates the smurfing issue, as the ranks force these imbalances upon the players.
If they went by MMR, only, this would be a much easier issue to control.
It would also fix the issue where people get boosted to high SR playing broken heroes and then persist there to ruin games for other players once those heroes get a couple of balance passes.
apex, all i met is (smurfs) premade sweaties
Welcome to competitive gaming, where people outside of CasualWatch actually take matches seriously.
Make your own premade, or cry more.
Premades outperform PUGs, on average. That doesn’t make them smurfs, and there is nothing wrong with trying hard to win.
When Blizzard first introduced the LFG system, even at low ranks LFG groups were steamrolling pugs and people were begging Blizzard to not queue them up against them, Lol. All the LFG system did, initially, was segregate the serious competitive players form the casuals, and the casuals almost always lost.
Soooo…. You played a game that is known to be “more” than Overwatch and your reaction is to call these people try-hards?!
Legit can’t make this stuff up.
Overwatch, Valorant, Apex…. Doesn’t matter. If you’re queuing for a competitive game mode and not going in with the mindset of doing your best every time you queue, you’re the problem.
- Not the game
My comment was sarcastic (I’m sure you knew that), tbh I think all matches should be based on MMR vs SR (isn’t it already?), closer games, less skill gap (longer ques?), decay should have included MMR imo.
And yeah, I agree fully this match maker could use an overhaul, I just don’t blame it since it does exactly as is intended right now, people still climb/fall/50% and stay stagnant.
This is not how it works at all, though. It would not be only completely and utterly non-sensical, but they’ve told us over and over that they don’t match on SR in any way.
There is essentially no difference between MMR and SR, unless you’re punished for leaving or (previously) decayed.
They say it strongly, repeatedly, and the fact that SR ranges (barring groups) in games are roughly similar, the evidence supports that view.
I honestly have no idea how people think otherwise. Matching on both SR and MMR separately would not only double the work but it would essentially prevent all movement of SR, because EVERYONE would just bounce around in a random walk.
If you believe that anyone has ever climbed (or fallen) due to their own abilities, you cannot believe it works like this. Now, some people would prefer to believe that it’s completely broken like that, but most don’t.
Plus, it’s completely unnecessary. Look at it this way: What difference is there between a “rank system” and a system that knows the relative skills of players? It’s the same concept. If you know, or think you know skill and can give it a number, then you have a rank. Stop there, you’re done.
Replace “SR” with “MMR” and you’re spot on. To be fair to you, even the devs mixed up the two when discussing them. It’s really a niche difference that doesn’t matter to most players (see above about them being essentially the same).
Absolutely, true. Except…it’s not meant to address it that problem. The problem they’re addressing is the one I laid out here in 2018.
The only thing I disagree with here is the use of the term “should move”. You should change it to “are moving”. That’s exactly what they have already announced for OW2.
I believe you’ve fallen victim to the “omniscient MMR” fallacy. MMR is accurate, yes. But it doesn’t really “know” anything about you other than the information you provide it. It doesn’t know, for instance, that a Smurf that is manipulating their rank to be lower actually should be higher. If they’re losing games in Silver, well, they’re Silver as far as it can tell, not a GM in Silver. Again…if they did know that, why would they be in Silver? It makes zero sense. If they know someone’s skill they know their rank. Mis-rankings can and do happen, of course, but it’s not like the system KNOWS they’re mis-ranked, it’s just wrong.
The real way to fix this is very difficult, and what I suspect is one reason behind their “7 wins” policy. Someone who OTP a character to a high MMR will eventually get nerfed along with the balance pass, but it’s not instant. It can’t be. You need information. That person has to ruin games. Sorry, but it’s not a magic box that “knows”, as I’ve said.
Making updates after 7 wins is kind of a stick and carrot for more games, or at least enough games to actually make an informed opinion. (Like, 1 loss really isn’t meaningful, 7 losses and 7 wins, though…now we’re thinking with data).
Remove it by yourself, just smoorf and make this stupid matchmaker work as intended.