Why are gold games easier than bronze?

I certainly don’t think the ranks are meaningless, there’s a reason I stay in plat, sometimes I reach diamond and sometimes I drop to high gold but I always end back up at mid to high plat because obviously that’s where I belong. I just find it difficult to play in a game with lower ranks, maybe it’s because I expect certain things from them that they can’t live up to. For example I expect a Dva to deal with a hitscan on high ground, I expect a rein to move forward rather than just stand in a choke for his shield to deplete, I expect Anna to be able to land most of her healing shots, or I expect zen to use his healing orb, I often dont get these basic functions from my team mates in bronze/silver so I think you have to play differently. one needs to learn to carry in a very different way… in a way that wouldn’t work out in my regular rank.

Another thing I noticed is that Different heroes work better too down there. I can do well as Dva at my regular rank but I don’t get enough healing in silver games so I pick zarya and just melt everyone. But in plat the zarya doesn’t work nearly as well because they have soldiers and other hitscan that know how to use high ground advantage. I have to laugh when silver players get upset if you aren’t picking OWL/GM Meta heroes, as if that has any relevance to any of these ranks (including mine).


Getting HARDCarried by your Soldier is not evidence, especially not when you still looked and played like a silver ball in that match :rofl: :rofl:

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Kicking and screaming from people who have never been to any tier without grouping. They hate it when I provide video evidence.

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And now your’e back to lying.
Feels like someone is out of arguments…

Evidence of what?
You being a silver player?


Yes it would be meaningful and I would like to see it. Don’t speak for everyone.

Don’t care how you/blizz justify it. It shouldn’t be hidden. End of story.

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Have you tried just NOT playing the game if you disagree with what most people understand are quite reasonable terms here?

How do you think people are going to react when the only number used is MMR and there is no punishment mechanism, it’s hard to understand, and it’s movement looks unintuitive?

Do you really think they’re going to recode the system to cater to the whims of a few petty conspiracy theorists who are convinced that their epeen is bigger than it really is?

What information they have shared has not solved anything but rather just been twisted to support one of these nutty narratives.

Stay mad, bro. It’s not going to happen just because a few people that are obviously out of touch with reality demand it in the one forum that they can’t get downvoted into oblivion or kicked at whim.


See, this is what a reasonable, normal human thinks when something like this happens. (I know “reasonable” and “normal” aren’t much in the way of compliments, but it’s a bar to high for some.)

I feel like maybe you’ve walked into the middle of a discussion, so here’s a bit of a primer for you, and yes… very little had changed since 2018…


No point discussing this with you when you feel the need to resort to petty personal attacks. Clearly the logic is lacking.

What’s the point in using logic, when you’ll just make up whatever to suit your view?

I can’t reference def statements because “they’re lYiNg”.

I can’t reference how the system actually works because “YoUCANt kNoW”.

I can’t give you more reasonable explanations because you simply. don’t. care.

Anything other than “i do not like it and don’t trust it” is simply a non-starter for you, and anyone who tries to be reasonable will get stuck in a loop of disregarded evidence and epistemic nihilism.

So yeah. If you won’t accept logic, then why bother giving you any?

The only evidence you have is your distorted perceptions and ridiculous expectations.


If you have to ask then I shouldn’t bother to explain. Take a leaf out of Titan’s book.

Well, it seems we finally agree. You really SHOULDN’T bother. Not that you ever have.


If you actually want to convince the reader of your viewpoint in a debate then always better to avoid personal attacks. When you’re ready to have a more mature discussion we can continue.

Less teammates willing or able to team-play in bronze. The amount of feeding and trickling 1v6 is just hard to believe.


Oh, the irony here.

Bold of you to assume that I think you’re worth attempting the first. My point, that no one cares what you think, not only doesn’t require your concurrence but rather presumes your disagreement.

The second, an attempt to infantilize in the middle of a false appeal to reason, is as ironic as it is transparent.


I assume you’re trying to convince readers of your viewpoint.

Just letting you know that personal attacks undermine your ability to do that. It makes everything you say less persuasive, not more persuasive.

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I don’t need to convince others of my viewpoint, my viewpoint is obviously true to any person not blinded by “misinterpretations” that no reasonable person could misinterpret. It’s not really “my” viewpoint, after all.

Calling you a conspiracy monger is simply a factual statement, you only feel it’s a personal attack because you disagree. But if it hurts you, you could, you know, stop spreading lies and conspiracy theories.

I don’t even object to the idea of showing the full MMR value. But I’m at least aware of the trade offs involved, which you don’t acknowledge.

And… Lol, it’s simply not going to happen. Whine all you want. They don’t care about the 6 of you who absolutely must believe that rank is meaningless.

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Been to 4,3k solo, easy.

You provided evidence of being a silver player, thats the only thing you did =]


Then what are you doing here? I thought that was your mission. Thought I recall you saying something or other about trying to rid people of the idea that their games are rigged.

I’m actually helping you out by letting you know how you appear to the outsiders who stumble upon these discussions. That your approach could use improvement.

No, that’s YOUR mission.

I’ve cataloged the conspiracy theories, tried to understand them, noted where they disconnect with reality, noted why they simply can’t be true, and pushed back against the lies and misrepresentations.

Most of the changes I wanted to see either have already happened or are happening in OW2. Not that I’m actually influential, but when the problems you recognize are based on reality, well, reality is the same for everyone.

There are some things i would prefer different, but unlike you I recognize that is my personal opinion and that I’m against the majority there.

I mean, you realize this is just an insular group at this point, right? It’s the same people discussing the same crap for over 4 years. At this point, I mostly just link prior posts.

I’ve seen a LOT of people get briefly entranced by this conspiracy theory, but usually in the end they realize that it’s obviously not true. Calling people nutters because they think ranks are meaningless or the system in anti-competitive is really just confirming a reasonable persons suspicions.

Like, all i have to do is give a reasonable interpretation and explanations, and show them what the inevitable result of the changes each of you would like to see (which are all different, even though you all seem to agree with each other, you really just overlook your differences.)

Ez pz. My goal isn’t to convince anyone of my worldview. All i have to do is show that you’re bonkers, which you make super easy, and the truth just falls into place.

Like, look around, read the room. Once anyone realizes what you’re saying, they backpedal like a scared clown on a unicycle if they sounded like they agreed. It’s in this very thread!

Literally took the words out of my mouth, I run into this problem every so often playing with my higher ranked friends, they expect more from me, than I am capable of, after the match they apologize, and realize what they’ve said/done.

And Pizzazz, I am grateful to players like you that truly understand exactly what you’ve said in this quote (such as others like a few of the higher ranked folks in this thread do).

I am a Silver/Gold tank, do not expect anything more, Bronze/Silver for both support and dps, while I do have above average accuracy for my rank, my decision making and target prioritization are probably the reason I don’t move up to match my tank, and why my tank floats around 1900-2300.