Top 500 Support Pick Rates in NA

Until they switch to orisa bastion Sombra and you can’t swing your hammer anymore

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Moira is significantly less powerful in coordinated and skilled gameplay because she’s worse at duelling (since the DPS can aim and game sense is higher reducing the amount of 1v1s she can get away with) and she’s a force additive rather than a force multiplier.

For all the supports that are actually played, they share one thing in common. Strong utility in enabling the other members of their team or denying that same utility being applied to their own teammates.

Moira is functionally a scoreboard hero. She looks absolutely fantastic on the scoreboard, but that’s about it.

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Zen was butchered from the orb nerf. It’s not difficult to move behind cover if you have orb on you, then Zen can’t apply it quick enough once you are back in the fight.

OW2 is all about mobility, mobile heroes typically dominate, especially on DPS such as tracer and sojurn.

Zen should have had reapers fade ability in how own style. He just isn’t mobile enough to be considered a pick and has zero ability to escape if he isn’t close to his team, or they aren’t aware he is being dived on.

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Zen is the second least picked support?! Brig and Illari are ahead of him!?!

I’m not totally sure what to attribute that to. Coordinated bursting down of discord targets seems like a decent strat, at least at high elo. Whats going on here?

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Technically swinging his hammer is the only thing he can do then.

I think it has more to do with top 500 players simply being exceptionally good at the game so that the inherent advantage Moira had over less skilled players is basically completely neutralized.

Moira excels in lower ranks because her small frame and high mobility makes hitting her difficult if your aim is just average. Meanwhile she has no need to aim or reload, therefore can just succ you to death if you can’t land consecutive shots and if your team isn’t coordinated enough to peel for you or if you yourself are very often out of position. Aiming, positioning, and teammate awareness are all things top500s have mastered and that’s just not gonna make life easy for a Moira.

Let’s not pretend like playing Moira is difficult in any regard. She is the lowest brow hero in the game. She doesn’t get played in top tier simply because she has no utility and good players can outduel her better and more often than worse players can.


Tracer is still OP, and zen is awful into tracer.


I think you miss spelled Solider


Woo! This is very informative.

At first I was like ‘where’s Bap’ then I saw you said he and Ana is next, lol whoops.

Anyway, I’mma still try to push in usin Weave (and maybe Illari) more because I do find them really fun to play. The armor buff kinda messed up poor LW. D:


Oh look, further proof Zen is utter garbage like I have been saying forever.

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Or the meta being tracer centric means he can’t exist, and it’s not him being bad but another hero gatekeeping him while being monstrously op.

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Tracer hasn’t received a buff in ages. It is a result of them gutting Zen’s discord and then gutting his HP because apparently having no CC, no self-healing and no mobility isn’t enough to justify 275hp, but it is fine for LW.

He has been garbage ever since they gutted him, and the fact that flankers are only more broken now just makes it worse. Not to talk about dive tanks also being stronger than ever before. When 70% of the hero roster directly counter you, and those 70% of heroes are also the most broken ones right now, AND you just received a massive nerf to the one good ability you have then it all adds up. It is no shock he has the worst pickrate now.

GM players have realised why be good at the game, why even try to play a hard hero when you can get just as much value from every other support with half the effort.

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He was a monster with 275 HP because he deals a ton of damage.

LW deals negative damage and is a healbot by design with a much bigger hitbox (somehow lol) so of course he keeps the health increase.

If we were still at 200 HP for squishies, Zen would still be fine with 225. But alas, here we are with incompetent leadership and balancing.

Eh, I’ve had plenty of success with him up until the tank changes this season, at which point I simply stopped playing.

Yup; crazy they’re too stupid to realise that buffing tank passive as a whole also means buffing dive tanks a ton.

It is not, I agree.

That’s not it, though. Current meta is hypermobility on steroids, so of course the two most mobile supports with utility on top will be on top during it. Same happened during S1 of OW2 with the dreaded monkey meta after Zarya got nerfed. (Essentially, we have come full circle during S10’s midseason patch…and this is what caused the bad queue times leading to matchmaking getting destroyed to hide it lmfao)

Thank you for taking the time to put this together.


Likely true, though how significant the effect is I don’t have enough data to conclude.

My pre-S9 Kunai crit % was 21, now it’s down to 20. And the number they show only rounds to neared %, so for all I know it really only moved from like 20.51 to 20.49 or something, and my personal stats are inherently a small sample size.

They clearly know this is an issue with large projectiles and crit spots; I wonder how difficult it would be for them to code something like a pyramidal, conical, or similar pointy hitbox for large projectiles, so the leading point is less likely to errantly strike beside a crit point due to max width while still allowing most of the “forgiving” quality wide hit boxes on projectiles are supposed to enable.

Despite all the complaints, the data has never really supported Mercy being powerful outside of right after rework.

Her stats are typically subpar.


That is correct. Moira has no toolkit

But she was Meta until last patch; in both Ranked and OWCS

You think if I watch one of their games they’ll look like Arx kind of gameplay?

Players will always pick whatever has an advantage

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Holding your shield and hiding behind corners is alright too… :weary:

This is the optimal Rein playstyle. Rat Rein is the only way

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I don’t be surprised at all
After thinking, I’m not surprised about OTP mercy : they reach diamond and below, and stop play comp to wait the end of the season to get ranking point

Now, good speed to you, if you make DPS rates in NA