As the Author and “Tester” of this table let me add a few things to the disscussion even if im not quite up to date with the game and esspecially the meta.
The reasons I used shields is because there Hitbox is extremely close to what we visually see as “the shield” which allowed me to measure fairly accurate (with about 0.01m tolerance) If I used Heroes instead I would have to take into consideration the shape and actual size of the Heroes Hitboxes with is often quite a bit larger then what we visually see:
So a projectile hits a player when the hitbox of the projectile hits the Hitbox of a player.
My table simply proofs that the Sphere shaped hitbox around any Projectile has a specific Diameter in Hanzos and Genji’s case the Sphere has a Diameter of 0.2m or a Radius of 0.1m which is the smallest among the Projectiles I listed (which are nearly all expect Orisa and Echo I think)
As a comparison, 0.2m are quite close in size to a soccer ball, which seems big until compared to the rest and the general running speed of Hereos (5.5m/s) for example Dva and Mercy’s blasters are at the other end of the spectrum with a Diameter of 0.5m or 0.25m Radius which is 2.5x larger
Which is also confirmed and mentioned in an Orange post from before I made the table: Hanzo's Arrows' Hitboxes needs nerf in Size - #16 by GeoffGoodman
If all that still is not convincing enough there is a lot of discussion in the post with the table and the code too is provided for anyone who wants to scientifically test and refute my original testing results.
as a Note the Post has not been updated since the start of this year so any Update that have changed any Projectiles are not considerd and may be outdated tho I don’t think I ever read anything about any Projectile Hitbox changes since then either.