Top 5 most annoying characters?

Yes lol

Why, oh why, did they remove Brig’s overheal when Zarya can make any hero invincible willy-nilly?

but I’m just using hanzo in PR or quickplay and its incredible how big the arrow hitbox is on certain (if not) all characters. there’s a reason why he even received the speed nerf, they couldnt bother to fix his arrows registration and decided to just make him worse at longer ranges

  1. Genji (ruins the entire game)
  2. Roadhog (also ruins the game)
  3. McCree (e + rightclick is really really dumb and i think stun lasts too long)
  4. Sombra (hack is too easy and too rewarding)
  5. Hanzo (wallhack in general is not something i’m a fan of)

He was being played because of storm arrows and dragon strike not because of his arrow hitbox or speed. Stop using quickplay for data.

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Top three are easy:

  1. Mei - Every part of her is designed specifically to prevent fun and interaction, and even her main damage output is basically Hanzo (who appears below).

  2. Doomfist - Three different low-cooldown AOE CC abilities, three different low-cooldown ways to heal himself, multiple ways to insta-kill during his own CC, and an invulnerability ultimate in case he screws up all of the above. Also probably the most annoying part: If your toe grazes the side of a 1-inch lip on a ledge as you’re coming to a stop after being punched, you “hit a wall” and die.

  3. Hanzo - Pretty sure he kills me accidentally more often than on purpose. Dying because the opponent has poor aim is always annoying. Dying because my teammate insists on constantly following behind me while I’m invisible as Sombra to trick the Hanzo into blindly hitting me isn’t much better.

After that it gets a little trickier, but I’d probably have to go with Zarya and Baptiste for the instant invulnerability effects they can apply to both their teammates and themselves.

As the Author and “Tester” of this table let me add a few things to the disscussion even if im not quite up to date with the game and esspecially the meta.

The reasons I used shields is because there Hitbox is extremely close to what we visually see as “the shield” which allowed me to measure fairly accurate (with about 0.01m tolerance) If I used Heroes instead I would have to take into consideration the shape and actual size of the Heroes Hitboxes with is often quite a bit larger then what we visually see: OVERWATCH HITBOXES for EVERY HERO - YouTube

So a projectile hits a player when the hitbox of the projectile hits the Hitbox of a player.

My table simply proofs that the Sphere shaped hitbox around any Projectile has a specific Diameter in Hanzos and Genji’s case the Sphere has a Diameter of 0.2m or a Radius of 0.1m which is the smallest among the Projectiles I listed (which are nearly all expect Orisa and Echo I think)
As a comparison, 0.2m are quite close in size to a soccer ball, which seems big until compared to the rest and the general running speed of Hereos (5.5m/s) for example Dva and Mercy’s blasters are at the other end of the spectrum with a Diameter of 0.5m or 0.25m Radius which is 2.5x larger
Which is also confirmed and mentioned in an Orange post from before I made the table: Hanzo's Arrows' Hitboxes needs nerf in Size - #16 by GeoffGoodman

If all that still is not convincing enough there is a lot of discussion in the post with the table and the code too is provided for anyone who wants to scientifically test and refute my original testing results.
as a Note the Post has not been updated since the start of this year so any Update that have changed any Projectiles are not considerd and may be outdated tho I don’t think I ever read anything about any Projectile Hitbox changes since then either.


Ball, Doom, Sombra

High mobility + massive CC is the most annoying combo.

And then…maybe Sym and Junkrat.

  1. Doomfist
  2. Sombra
  3. Mei
  4. Moira
  5. Wrecking Ball

not saying they are good or OP or anything, this is a list of annoying heroes and I find them annoying

  1. Widow
  2. Ball
  3. Baptiste
  4. Tracer
  5. Sigma

In that order. Mainly just the top 3, and I say Bap but really I mean Immortality. I never mind playing against Bap outside of Immortality

I hate Ball because of the CC + how hard he is to kill when you don’t stack CC or focus fire

This isn’t about heroes being good, this is about if you find them annoying or not. Being frozen by Mei or being walled off by Mei is annoying, Being hacked is annoying, having to gun downed by a Bastion surrounded by shields is annoying.

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widow, genji, hammond, zarya and roadhog ):

  • Doomfist (Full CC kit, very short cooldowns and the one-shot that punishes you for standing close to a wall -_-)
  • McCree (Flashbang + FTH, if well timed, ult can obliterate the enemy team)
  • Reinhardt (Getting pinned and there is no way out unless your team stuns him)
  • Wrecking Ball (Can engage and disengage easily like it’s nothing)
  • Doomfist again cause I don’t have a 5th annoying hero and Doomfist is just more annoying than the others I mentioned.
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Mei and Hammond are my top 2 picks when it comes to the most frustrating heroes in this game by far…

  2. bastion
  3. Zarya
  1. Sombra: Its not like i wanted abilities, thats cool.
  2. Doom: Cool…love being insta killed by a high mobility character
  3. Genji: Blade to win
  4. Mercy: Its fine, its not like i earned that kill you just rezzed, thats cool.
  5. Hammond: Spin to win.

Scatter Arrow got removed a long time ago, my friend.


So basically anything that requires the most minimal coordination.

  1. Ashe
    my hatred for this character can’t even be described, let’s say I wouldn’t mind it if she randomly disappeared never to be seen again

  2. Zarya
    Nobody and I mean nobody should have a 2nd chance at life even though they made a big mistake, Zarya just bubbles her teammate and he’s able to walk away freely and even feeds her more charge

  3. Baptiste
    in this patch can 1v1 most DPS and win + immortality field is the same reason listed for Zarya

    annoying voice lines and I hate having one on my team because it’s an automatic loss against most team comps

  5. Ana
    Whenever I’m playing someone like Roadhog I’d like to actually play the damn game without getting focussed by an old woman that’s constantly harassing me