#1 Zarya. I hate her. #2 Sombra. I dont mind her on the enemy team, she’s easy to deal with. I don’t like having to double duty dps when she’s on my team #3 Zarya. I hate her. #4 Wreckingball Same thing as Sombra. I like Ball, but on my team they never seem to swap no matter how countered they are. #5 Genji same thing as Ball.
imagine thinking mei sombra and bastion are annoying in 2020 when they are throw picks and grant enemy free wins on the table
that being said, hanzo zarya and genji are super disgusting to fight against due to their big projectiles, get out of jail cards and oppressive abilities
Basically any hero that demand full attention to deal with, using/saving all your cooldown for him or even having to switch.
I mean you will never switch your hero because of an enemy Reinhard but you probably have to do it if you are getting kicked by a doom.
thats not rly proof, hanzo arrows are known to be loge sized and can randomly kill anything even when he is not aiming at the character simply because the hitbox are in his favor
Zaryas bubbles are incredibly oppressive. Did their Reaper walk into your team and press Q? Flashbang him, McCree! Shield bash Brigitte! Oh he’s bubbled and we’re all dead.
Is someone out of position and out of cooldowns? Dive them Genji! Pounce Doomfist! Oh they’re bubbled now you’re dead.
Need to contest the objective? No. How about you die a constant stream of 170 dps that’s as easy to aim as Moira.