Top 20 OW1/2 Game Needs - 20k post Edition

OK…20k posts!..what the hell is wrong with me??? :sweat_smile:

so i did this for 10k and i may as well do it for 20k…to celebrate reaching this “i spend way too much time on here” milestone…i give you my top 20 list of things this game (and OW2) needs that i also spent way too much time on…

i want to note that while i always try to be as objective as possible…this is in fact MY list so theres going to be some subjectivity on here…feel free to disagree
so without further ado:

Top 20 OW1/2 Game Needs

  • 20 - Doomfist Cratered

starting small once again…can we make this one…you know…obtainable?

thankfully OW2 will be forcing a change here, though now i wonder if theyll even bother with achieves or if the current reward becomes unobtainable or something

  • 19 - “Open All Loot Box” Button

So I dont know how “needed” this is for most people…but for someone who has played this game for a long time there is a major annoyance any time new cosmetics are added to the game and thats the fact new lootboxes get placed beneath all your older ones…this means if you want to open a new box with new stuff in it you have to open all your old lootboxes first…and if you never have any reason to be opening them (i completed gallery in like 2017) you tend to have a mountain of boxes…its not a “neeeeeed”…but a huge QOL change…i know know…just open them as you get them…but i never even look at them nowadays cause there like no need

most likely going away with OW2…so…w/e

  • 18 - Increase Avoid Slots

i understand why they exist (you avoid everyone and it makes it that much harder to matchmake)…but surely we can have more slots (and i never even use them - but i know people would like this)…i see this requested all the time

  • 17 - Better Cards/Scoreboard

This one is a long time community request…i would actually settle for better cards - ie more info on them would be nice…BETTER info would be nicer (like say healing received would nice)…im not super high on a scoreboard per say…i dont think its super necessary…but that would also be nice to have…though i will say that given how toxic people are (we already use the little we have as ammunition) that a scoreboard should probably be reserved for AFTER a match is completed…sorry but we dont need new things to yell at people about during a match

  • 16 - Better Training Room

in short…training room sucks…it needs to be improved…hell there are many versions in workshop that you could throw on there instead

  • 15 - Bring Back Event Epics

not the biggest of issues (and certainly not one for me)…but i think blizz should find a way to bring back event/mini-event epics…im fine with how the were acquired…but for some people it was literally out of their hands…saw someone just this past week whos computer basically died mid event…seems unfair to me that they shouldnt have these because of something that was completely out of their hands (and the intention was there)…especially when this same logic doesnt apply to any of the other event skins which you can just get the next year if you missed them

speaking of events…

  • 14 - New Events

i preface this by saying im not someone who needs “NEW CONTENT”…i dont think the events were ever meant to be more than what they have been and i think people expect way too much out of them…but its a “new” game…it should have new events (can still keep old ones as well)

  • 13 - More Arcade Slots…Why A Rotation?

i dont see why some have permanent slots and why others dont…just put them all up on there…let people play what they want to play (and i say that as someone who doesnt even like 90% of the arcade game modes)

  • 12 - 6v6/5v5 in arcade

this is for OW2…the devs have said very little about what theyre going to do with arcade (since its going 5v5)…there are several concerns (mostly to do with tank impact) with regards to game modes where there arent role limits…will there be any attention given here? an OW classic perhaps? whats happening with the arcade in OW2???

  • 11 - Workshop Featured More

should be noted that they recently did a nice update to workshop…but i still want to see the workshop featured more prominently as it is one of the best things ever added to the game and people have come up with incredible stuff on there…highlight a game mode here and there on the front page…or better yet…adapt them (they own the rights to stuff on there anyway) into official game modes…i always laugh when people complain about “lack of content” considering there is a literal infinite amount of it like 2 clicks away from main screen…always met with some sorry excuse about how “its not a core game mode”…well its on front page now…whats the excuse this time?

  • 10 - QPC On Front Page

if OQ can be in a “comp” menu…then QPC can be in a “QP” menu…simple as that…besides itll free up an arcade slot

  • 9 - OW2 BETA

self explanatory…and i know its coming at some point…but yeah…

  • 8 - Harsher Leaver Penalties

Im not sure anyone really knows anything about the cheating system and if its doing anything…hopefully thats being improved…but i do know for a fact that blizz doesnt do enough to curtail people from leaving games…and by enough i really mean anything because nobody cares about the current penalty…cause its like nonexistant

why is this a problem you may be asking? you cant force people to stay or get a better internet connection…and youre right…you cant…but you also shouldnt have to inconvenience someone else with a backfill because someone left with 10 seconds left in match (especially in the age of 15 minute dps queues) - and lets be honest here, you KNOW why those people are leaving then and its not their bad internet connection (“oh no a potential L…AAAHHH”)…your selfishness should not come at the expense of someone else having a bad experience

You might say “well dont backfill then” but backfilling does serve a purpose…I always ask “why?”…and in this case its “why are people leaving in the first place?”…and yes some of it is people not wanting to waste time (which might be anything outside of a steamroll on his/her teams part)…but a large part of that is because theres little to no penalty to doing so…Im not talking life sentences here…something as little as incremental queue penalties would go a long way towards helping this behavior

  • 7 - Better Stat Tracking Website (like say the OWL website)

im not going to mince words here…i think Overbuff and what the community does with it is one of the worst things to ever happen to OW…i think it has ruined the community’s view/perception of what the balance in the game is…i think it has falsely helped reinforced the idea of “meta” comps…i think it has helped foster negativity amongst the community…

but at the same time i give people a pass because - THATS WHAT WE HAVE…

and i think blizz could do a lot more to fix this issue by actually providing us with better stat tracking…whether it be in game or on a website somewhere…ive pointed out many times how much better the OWL stats page is (infinitely better even)…just give us THAT for the game itself! it would be a major improvement for the game and community

  • 6 - More Objectivity From Its Community

This should go without saying but theres way too much “ME” on the forums (in general)…i doubt this will change much but it would be to the games benefit if people would look at the game as a whole and not take such myopic stances on things…its a major reason the devs stopped using forums (a recently reversed trend with Andy…but even he has spoken about objectivity already on here)

note - we can all be less toxic as well…both on here and in game*

  • 5 - Monetization Catastrophe

this one is the most likely lost cause on here…because i KNOW its coming anyway…but for the love of god STAY AWAY FROM MODERN DAY MONETIZATION STRATEGIES…

i dont want to see this game go “free” to play ( :roll_eyes:)…i dont want to see grindy battlepasses that turn this game into a chore rather than a game…i dont want to see things locked behind paywalls (paywalls btw that are usually ridiculous - “oh look i bought 3 skins and a spray…it only cost me twice the price of a full AAA game”)…god forbid they throw in pay to win type stuff…NO! none of it!

im not gullible…ive been playing online games for 2+ decades now…i know its not necessary…i know it wont actually mean more content…i know that the only reason it exists is for you to take advantage of people and take more money…its not for the benefit of the game…just stay away from it…

they could absolutely slaughter the game in whatever other way possible/imagineable…it wouldnt get me to stop playing as fast as an overtly greedily monetized game will…

  • 4 - Mystery Heroes With Hero Limits

My White Whale on here…in terms of something that is objectively game-breaking…i think this one is easily top of the ladder…ive gone to great lengths to showcase how bad it is including actually logging my games (its my most played game mode despite this)…i wont go into all the detail here cause ive done so numerous times…like say 🤦🏻‍♂️ Mystery Heroes + No Limits makes ZERO sense … or most recently Mystery Heroes in OW2 - Im worried

Funny thing is people get all over me for suggesting replacing it…even when i point out that i would settle for an alternate version in the arcade without the hero locking…hell we even have an experimental card now where we could test it out…or better yet make a MH card a put both versions…let people decide for themselves i dont care…

its not about fun/unfun…its about something thats game-breaking…and its been that way for 5+ years now

note - i have large concerns for MH in general in OW2…its outlined in the 2nd link there

  • 3 - Need To Nail Tanks/Supports

this ties in with number 1, but if OW2 is to succeed, getting those 2 roles “right” needs to be a top priority…i have no issue with 5v5…i understand why theyre going in this direction…one of those reasons is to try help improve the tank role and make it more appealing to people who might not normally play it (requiring one allows them to add functionality to these heroes)…but if not done correctly i think it will end up hurting things…with regards to supports i think they just need to ensure that they arent being destroyed in a world without that extra safety net at their side

im talking about philosical directions here…not current numbers we’ve seen on tests (that stuff changes all the time)…

soooo…crossing fingers

  • 2 - Less Issues Over At Blizz HQ

ok…covid i can understand…but is it too much to ask that you guys dont shoot yourselves in foot every couple of months…the games been delayed enough times dont you think? just a small request…

  • 1 - Increased Player Flexibility

THE BIGGEST ISSUE WITH OVERWATCH and its been that way since beginning…

in a nutshell, people have always shown a reluctance to actually play “Overwatch”…we all want to play “MY Overwatch” where only specific roles are played…only specific heroes are played…we dont want to see certain heroes played…we dont want to see specific comps being played (this includes how many of each role)…etc etc etc

Overwatch was never meant to be played that way and doing so creates all sorts of issues: balance is never right, metas stagnate, finding groups takes forever (queue times anyone?), toxicity is through the roof (we all love it when something isnt working and nobody does a damn thing to change it right?)…playing against people who are trying to maximize their experience (like say as a group) is a huge problem…its why RQ never really did what it was meant to do

etc etc etc…you can literally tie this one thing to just about every major issue with the game

Overwatch is a very fun game when people actually play Overwatch…but very few people are actually trying to do that…

The MOST SIGNIFICANT AND NEEDED change to OW and OW2 is…US…the mindset needs to be changed…blizz can help a lot in this regard as well (see #3 above for example)…but it starts with the community and how it approaches the game

Honorable Mention

  • Avoid Further Restrictions

i wanted to put this on here and it was in fact high on my previous list at 10k…but blizz have actually done exactly what i requested then and walked back many of the restriction based decisions they made…

they walked back map pools, and hero pools…they brought back OQ after it had been gone for a while…

im hoping they continue to do so in the future even as i see people requesting hero or map restrictions in the future…they dont actually help and just reduce variety…

  • Balance and Matchmaking

Im sure people are probably wondering where Balance and Matchmaking are…as they are very prevalent in the community’s discussions about the game…

Theyre not on the list because i think theyre not something that will ever change…
balance is an impossibility…an impossibility fueled by stuff like #'s 1,6 and 7 or stuff like this ideological belief that the game isnt balanced unless all heroes have identical PR’s and WR’s…plus there is no “right” or “correct” way to balance the game…theres no way to make the game fun for everyone…

so i dont put it on there cause its not something they can logistically fix…which is why i always say blizz should just balance the game in whatever manner they think is best (which is still trying to get the heroes to playable yet close states) and hopefully its also fun…thats the best they can do…

and as far as matchmaking…i dont think people really think about what it is that MM is trying to do in this game…its always going to be “Bad”…i dont want to go into it here…but youre welcome to see my thoughts on it here (Why are you surprised matchmaking is "bad"?) if you really want to know…

anyway…thats my list…we’ll see if i make it to 30k…not sure i can come up with a list of 30 though…


normally i wouldnt do this…but it just hit me i left out an indisputable top 5 option off the list…

sorry monetization…get out of there

  • 5 - Random Skin Select

How the heck…after 6 years…do we not have the ability to have a skin randomly selected out of our collection…or at the very least a favorites list…

FIX…YOUR…GAME…BLIZZ… :sweat_smile:


Zen rapid discord too please. So much luck involved in if it bugs out or not. :crossed_fingers:

This right here. It makes no sense to keep them gated. There are so many ways to bring them back.

Make them expensive
Make them attainable during archives
Make them tied to specific achievements or challenges

Anything. Lots of these skins are mega important to the lore (Marammat, Dr Ziegler) and there’s no reason to keep them locked


Oh I was referring to the regular event epics that switched to a per week reward basis and subsequently were no longer obtainable again (unlike previous years)

I guess the same logic I gave in list applies to those as well

I disagree with the matchmaking issue.

In no world should 3 seperate ranks be in a solo queue or even duoed match.

But several times now while duoing tank with a friend (should pull around a 2600-2700MMR) we’ve had golds, plats, and diamonds all in the same game. And then the enemy team gets carried by some Diamond MNK cheating Soldier and it’s GGs for us. And the best part about this? It’s been prime hours 7pm-9pm EST.

Why a plat duo is getting sucked into games with 3 ranks is beyond me. That shows you just how scuffed their MMR is, and needs to get fixed.

I do hope they change some achievements with the launch of 2.

And while minor I 100% support this, there’s so many great purple skins just lost to time now.

And this as well I agree with, there’s no reason it should be hogging a slot in arcade when comp has both versions in one menu button.

Always wanted this one, the current room is fine for trying on skins or messing around in queue, but it’d be nice if it actually had something other than the massive slow training bots to shoot

I really don’t get why they never added more workshop modes like hero gauntlet to the arcade

I don’t even think there are any of these I’m missing that I’d even equip, but I still agree

hot take here, but i think ALL achievements should be super hard to get. makes them seem more like “achievements” tbh.

also congrats on 20k posts :blush:

Exactly, what is wrong with you, how can you just post that much on the game forum. Some people i tell ya.

And yea, event epics being locked is annoying thing, its done only to boost player numbers on those who “dont want to miss out” on them.

And they have no choice but to go for more modern day monetizations, because they screw over themself giving away to many coins, because you could in theory just farm out a lot coins before events, and the more people play the more useless boxes are.
Problem they created is that they limiting options for pasionate players to “support them” (now its different story because of current times at company but im talking in general) by buying lootboxes.
So, what you do if you like overwatch and want to give them some cash? Buy lootboxes since you have everything now? Or buy OWL tokens, that are ment as support for esport not a game directly?
So now lootboxes having no value if you play game, only some really casual players or new (and at this stage i doubt many new players is there) have any reason to spend cash on those.

I’d argue that’s why the events exist….cash grab opportunities…

The repeating events that have skins for easy to farm coins, i doubt its making that much money, its more about player numbers now to keep game looking alive.

Oh people spend….especially if they don’t feel like playing the events and such….would it be better if they could spend on the skin directly? Probably….

And It does spike interest in the game a bit…but it exists because people spend money…

Really think (given how this game is on the back burner for the devs)…that they make event skins (and no actual event updates) just because they know people want em? People want lots of things they don’t get….they make them because they know people (stupidly) spend

Whole gaming industry works around this now…the knowledge that people compulsively spend on stuff….once they realized they can get away with that it’s permeated every corner of the industry (and it’s getting worse)

I actually believe that they were anyway using skins they had made in past to keep game giving rewards until OW2, also, the reason they might be making them and giving out now is that maybe in the next game, where they want new players, all past event skins will actually take some cash to get.
That way all people who played before, will feel special as they got chance to get them free, and new player will be suprised to see how many cosmetics are there to buy from the start, and their price might feel better compared to new stuff since they could give them lower price tags than in new monetization system and make it look like a good deal.

The lootbox thing can be easly seen as droping in making money since there is less topics with people complaining about not getting anything for example, and i dont think there is much left people on yt doing lootbox opening, maybe reviews for skins itself at best.
Also again, besides lootboxes and lvling up, 120 games on tank give you from 25 coin drops one skin costing 3000, so most people who care anymore probably get at least coins for few skins before event starts from even just farming passes.