Not being protected as healer (I NEVER get protected while I’m healing everyone, and they ALWAYS get me killed, somehow!)
No teamwork from ANYONE!! (This includes Healers and Tanks that don’t wanna do their part!!)
Everyone playing new hero because ‘shiny new thing’
Frustrating game modes (Mystery Heroes, Team Deathmatch, Capture The Flag)
Broken POTGs (Moira and Brig getting POTG most the time even when they don’t earn it properly!)
Dying MANY FU**ING TIMES!!! (This ALWAYS happens!!)
Getting De-ranked in comp (It’s inevitable! VERY VERY inevitable and I hate it, thanks Blizzard!)
Overly Nerfed Heroes (DF, Bastion, Sym, Torb in a way, Brig, Mercy, Sigma, Orisa, Hammond, etc.)
Toxic people (This includes me sometimes!)
- Obnoxious Widows who type “sit.” in match chat after sniping you
- People who type ez at the end of a match
- Waiting in queue for 8 min and backfilling directly into defeat screen
This one is a bug introduced in a previous patch that should be getting fixed soon hopefully. I got a Brig potg today where I repair packed someone at full health, then landed a whip which didn’t even turn into an elim lmao
I think you’re a little too angry right now
This is just not true though, of course they will keep doing more patches between now and OW2
Posted 4 hours ago, they are getting ready to try less-CC version of the game in experimental.
I can probably guarantee you they will tweak echo in a week with changes, they’ve never introduced a hero and then just left them alone with no tweaks for the rest of time
Also, they’re literally reading topics that were made yesterday and trying to implement some in the game soon™ (this was also from today)
I get the anger you might feel from feeling ignored by devs, but it’s a little unfair to say that when they are literally working from home right now during the health crisis when they could be ignoring the game and spending time with their families
Oh, yay! They are going to overnerf her, huh? So ‘shiny new thing’ is going to be ‘weak shiny new thing’. “Welcome to the over-nerf train, Echo NOW GO SIT DOWN WITH DOOMFIST!” They are going to leave her weak for MONTHS now or until OW 2 comes out, THEN she’ll be strong again, when she doesn’t FU**ING matter anymore! I understand that COVID-19 is affecting them, it’s also affecting all of us, too. I have less work now, thanks to this STUPID virus! Less work=less money! T~T
This. However, it’s not that I need babysitting, but when the rest of the team complains about “trash healers always dying”, then maybe figure out why this happens.
For the 10th time, a Winston was hard focusing me, and Moira did her best to help me kill him everytime since no one else noticed because too eager to frag. Then the team complained about DPS Moira.
This isn’t even obnoxious, it’s just cringe and gives me secondhand-embarrassment.
How does this annoy you?
Because I can’t earn her achievements in arcade mode, and plus this happens LITERALLY, All. The. Time! Name one time this didn’t happen?
I’m not trying to deny that it happens, I know it does. I’m just surprised you think that’s a problem.
When your earning achievements or trying to, it is.
Yeah uhm, this is pretty much the basis of any PvP game.
- If you’re almost never dying and the enemy does, it’s by definition a stomp, which is not good gameplay.
- If you’re almost never dying and the enemy neither… almost nothing will have happened, which is not good gameplay either.
If you don’t like dying often, you’ll have to play PvE games.
I recommend Dark Souls
You obviously have never had a single bad team in your life, I assume? Because it seems like you don’t die often in a game where your supposed to work together to KEEP from dying multiple times.
Oh great, so its gona be like with 3 2 1, when they changed only tanks
Now they probably gona only change CC when mobility would need to be tone down too for it…
Soulsborne games are an entirely different beast on their own. However, even then you can get so good at these games that you will almost never die. This will never happen in PvP games unless you’re much better than the best players in the world (which is kinda impossible).
Please read the whole list and not just part of it that you think will benefit you and you’ll see WHY I rage A LOT! Because it seems a lot of people don’t understand why I rant on forums or even rant in general. This will explain it all. I’m sorry, but I get mad SUPER easily, so please just…be patient with me please.
I’m not assuming anything anymore. They just released a new hero directly into competitive mode on day one, Blizz is a wildcard right now that can go any direction
Sigma i think was added to ranked few hours in if i remember right.
And that was move to make sure q times in qp dont go to high up i guess. Imagine everyone wanting to play her only in qp, and tanks/supports who dont want to deal with her go play ranked.
She is to strong, and i say that as someone who plan to main her and q only as dps now.
There is no point in the game when picking echo is bad choice for now. You would need i guess two snipers who focus only her down to make sure she dont get much value of her kit. But that can be said about any non tank hero.
Queue times were my only problem… until they kept McCree banned in a freaking arcade mode.
She has many counters, I don’t think she’s that strong and if you still think this then they might as well nerf DF too because he’s a one-shot hero.