Top 10 Things That Piss Me Off In Overwatch!

They should nerf doom you right :slight_smile:

Wait, bans work in arcade? Thats hilarious.

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figure of speech, they might as well nerf ALL tankbusters then, too. Because they are too strong in burst damage. Like Reaper, Bastion, Junkrat, Roadhog, etc.

They could and should work on nerfing dmg across the board at all tbh.

I mean… Most of the supports do have some kind of mobility or CC to defend themselves… Most of the time when you die it’s your own fault for being out of position. End of the discussion.

You can try to coordinate them with usefull shotcalls.

That makes you mad? That they enjoy a new hero after years of waiting? Finally something new? Uhm yeha, blame them.

Just. Dont. Play. Them.

Take POTGs less serious. And yeah, they changed something about it but probably not even half of the playerbase actually cares.

Both your bad. Perform well - die less. Die less - more impact. More impact - easier wins.

Again, your own bad. You will up/downrank to the rank you deserve. Nothing else.

Hammond is fine, So is Torb, Brig and Mercy. Bastion has been forgotten, Doomfish got slightly overnerfed, Orisa and Sigma are also in a bad spot.

Then try your best to avoid them - alias mute them or just don’t talk in a toxic way yourself.

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Define “a good position”. When you’re too far away from your team - they can’t help you. Are too close to the frontline they tanks can pressure you a lot. Are you alsone in the back you are also easier to catch off guard. And you’re staying alone? Away from your second support? Then they can’t help you as well.
Yes, you kinda need your team but you also need to be in the position so that they can help you.

There are some games like that. As long as you talk in a friendly and positive way people will listen to you. Maybe not everyone but some of them will.

Then you are part of your problem??? Like you complain that people want to play her, yet you want the exact same.

I mean, your choice to get frustrated on a voluntary base. :woman_shrugging:
Never said you are not allowed to share your oppinion - did I?

You don’t prove that you did well by getting a potg… I can perform bad as widow all game, hit no headshots but one time during the whole match I get a 3k. Did I do something now? No - i was dead weight during the whole games besides one moment.

No, it is not hard to not die when your team is bad. if you know where to be, where to stand and when to fall back then you will die less.

First of all; Calm down mate.
You guys always say - oh, I always get throwers in my games/bad players in my games. But they’re always on my team. You know that, overall, the chances that the enemy team gets them is higher, are you aware?
If you really do perform above everyone else, then your team can only get 5 “throwers” but the enemy team can get up to 6. So over the long term you will rank up, if you deserve it.

bruh, then i don’t know how YOU play hammond…

She is an ant dive Support who can peel amazingly for their second support, her “papershield” is ment to be for her CC, can you guys finally understand it? And if you count her “papershield” then she still has more HP then any other support.
Why are players who are actually good on her not complaining about her papershield? Maybe because they adjusted their playstyle and… you know, adapted? Violet? Regalia?

Again, calm down mate. You take things wayyy too serious. Yes, Mercy barely gets POTGs and her on fire rate is also super low compared to other heros - but do those things really matter?
And if you play her curent version like a healbot - no wonder why people dont find sucess with her.
Mercy is all about enabling her DPS with DMG boost and to top their HP off with her healing. It’s low but it’s enough.
Also - normally you pair her up with a second supp like Ana or Moira to take care of the tanks while you, like I said before, enable your carries and make their lifes as easy as possible.

I play comp since season 4 without comms because sometimes people attack me for being a female and a Mercy player. And yet, i climbed to GM multiple times. Don’t use “I dont use voice” as an excuse to defend your defeat.
Yes, with voice it’s easier but NOT impossible.

Mute them. Report them. Do not care about them.

I’m close to my team and STILL get targeted by either a Roadhog, Reinhardt charging at me full speed, Sombra hacking/killing me, Genji DragonBlading me/Nanoblading me, Pharah single ulting me and then making it impossible for me to get back to my team, Brig stunning/killing me while I’m rezzing my tank who demands for rez, and Widow picking me off when I’m trying to heal EVERYONE!

You do not know what it is like playing as a flex main, do you? I keep getting kicked from LFGs because people don’t like my career profile, hell I wish I could erase it and start over from scratch to avoid judgement. But yea, NONE of my games are where my team ACTUALLY listens, they are more like Blizzard in a way.

I am a trophy hunter. I want achievements because they are awesome and make me feel special, like I actually did something right for a change.

No, you did not, but still. To each their own.

POTGs for me are special, always have been even before all these patches. I’m sorry but these POTGs mean something to me.

If you get targeted, good luck with dying less

Yet it somehow happens to be me where I get leavers/throwers, there was this one time, I was helping out my team, we lost the first round cause NO ONE was coordinated and had to attack in second round, they all except for three, rage quit and we got spawn camped for the rest of the match.

Like how everyone else plays, how else?

Then, how do you explain her shield being used for protection?! Brig 1.0 had a VERY strong shield and was VERY viable with her rally. Now it’s completely the opposite!

How would you feel if you got blamed for not healing enough, even though you did and people just reported you for gameplay sabotage? You’d feel like SH*T and feel unappreciated because your entire team INCLUDING the second Supp blamed you for losing and being a throw pick Mercy!

Did that, was the biggest mistake of my life, turns out you NEED communication in order to actually GET anything from your healers/tanks.

They instantly leave/throw and then I lose because of it. Did that many times and that’s the result.

Dying to a Roadhog or a Rein charging at you means you are out of position. If you would be behind a Barrier/Natural cover, Hog couldnt hit his hook on you and if you would not be in Reins face he could not charge at you, especially if you would be behind your teammates - he would charge them first and then you.

She is a flanker and if you’re really so close to your teammates they could interrupt her and you can do it by youselfe. Especially when you are close to your second support - they can heal you against her DMG, she needs to back off.

Mercy can counter it to certain grade. If you are far away from your team but still being able to GA to them if neded, you can GA whenever he dashes todwards you. A Genji during his ultimate without dash reset is worthless.

Maybe you need to keep better track of her positioning. You have plenty of time as Mercy to always take care of your surrounding.

Again, you were to close to her, something that should never happen - position mistake. You should ONLY go for rezes you think are worth, not what other people thing. Its a skill to learn with her. Desicion making - Mercy is all about it.

Again - your. position. mistake.

Go private? Don’t use LFG? Like come on - don’t play the victim. People don’t lisen and now? It’s frustrating, I am aware, happens even in higher elo - but you need to learn to deal with it.

Then you either have to wait another week or try to instalock her.

Fair deal but Mercy doesnt get POTG very often because 90% of the match she is an underdog and some other heros just do more then she doesn - visually. IDK how POTGs are calculated, but some people talked about the “on fire rate” - so Mercy will always be F tier when it comes to POTGs unless they change it some day.

Again, like 10x before, learn to deal with it. Hit your sleeps, manage your GAs right, ride the correct walls, stay close to your team, don’t peak when they have a Widowmaker, play behind cover, use your heros full potential to die less and trust me, you WILL die less once you know the hero.

“Thise one time” - black sheep. Can happen. Dont cry, move on, play again or let it be if you cant handle that some games will not turn out the way you want them to be.

Doesnt sound like it if you says he doesn no DMG and only is there to contest points… o.O

Dude, look at this accounts profile. I know how it feels that people think you hero is a throwpick. And? Get your stuff together, stop crying and show them what your hero can do.

Kinda funny how you “need” it but enough peope live without it and are climbing just fine - maybe because they deserve a higher rank?

You dont need to tell them that you’re going to report them? Just dont give them attention? - that’s all they’re asking for.

Maybe a weid question but is this account you’re writing with your actual main account or is this just an alt one?

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  1. I mean sure as healer you need peeling from time to time but I think it’s largely your job to stay alive and keep your team alive. Your tanks should protect you as much as they protect the rest of the team, or clear a path for the team, your DPS should be focused on the enemy team, no one should specifically dedicate their time to protecting you. When you’re in trouble, sure, they should lend a hand, but otherwise, be faster, be more agile, be more vigilant and if push comes to shove, fight back. And I say that as a Mercy main.
  2. Yeah… That’s frustrating. For example, your team finally wins a hard teamfight for the control point and half of your teammates just go ahead and overextend and you know already that they’ll just die and now it’s down to a few of you to protect the payload/control point/objective against the full force of the enemy team. Or when it’s overtime but your sniper doesn’t go in to contest, she’s just sitting there sniping peacefully as the timer runs out. Ugh!
  3. I mean why wouldn’t they? We’re here to have fun. It’s a game. You’re supposed to have a good time. If the new hero is what you want to play, why not play it? Why shouldn’t they?
  4. Mytery Heroes can be fun in its own way, we have a friend who loves it so from time to time our group grudgingly agrees to a round or two and it’s actually not that bad. You play as heroes you’d never pick and the enemy isn’t as much of a challenge as they would be otherwise because they’re not playing in their comfort zone either.
  5. It’s been a while since I’ve seen a Moira PotG and even longer since I’ve seen a Brigitte one.
  6. I mean it’s a fast-paced game. You’ll die a lot. That’s why the respawn timer is so short. For the game to advance, people have to die. It’s a zero sum game.
  7. Yeah. Especially when you were doing your job every game but your DPS kept sniping into enemy barriers. I mean it was I who said you should play what you want but do they really enjoy shooting bullets into Reinhardt’s shield for ten minutes straight? Plus, it’s a team-based game. “Play what you want” has its limits.
  8. Yeah, frustrating.
  9. Yeah. Although I don’t feel like Orisa is overnerfed. I can get a lot of value out of her. Hammond too. Brig, Mercy, definitely overnerfed.
  10. Ah yes, they’re the worst.
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I am not talking about the heros . It shows that you are level 22 - it that correct? or is this information outdated?

I mean you can just, you know, back up - creeate distance. Use your mobility.
It makes perfect sence if you think about it.
If someone wants to stab you - what would you do? Wait and accept your fate or try to run away?

I mean you can doge as well. You should be aware about your surrounding all the time. Why would he take the charge for you? You are behind him - you have more time to react and he cant know that you are directly behind him. Again - position mistake and only your fault. No one else to blame.

Once again, be aware of your surroundings and move around the entire time if needed, dont let yourself be an easy kill - waiting to get killed by some flanker. Be. Aware.

You can shoot her as well, you know that?

Bro - people will blame you if there is no defensive ultimate and your second healer is an Ana.
They want you, the weaker pick, swap to a devensive ultimate to counter it. Blamind someone is not wrong - but you are a flex player, am i right? So why are you on the wrong pick to begin with?

Again, you can pay attention and position yourself that way that she cant flank you easily. Or keep moving, kep cover, etc.

You are probably either out of position or a high priotity target - a support for example.

Like i said before, good positioning also means to fall back when a fight is lost. At least dont get staggered, you know?

I played this account from Bronze all its way up to high masters. Try again buddy.

Stopp. Acting. Like. This. is. In. Every.Single.Game.Because.It.Is.Not.

I don’t want to sound harsh but this al sounds like you’re an unexperienced, still skill gaining player who can’t focus on their own mistakes, instead keeps blaming his team for everything that happens. Im sure if I would revier one of your VODS. I would notice 100 mistakes in just 10 minutes - otherwise you would not be in Bronze mate.
I tried to be friendly and give you tips but Im mad now. Then go and play and suffer from this “horrible matchmaking” on your own. If you keep believing that everyone else is bad and you’re better then they are and that you are someone special that needs protection and not simple awareness to stay alive - then you will never be able to climb out of Bronze, max. Silver.

Stop blaming others for your mistakes man!

That doesnt change the fact that you need people to babysit you and are clearly out of position when you are getting pinned by a Reinhard or that you are not aware of your surrounding.

TBH. I was not even refering once when I talked about general knowleage to Mercy. Positioning and Awareness is needed for every single hero out there, not just her.

No, I talked in general that whenever you die you are 90% of the time out of position or not paying attention to your surroundings. I barely refered to Mercy. Anas positioning is way less forgiving then Mercys is.

Dude, you are not the only problem, but you are a part of it. especially in low elo - if you really deservea higher elo, it’s easier to carry down there then in higher elos.

Darling, I also play solo. Bold of you to assume that I don’t :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Im not gifted. I just accepted my mistakes, and never blamed someone else for it. So I improved and got better and better, made less and less mistakes. And so could you if you would stop mocking around, ignoring everyone who is trying to give you some tips and keep blaming your team for everything that happens to you.

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