Tips to play Mei

Finally i decided to make a thread for tips about Mei after an idea of Bloggerman, because she’s pretty underrated and could be used a bit more. Feel free to share yours if you play her, they will be added ASAP.
Unfortunally i can’t make this a wiki because i’m not trust level 3

I also leave a video of tips made by Jardio with KarQ: 1 MEI TIP for EVERY HERO ft. Jardio - YouTube

Frost stream
  1. Use this ability only if you’re sure the enemy hasn’t many possibilities to escape, has low mobility or if is a tank.
  2. Track the enemy that you want to freeze from a bit of range (better if from 5-9m)
  3. If Reinhardt or Orisa have shield up walk throught and freeze them
  4. If timed correctly, after freezing a tank you can shoot 2 icicles in the head
  5. Primary fire should be used more with team coordination, to give them free picks, calling the focus
  6. If enemies have a Zarya, be sure she hasn’t bubbles before freezing her or an enemy
  7. Mei’s freeze can slow down Hammond’s momentum, making him harder to escape
  8. When enemies are trapped in a Zarya’s graviton surge, freeze them to prevent them to escape and allow the team to kill them in time
  9. Even turrets can be frozen
  1. Keep in mind icicles are projectiles with cast time (0.4s). Try to predict where the icicle will land, it’s more like click and aim instead of aim and click from conventional hitscan
  2. Against a Tracer or a baby, try headshot them if you can’t freeze them in close quarters. They will die because an headshot takes 150hp
  3. Use them more than primary fire, they do more damage
  1. Try to bait other cooldowns/ultimates, like flashbangs, hooks, hacks, shield bash, pin, rip tires, nade, biotic grenade, ecc…
    If you bait a cooldown, 99% of the cases the enemy is pretty dead
    Keep in mind cryofreeze is affected by an issue (favor the shooter) that makes unreliable this ability
  2. Enemies, expecially snipers, expect you will use all the cryofreeze, cancel (press any mouse button or esc) it a little bit before the cooldown ends. Also strafe left or right after getting out of cryofreeze, to make snipers fail.
  3. Use cryofreeze to protect sleeping teammates
  4. Cryofreeze can be used to block doors
  5. Teammates can repair behind cryofreeze, because it’s an object
  6. If you’re sure you will die and you are alone or in disadvantage, don’t use it. You would probably feed ultimates to the enemies
  7. The cryofreeze has a cleanse effect: this means you can clean yourself from venom mines, dynamite burns, Ana’s anti-heal effect
Ice wall
  1. Place it under a Junkrat’s trap to free yourself or a teammate
  2. Place a wall under you and teammates if you’re trapped in a graviton surge to gain a bit of mobility
  3. Ice wall can be used to elevate enemies behind a shield to make them vulnerable, for example a Bastion behind a Reinhardt or Orisa’s shield
  4. Place a wall under a sleeping teammate to prevent him to get attacked
  5. With a bit of coordination, you can reach high places with ice wall. There are many videos from RadyOW about all the spots to place walls and elevate: Mei Shortcuts on all Escort maps in 1 video - YouTube.
    This makes you and your teammates reach some flaking routes or strong defense points
  6. Use it to split enemy team, especially the frontline
  7. Before placing it, you should be aware if teammates are going to ult. Again, coordination is very important, because a wrong wall can hurt the whole team and make teammates even tilt
  8. Ice wall can be rotated by pressing E again. After it spawned it can be destroyed by pressing E again
  9. You can destroy part of Hammond’s mine field with the wall
  10. If Mercy has the ress, cover the dead ally with a wall to make her ress more secure
  11. You can disable Orisa’s supercharger by trapping it inside ice wall (and seems it can be destroyed, i need moWith the new update, now you can duel Reaper, another Mei or other 250HP heroes, since it now deals more damage. re confirm)
  12. Use the wall to cover Torb’s turrets
  13. The wall can “defuse” Ashe’s dynamite, because it doesn’t lift it.
  14. Use the wall to block a charging B.O.B or Reinhardt
  15. Save a pinned teammate from a charging Reinhadt by placing in time a wall under Reinhardt.
  16. Use it to expose enemies behing small objects that are trying to hide from ultimates
  1. The ice wall can block Baptiste’s ultimate, since they have same height, and it can even “trap” it inside the wall (this could help to prevent destroying it).
  2. Use it to disable the Baptiste’s immortality field. This can give you an huge advantage if your teammates know how to exploit this trick.
  1. If needed, save it for a last push or for overtime
  2. Don’t use it close to enemies with stun abilities, otherwise it will cancel
  3. If you’re close enemies, place a wall to block them and then ult.
  4. **The primary fire’s freeze effect stacks with the ultimate’s freeze effect, this means enemies freeze faster if freezed with primary fire inside the ultimate You can also freeze an enemy and immediately throw the ultimate, in this way he will be trapped inside blizzard, very useful for raging Winston or a nano boosted tank. **
  5. This ultimate needs coordination with teammates to get the highest value possible out of it.
  6. Sometimes you’re not going to freeze anyone, use it to prevent enemies from reaching checkpoints or chokepoints
  7. If you’re confident and you can predict where it will land, you can throw the ultimate from a far distance (a bit like Counter Strike grenades but without bounce), but this adds delay to the ultimate to confuse enemies.
Other/General tips
  1. To stall use this algorithm: wall yourself in a corner, then cryofreeze, then survive a little bit until you get the wall, repeat
  2. Mei is a situational hero, because she relies more on map geometry. Pick her in maps with many chokes or that are closed
  3. Cryofreeze and ice wall can block LoS ultimates, like’s bomb, Reinhardt’s earth shatter, McCree’s high noon, and with the wall sometimes the Pharah’s rocket barrage. Use cryofreeze when you’re close to the enemy (or the bomb), wall instead when you’re far from the enemy (or the bomb)
  4. (Do it at your own risk) Use voicelines to tilt enemies, for example when you freeze them “ouch, are you ok” or “sorry, sorry, i’m sorry, sorry” when you kill them; when a teammate has been sleeped by Ana use the voiceline “wake up sleepy head”
  1. With the new update, now you can duel Reaper, another Mei or other 250HP heroes, since it now deals more damage. Anyway, always land a fist (uno schiafon) after a freeze/icicle combo if the enemy is still a little bit alive
Dueling tips by Avensol

Video here:


I linked it but for a reason it didn’t loaded the preview. Thanks

Nice thread.

It’s good for new players and players who want to play Mei more often to have some tips and tricks about Mei.

Good luck Mei players.

Thank you Str1kernaut for making this thread.


I know i had to do it to em
(Insert Lucky Luciano photo)

This is probably the best period to do this, after the buffs, also because she could be played a bit more, even more after Hammond gets introduced in comp

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what about going a hero that doesnt make everyone hate u?

what about going a hero that doesnt make everyone hate u?

Your tears are delicious.


im not a mercy main tho
im not crying on everything

I have few suggestions:

First off, have you considered making this post wiki that everyone can edit? (You get notification when someone edits it). Just asking because i find that feature useful for these threads.

Ice wall section could have mention about other ultimates, it’s good for blocking D.Va bomb, High Noon, Earthshatter, Rocket Barrage in some cases, etc.

Mention about stopping momentum of Wrecking Ball might be good thing to bring up, too. Mei is one of his best counters.

This one is important: Lot of people still don’t know you can rotate wall by pressing E again. Also, many don’t know that E press destroys it. Please include this one!

If you throw Snowball higher, you can throw it further, but also delay ult to confuse enemy in some cases.

When Zarya gravs, use your primary fire before grav ends to freeze everyone, and keep them on same group longer.

Link to playlist of them could be useful, if possible.

I think this one could be worded slightly better, to mention that you use wall to rise enemy above the shield.

Explaining what stacking with primary fire means is good for new Mei players reading this guide.

Hopefully these help. Guide seems good so far!


Nah, it’s more useful teaching to play an underrated hero. Also by teaching to play it and stomping pheasants, they learn to counter it

I can’t make it a wiki because i’m not trust level 3. BTW i updated the main thread with more tips and explained some things you told me



I hope you get to level 3 soon!

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Shouldn’t the algorithm be wall, cryo, wall?


You’re right, because you get the wall faster than the cryo. I will fix this tomorrow (from me it’s 00:05 now)


You can use icewall to destroy hammond’s mines. You can also use it in front of dead allies to make mercy’s job of rezzing them easier and less risky.


Oh and wall can disable turrets and Supercharger, so it is great against a level 3 turret (for now lol)


Also you should be choosing voicelines to tilt your enemies. I use “I got you something” while I’m freezing my enemy, “ouch are you ok?” or “sorry sorry I’m sorry sorry” after I kill them. I also use “wake up sleepy head” if Anna sleeps them
Sounds like I’m being sarcastic right? Not really though. You picked mei your whole job is to deny area and tilt your enemies. If your enemy is spending time typing out hate messages to you that is time they are not playing the game. And people tend to not play as well when they are tilted.


“That looked like it hurt!”


I updated the thread with more tips and fixed some things. I hope i can get soon the possibility to make this thread a wiki.
Regarding this i have a question: how does the wiki thread work? If i get vandalized i can rollback bad changes?


My wiki was never vandalised, so haven’t tested in practice, but you can theoretically just check former version of thread from edit history and copypaste that if somebody destroys the thread. I haven’t seen specific rollback or user report feature for these things, but i’m going to research this soon.

All trust level 2 users and above can edit wiki’s. However, trust level 2 users can’t save the changes if wiki has things only level 3 users can post, unless they remove them from wiki.

You get notified when user edits the wiki, though it seems that same user editing it twice in row is exception. I think that issue is avoidable if you make decent amount of changes yourself, between other users editing it.

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“I was only trying to help!”

(This is also good one if your own team is complaining about you.)