Tips to play Mei

One important tip: team compositions.

When it is worth to use her as a off-tank or DPS?

Also, what enemy compositions ar good for her?

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About the team comp i’m not sure, but if i’m right she can be picked in place of a third DPS or a tank. I need tips about this

I’ve been working a Mei guide. It’s far from done, but perhaps some of you reading can already get some use out of it!

You can find it on (Yes, that’s a url)

I’m not a great writer, so expect some mistakes and poorly written sections, but I hope it helps!


Here you have it fixed for you all

Devote your soul to satan

That video is months old. Because THERE IS NO DAMAGE drop off. Which is a good thing and Hanzo has no scatter arrow. SO obsolete video.

Also just know i’m the #1 Mei

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No thanks, i trust Gagarin because he said “I see no god up here”, so Mei can’t be satan.

Very cool, i will read it. It’s pretty rich, but some things are updated (like frost stream values and the icicle not having anymore falloff). Also the Hammond section is missing

I know, but there are still many tips that can be useful. BTW do you have tips for us?

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One of the first things I’d tell anyone trying to learn Mei is this.

Don’t be too focused on the kill. Take the nearest high profile target. For example say their healer got bold and is doing high risk healing. Try to freeze that player so your team can take them out more efficiently.

I don’t have the luxury of voice chat because PS4 players don’t use it but if your team is in there call who your freezing.

Starting out just don’t let yourself get disappointed on not having elims. She’s sort of like a hybrid tank and she’s good at disrupting the flow in the enemy team. A frozen player is as good as a dead player.

The other thing I suggest is using custom matches to solo explor maps. Find out where you can use wall (elevator) for quick flanking.

And as always practice your aim with ice shard (alt Fire).

That’s my beginner advice.


To me the most important kit in Mei’s arsenal is the ice wall. Separating an overzealous tank from their support is extremely useful. Also blocking incoming ults will make you many friends.


Some dueling tips:

She can do basically nothing against you without her Rocket Boosters. When the enemy Dva dives your squishies, shoot her once, freeze, double headshot + melee. With good timing you can 1 shot her as soon as she de-mechs, but if she’s the last enemy alive then leave her to be staggered.

Ice Wall underneath the Orisa parallel to her shield to remove her from cover. Approach the Orisa and shoot her. She will more than likely use Fortify, and halt you to get some free shots in. At this point, use your cryo to outlast the duration of the Fortify. Freeze the Orisa and double headshot + melee.

Pretty intuitive, circle around the Reinhardt, constantly changing direction so that he cannot keep up, until he freezes. While you are directly in front of the Reinhardt, he will almost 100% try to bait you in and charge you. Use your cryo to bait out his bait.

Use cryo to bait out hook. Freeze Roadhog, double headshot him, then allow him to self-heal. then freeze him again, double headshot + melee. If the Roadhog needs to be killed in a hurry, again, use cryo to bait out hook, but this time stop freezing him halfway, use the slowness to get a free headshot in, then continue to fully freeze him. Then double headshot + melee.

Very similar to Dva. When Winston dives your squishies, he will be moving in and out of his bubble, but concentrating mainly on them. Use this to your advantage to freeze, and double headshot + melee the Winston. Your team should finish him off from there.

Again, very similar to Dva. Hammond has very few windows of escape vs Mei, as it’s easy to freeze him before he gains enough momentum. It’s unlikely you will finish off the Hammond without focus fire from your team, but he will give you free ult charge from repeatedly freezing and double shooting him. On occasion, the Hammond will pop out of his roll-out and expose his head. Use this to your advantage just like with Winston and Dva.

High energy Zaryas can be problematic. The best way to go about dueling them is by spraying them a bit with your primary fire, baiting out their bubble, and then using cryo to tank the damage from their right clicks. Then freeze + double headshot + melee (this normally leaves Zarya with about 20HP, but in a team fight scenario it’s more than likely to kill her). If possible, try to land your 2nd headshot behind the Zarya, to lower her chances of landing a final right click on you before dying herself.

It’s unlikely that you’ll ever properly duel a Bastion, simply because he has to be sheltered by his team. The only time you’ll catch one alone is when your team is cleaning up after a won team fight. Pretty simple though, start freezing him, then quickly use your cryo to heal some of the damage you took, then quickly cancel and finish freezing him. You can then weave around the Bastion much like with Reinhardt, jumping over his head, continually freezing and shooting him.

This is all about tanking as many of Doomfist’s cooldowns as possible with 1 cryo-freeze, since you cannot kill a Doomfist on your own if you allow him to build up his sheilds, so it’s mostly down to your timing. If a Doomfist engages you with Rocket Punch, you can win easily. Simply cryo before he releases his Rocket Punch, and only cancel it once he uppercuts. From there, he has no real way of making you vulnerable. Freeze him, double headshot, and melee. If he engages you with Seismic Slam and then uppercuts, again, you can bait out these abilities with 1 cryo freeze. However at this point he will still have his rocket punch available, and you will have used your cryo freeze already. At this point, you need to use your wall to out-manoevre the Rocket Punch. Then you can freeze the Doomfist, then double headshot + melee.

This one is pretty black and white. Either you freeze and kill the Genji, or he escapes. It’s best to go straight for the freeze, because Genji’s hitbox is just a mess while he’s spamming double jump. If he has his dash, he’ll be forced to use it straight away. If you’re near healthpacks that are behind narrow doorways, you can pre-emptively wall them off to cut off his choice of escape route.

Hanzo vs. Mei duels aren’t very favourable for the Mei, due to his overpowered storm arrow. Your best bet is to A+D spam a lot, try freezing him, and when he pops his storm arrow, use your cryo to bait out as much of the clip as possible. Sometimes the Hanzo will be able to get away because of his Leap and his wall climb.

Junkrat’s best advantage against you is making you leave the ground with his concussive mines. Since you have 250HP, he’s likely to use both of them in one-go, it’s very possible to bait them both out with 1 cryo. Additionally, if you find a Junkrat camping you while inside your cryo, and he puts a trap next to you (or he exploits the bug where he can drop a trap down the top of your cryo), you can Ice Wall underneath yourself to break the trap, as long as there is no low-ceiling above you. You can also use this to help out your team mates too.

Not much to say about this one, since it’s mostly down to pure weapon accuracy. Your only real chance at freezing a Pharah is in close-quarters maps. Occasionally, the Pharah will be near a ledge that you can Ice Wall yourself up to, and freeze her.

A common misconception is that Reaper is a hard counter to Mei. However, Mei has an inherent advantage over Reaper. His wraith grants invulnerability much like cryo, but it does not grant self healing. He has to be landing shots to do that. While you’re freezing him, his shots will become less and less accurate. Then you can go for the double headshot + melee. If a Reaper is constantly flanking your backline, then you’re on anti-flanker duty.

Soldier 76
His only real chance against you is his Helix rocket. But again, you can bait that out with your cryo. The heal rate from his Biotic Field is not enough to stop him from getting killed by a double headshot + melee either.

After the changes, you’re never catching Sombra. The most you can do is force her to teleport back with your primary fire. Occasionally a Sombra might mess up her cooldowns, giving you the opportunity to freeze and kill her, but otherwise, forget it lul.

She can kill you quite easily by charging up a few right clicks. You have enough health to start freezing her and withstand 1 or 2 half charged rightclicks, after that you must cryo. At this point, the Symmetra will likely place down Turrets next to you. You can wall these off, and then finish the Symmetra with your replenished health.

Fat critbox amirite?

If you can land the headshot, the Tracer will die. It’s highly unlikely that you’ll ever freeze a Tracer in a team fight scenario, but you can use the slow effect of your primary fire to making headshotting her easier. Tracers will often blink behind you and then back in front of you, so don’t get baited into constantly turning around.

Since Mei’s damage falloff was removed, she has some proper dueling potential vs Widowmaker. Mei can peek corners, while Widowmaker cannot. Much like Pharah, this one is mainly down to raw aim. If the Widowmaker is consistently hitting their shots, one thing you can do is after peeking them, Ice Wall underneath the Widowmaker to throw off her shot. Then you can get another free shot at her.

Cryo to bait out sleep dart, freeze for double headshot. Double headshot is important, as the Ana may grenade herself which will heal all of the damage dealt by your Primary Fire.

This is sort of similar to Reinhardt. Use your cryo to bait out her shield bash. From there, you have to weave around her shield to freeze her. It’s much harder than with Reinhardt, but it is possible. From there, double headshot + melee.

If the Lucio’s any good at wallriding, you’re never catching him. Unless he’s in wide open ground for some reason.

Ice Wall her to stop her from flying away to one of her team mates lul.

Moiras generally walk backwards when using their Fade ability, so it’s quite easy to wall them in after forcing out their fade with your Primary Fire. You will often have to use your cryo to heal some of the damage you take from her damage orb. However she may also use her orb to heal herself, in which case it’s very important than you land a double headshot + melee on her when you freeze her.

If it’s not JJonak, you can kill him easily.


Now with Torb’s rework and introduction of Ashe, we need new tips to expand the thread and make players that want to try or learn Mei aware of new changes.
Also we need tips about which team comps she works best and which team comps gets countered by her.


Thank you for adding this.

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I always wanted to main Mei because I have tons of events skins for her, I might give it a try now :slight_smile:

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I’ve been playing Mei alot recently, she is so much fun. Icewall might be my favourite ability in the game.


I’m starting to pickup Mei and this thread is awesome! Thank you for making it! :slight_smile:


I’m very glad to see people playing her more often. She’s pretty underrated, but in good hands can do quite a lot.
Share your tips if you have one


I don’t remember if something like this is mentioned here yet, so i’ll just post this to be sure. I hope someone finds this useful.

Recently, i have found Mei to be pretty good DPS specifically for staying with your team, and protecting your backline, and denying it from enemies, while still being able to do damage from range. She’s not exactly good anti-dive hero in my experience, but i find her decent choice against Genji and Doomfist*, for example.

*I actually think she’s possibly better against Doomfist than Sombra, and i say this as avid Sombra player. This is because I find Mei better suited for backline than Sombra.

Edit: Here’s few tips against Doomfist:

He usually tries to get your supports, so be ready for that. Freeze him as soon as he gets there, but make sure to dodge his attacks to avoid getting CC:d.

There is plenty of small windows between his moves that are usually just long enough to freeze him. As soon as he lands meteor strike, he’s vulnerable. Don’t escape it, deny with cryo instead, and freeze him after impact.


I made post yesterday saying that i’m leaving forums for a while, but this came to my mind this morning, so i had to post it here before i forget:

Best supports to combo with Mei:

  • Lucio. Speedboost helps Mei to catch freeze targets. Cryo and Lucio’s aoe heals are definitely enough to keep Mei healed.
  • Brigitte. They are just really good together when fighting close range.
  • Ana. Mei is easy target for Ana to heal, because of large hitbox and no mobility. Freeze is possibly the best CC to follow sleepdart (you have enough time to freeze enemy before they can leave). Main downside is that Mei is not good Nano target.

Mercy is, in my opinion, weakest support to combo with Mei. Currently, Mercy’s niche is pocketing. Mei, however, is not ideal damage boost / pocket heal target. If you are picking support specifically to pocket or combo with Mei, you are always better of with Lucio or Brig.


Actually mercy pocket can be really good on Mei.
If they try to focus mercy you’re easily one of the best peels in the game for her. If they try to focus you they probably won’t be able to kill you.

Mercy damage boost is pretty useless yes, but her swapping to her pistol to finish off frozen targets with you is a lot more damage than you’d expect. See it as her boosting your damage in a different way.
And the res also combo’s nicely with Mei. Sometimes you see that opening where you can wall someone and get the kill, but you’ll die if you go for it.
You put down the wall, enemy loses their main tank. You get ressed. Guaranteed trade with a res on your side is pretty good.

You also left Zen out of that list, discord on a frozen target is an instakill through any kind of healing.

Personally i’d say Ana is the worst to pair with a Mei, with you usually being in front, even in front of your tanks to get some walls/freezes on the enemy rein, it can be really hard for Ana to heal you through your own tanks.

Freezing slept targets is pretty good, but it’s about as guaranteed as freezing Brig stuns. And if your Ana accidentally sleeps a target that’s already frozen that enemy’s hitbox gets all wonky making it pretty damn hard to finish them off.
The only synergy that i’d say is actually good between ana/mei is that ana can freely toss in her grenade if you freeze the enemy or rein.


Spam RMB, spray your LMB all around and go freezing people, aim for the head, profit. I was so pissed by a Mei ruining my life as a tank that i picked her on the same match and won against a Mei Main. Either i’m very talented or her LMB is bs.