Mei is the worst hero in the whole game

Mei unfun nerf yada yada Brig unfun nerf yada yada Moira unfun yada yada

I was saying to my mate how under utilised she is. We had a great Mei on our team the other day and I mean was just u believably good. Perfect walls, perfect stalls, perfect ult, perfect flanks, freezes. why is she not played? She just is so powerful in the right hands. But I guess not every hero can be top tier…

I think it’s the sym problem. Just teams not working with you… because these uneepicked heros can work oh so well

looks like someone was impaled

The TC strat was to use a text wall. Not as effective as an ice wall I’m afraid. Could you break it down for us. STOP BLOCKING SPAWN!

I don’t have fun going against a lot of heroes. Lucio, Ana, Widow, etc. But that doesn’t mean there’s a problem with them.

That’s a community issue, not a Mei issue.

Blocking damage, blocking chokes, separating players, moving players. Those are the main uses of it that we know of right now.

One ice wall column has 500hp. If you get half your team to shoot at it then it’ll dissipate fast.

I see this rarely. That’s more of a bug than intentional design, I’m sure.

The community being dumb and misusing it doesn’t make it “fundamentally broken”.

Same could be said for Translocator, Wraith, Recall, etc. Mei isn’t the only hero with a get-out-of-jail card… And unlike the latter 2 it’s more affected by latency.

Nerfing heroes out of annoyance over trying to reach balance has always been a bad idea.

A lot of things suck in this game. That’s just the nature of it. Doesn’t mean it needs changing. It sucks when I get hacked or sniped but that doesn’t mean they should be gutted.

Blizzard was trash before it could go through shields.

It can’t go through walls… Idk what you’re talking about.

If you position poorly and leave yourself no escape, and/or Mei sets it up properly, maybe with a well placed wall to support it, then yeah, she deserves some payoff for that. You gonna complain about an ult being able to zone/kill people?

It’s reliant on LoS. If you’re out of Snowball’s (the machine) LoS then you won’t be frozen. Just like D.Va bomb. And finally, trading a support ult for an offensive ult isn’t uncommon. And unlike stuff like Grav, Dblade, etc. you don’t always have to use a support ult to counter it. You can just position smart.

Why are you not complaining about Grav instantly pulling people in and keeping them there for almost as long? And don’t say because Grav charges slowly. You can get Grav in 1-2 fights if you’re charged enough, and it’s not hard to get charge nowadays.

Your first mistake is calling Overwatch an FPS like it can be compared to other FPS games. It’s a MOBA played in first person. It’s going to have elements to it that are considered unorthodox in other shooter games.

Its range is as long as how much I’ve climbed this season (not a lot).

Yes, it doesn’t have drop off. But it’s a projectile. No projectile has drop off. That’s the compensation for having a travel time.

And you say you didn’t even know that. How are you supposed to have any shred of credibility when you couldn’t even be arsed to take 10 seconds to fact check the hero you’re complaining about.? Lol.

A lot of heroes aren’t. Most of Overwatch is easy. Because low skill floor, high skill cap.

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Leave Mei alone, she’s balanced but she still suffers from bugs that makes her pretty vulnerable and unreliable.

Fun is subjective, for example i hate getting sniped, trapped and getting exploded compared to getting frozen and headshotted.
If you’re out of position or engage alone, you deserve to get punished. If you play tanks, expect to see a Mei in a game, because that’s her role to counter tanks

That’s her most difficult part of her kit: a good wall can change and influecne the game, a bad one will harm your team. Experienced Mei-ns know it’s useless to wall the exit of the enemy spawn

It has some bugs (sometimes it spawns in different places instead of desired ones) and it relies mainly on map geometry to work.

But there is a problem: Mei in cryofreeze is immobile, so she can be surrounded easily and killed. Also the cryofreeze still suffers the favor the shooter issue: if you get stunned or shooted in the same time cryofreeze activates, it won’t and most of the times you will die

So, her ultimate it’s LoS: this means it the area of effect can be cutted and even small objects can cut the LoS, making it useless. Also it’s preposterously easy to escape, because any hero with enought mobility or escape abilities would survive. Also an issue got reintroduced as stealth nerf: now she can lose again her ultimate, when instead it should active even if you get stunned or killed.

Again, it’s damn easy escape her freeze: just use escape abilities, stun her or kill her before she kill you.

Totally untrue. It’s a projectile with cast time, and from long distances you really struggle to place an headshot with an icicle. Also it does up to 150 damage with an headshot (less than 170, 250 and 300 damage respectively from Ashe, Hanzo and WidowMaker), and it even has a lower fire ratio compared to McCree (1.2 shots per second vs 2 shots per second), so she’s not OP as you think. I explained the need of falloff removal in this thread:

Thank also her issues and bugs, and all her counters. Another reason why she’s not popular it’s because she needs great team coordination, projectile aim and gamesense: these two things distinguish a good Mei-n from a bad one.

Again, this is totally subjective: i absolutely hate Spamrat, Roadhog, Hanzo and other heroes.

Classical quote of someone who didn’t played Mei enought to have a rational idea about her, go read this thread i made, and you will discover how many things you need to know and practice to play her effectively: Tips to play Mei

You won’t use freeze+headshot combo, with random cryofreeze and wall all the time.

Behave yourself, i’m done with these crybabies who pretend off-meta heroes are OP only because they’ve got stomped by someone who has more experience than them


Basically this.
(Well said Str1kernaut)

Mei in her current state is balanced. She has a low pickrate because:

She doesn’t.
Like I said, Mei is balanced.

We shouldn’t rework (or buff/nerf) heroes because of someone’s feelings.
(There are players who have different feelings than yours after all.)

It isn’t.
If you’re talking about the event brawls, then what about LucioBall?

Leave her alone. There are much bigger problems than being trapped in spawn for what 4 seconds?
Get a grip -__-

Mei has never been “fun” to play against. Being slowed / frozen sucks.

But she is in a good place right now because she serves a niche roll and does it really well. She a-Mei-zing when used defensively on some maps.

I’ve been seeing it a lot lately. If I’m on a roll with Sombra, getting successful hacks and plenty of elims, then often someone will switch to Sombra. But by then I’ve already got my first EMP ready and they will be behind on ults all game.

They will try to hack me, but I can out shoot most of them in a 1 on 1 duel so it doesn’t help much. Symmetra is a bigger problem as she can create no-hack zones with her turrets, as can Torb.

if mei got reworked into an actual overwatch hero this game would be p much 10/10, thats a huge kink in the outer visual of the game, the fact that theres such a huge thorn in the side

Mei does need a nerf as does Reaper, Doomfist, Hanzo and Sigma …to start, locking 2-2-2 has created an imbalance of power that was buffed to stop 3-3.

And 10 months later this is still true.

Stop necroing threads,

Welcome to the forums.

Don’t revive old threads.
It’s against the rules of this forum and can lead to a temporary suspension.

With that being said, a popular idea I see posted a lot is reworking her into a tank. As much as I love her current kit can I not help but wondering how a tank version would work. I would love to give it a try.

I don’t know if you would get suspended, but it doesn’t make sense to necro a thread that is 10 months old, because no one who was “discussing” is probably still around or has the same view towards the topic anymore.

I only have a hard time with her when she is on my team… :sweat_smile:

If a map doesn’t favor wall placement her value drops by a lot. She is also extremely hard to use. Her Icicles one of the trickiest weapons to master too.

To really maximize her you need to know all the tricks. Like Cryofreeze, only noobs use it for the heal (no offense). The best Mei players use it to bait out abilities and body block damage. Since you are treated as an immortal object you can block and infinite amount of damage.

I 2-tricked Mei and Ana 5 seasons ago and they carried me to Diamond for the very first time.

People are so stuck on her freeze that they don’t realize that that it’s the weakest part of her kit.

Edit: Also less skilled Mei player have a habit of hurting their team with their poor wall placements. Few heros actively and so noticeably hinder their own team.

I wall where I want! :stuck_out_tongue:

I have yet to see someone getting suspended for doing it, but it is mentioned in the forum’s rules that it can lead to a suspension.

I know OP does.
I still see post from him regarding this topic, but that is more because of the hatred he has for the character.

Not even reading OP’s entire post. I ain’t have patience, or time for that.

But Mei is OK, or very close to OK at least. I don’t have fun playing against Torbjorn. I don’t have fun playing against Symmetra. I sure as hell don’t have fun playing against DF.

Should they all be nerfed, or deleted?

Just because one character does not suit your personal tastes, doesn’t mean they don’t have a place in the game.

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sorry guys i’ll stick to the starcraft 2 forums, you can delete my post i will never come back to these forums ever again, this place makes me feel sad and horrible thanks all