I’m 43 and peak OW would barely scrape into a top ten for me. Current OW is a hard nope.
like 85% of playerbase is plat or below so even if they aren’t masters their opinion still counts i think
so for example reaper is not a problem at the higher ranks
an ideal fix would be to make him balanced at all ranks w/ 50% WR or something
but yeah i guess masters do have a better understanding of the meta in general
People are less likely to discuss what they like about the game.
It’s the same as in restaurants; you’re probably not going to see many people going out of their way to tell the cheff that the food was good.
But you will see people complain when it isn’t.
Unless Blizz can make the books balance with only 15% of their user base, I think they’re pretty much obliged to listen to the voice of lower elo players.
the biggest issue is not balance but the lack of role q and the selfish 4-5 dps instalockers …
I respect your opinion and do agree the game itself is not as bad as people make it out to be on these forums, but I got to say a lot of my personal problems with this game come from the devs and how they treat it.
When they comment on issues they almost never take fault for something going wrong. They make some big mistakes and just push them off like when they recently revealed that syms damage was wrong for months.
You mentioned in a later post that they would listen more if there was more constructive feedback but you will almost never see them respond to it. it usually feels like they tend to interact with people who would just rant more often than they would someone who put time into their view.
Overwatch only has 6 heroes and is marketed as a Team-based Shooter but none of the heroes even use long range gunfire.
What are you talking about?
From a technical perspective the game is well developed. That isn’t the problem however with Overwatch, it never was about the technical things. The problem with the game is that the developers are showing very little care towards the casual aspect of the game. Both QP and competitive have the same issues today as they had 2+ years ago. The MM system is just horrible and the overall quality of the matches is below par.
Along with strange hero balances and an obsessive focus on OWL, makes the game what it is. I wouldn’t recommend Overwatch in its current state to someone who’s looking to spend money on a game. It’s too rough around the edges on the gameplay sides of things to be a recommendation from my side.
I wholeheartedly agree, Rich. I still have my issues with the game, sure, but that’s a given in any game. At the end of the day, I still enjoy this game almost as much as I used to. Blizzard is doing a good job right now.
All they’ve done for nearly 2 years is tweak numbers, a couple of hero’s and a couple of maps. That’s basically nothing. A team of 100+ people and that’s all they’ve done.
This last patch that everyone is saying the devs have done so great at, is literally tweaking numbers. Nothing more. No actual development or code was written. They’ve gone in and changed a few variables.
This company has entirely let us down, nobody should be defending them, we should be unified in our message to them that this is not good enough.
What is interesting is that Blizzard gets away with trickling down scraps. They do the same in WoW, time gating 2 weeks worth of content over 2 months instead. And people are happy about it.
You’re mad at the balancing team… for balancing? Do you expect full reworks every patch or something?
Try going a month without playing Rein and see how you feel about the game.
I love you RichC! ,
I agree. Played since the beta, and still love this game!
This game has it’s issues, and I hope the devs will work on it, and I want to give them the credit they deserve, because they made a game, an fps even, a genre I disliked before, which I have spent countless hours on.
I appreciate people writing complaints tho, but I just wish they wrote proper posts and didnt sound like whiny children. Most topics here are really toxic, and I do feel this place is way more toxic than ingame.
I’m sure the tank mains are happy DPS are relegated to worst class. But that 46% win rate sombra sure is OP amirite.
I KNOW RIGHT? I’m so just DONE with the amount of negativity on here. Every other post is about some person who said some offensive thing in voice chat or “nerf x, x, and x character because they counter my main” or “meta bad >:( nerf now jeFFFFfFF”. Its stupid, has gotta stop, and its useless. This game is really, really good and all these negative nancys are taking it for granted.
Blizzard shill how much did they pay you to say positive things?
Funny how this thread was made by the same guy that has made this other thread… in the same forum.
And also
This would be mainly because the majority of the player base is Plat not necessarily because Plats complain the most.