Yeah I said it in the title above^
If someone who had never played Overwatch before was to visit these forums, they would think this game was something awful. But in reality? This is one of the best games I’ve ever played.
We have a rich hero roster, filled to the brim with personality, ranging abilities, play-styles, and classes. Each one loaded with with voice-lines, emotes, and skins.
We have 20 maps with +variation for control maps.
We have arcade games, events, and a butt load of custom games.
And dare I say this next sweet beautiful fact: This game is STILL being supported with maps, heroes, skins, voice-lines, and all the other stuff.
So what’s the problem? Balance? Jeeez-Laweez have you read the names of the forum users who complain everyday about balance? MOST of them are the same dang people spamming the hell out of these forums.
Most of these people aren’t GM (or masters+), and probably never experienced the meta in its full capacity to garner an efficient complaint.
Did this game give us our fair share of disappointments, yes. But does it deserve the day in and day out ridicule and hate it gets? Hell No!
This game is, without a doubt, one of the best games I’ve played in my life of 30 years. And it’s sad to see the forum community reduced to a chorus of unsubstantiated, anecdotal, and subjective ridicule/hate.
This game is awesome! And after 3 years: YES, I still enjoy it. I still love to tank, and I will continue to play it so long as it’s supported.