This Game is A LOT better than these forums make it out

Yeah I said it in the title above^

If someone who had never played Overwatch before was to visit these forums, they would think this game was something awful. But in reality? This is one of the best games I’ve ever played.

We have a rich hero roster, filled to the brim with personality, ranging abilities, play-styles, and classes. Each one loaded with with voice-lines, emotes, and skins.

We have 20 maps with +variation for control maps.

We have arcade games, events, and a butt load of custom games.

And dare I say this next sweet beautiful fact: This game is STILL being supported with maps, heroes, skins, voice-lines, and all the other stuff.

So what’s the problem? Balance? Jeeez-Laweez have you read the names of the forum users who complain everyday about balance? MOST of them are the same dang people spamming the hell out of these forums.

Most of these people aren’t GM (or masters+), and probably never experienced the meta in its full capacity to garner an efficient complaint.

Did this game give us our fair share of disappointments, yes. But does it deserve the day in and day out ridicule and hate it gets? Hell No!

This game is, without a doubt, one of the best games I’ve played in my life of 30 years. And it’s sad to see the forum community reduced to a chorus of unsubstantiated, anecdotal, and subjective ridicule/hate.

This game is awesome! And after 3 years: YES, I still enjoy it. I still love to tank, and I will continue to play it so long as it’s supported.


To be fair, most people aren’t GM or masters.


Yeah, but they pretend they are on these forums. Sad joke.


I remember playing this game back when Ana came out, and triple tank was a thing (season 3?), I’ve always had fun times playing this game, even when Brig came out. Even back when I was in plat the game was still relatively fun and usually didn’t complain much since I knew I didn’t have the best mechanical skill or gamesense. The only time the game has truly made me upset is when they nerfed Junk’s nade size


Most of the people who complain aren’t GM, but also most people aren’t GM, is what I was saying.

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Ok I get your point, but keep reading the rest of my thread, there are other points to discuss.

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I’ve been saying this all along RichC


Yeah must people who complain are plat I notice

If I could push your voice above the noise, I would.


I’m in Masters and really nobody runs GOATs.

In the past two months I’ve probably used the comp twice and faced it like once or twice.

Even when we use it/face it, that doesn’t mean it’s an instant loss/win. I’ve had my team completely dismember a GOATs comp with ease.

Honestly, these people are just complaining because their favorite players/streamers are complaining.


I see a lot of people complaining about underpowered heroes for balance issues. Usually that the reworks weren’t good. Stuff like how Sym’s rework messed with her primary fire tickrate and that changed interactions with armor. That got fixed recently though. Another would be how tankmode got an accidental nerf with the rework (35% ironclad made up for the loss of armor but with ironclad nerfed it doesn’t anymore).

I appreciate this thread. People constantly spam “dead game” which is just complete nonsense. This game is alive and kicking and dare I say it even still quite popular. No, the game is not perfect, but I have so many hours invested in it and I still keep coming back for more.


It is nonsense. Like I said in the original post:

These forum users know the game isn’t dead, but they (for whatever their reason) have decided to divorce themselves from reality and just hate on the game. (deep down they probably still love it and play it everyday).


Don’t let the forums hinder your view on the game. Most people go to video game forums to complain about something, and that makes for a depressing view of any front page.

Personally, I love this game and I too will continue playing it until the end. Whether that’s the game or this damn CPU.


I completely agree. It’s easy to point out the flaws, but the game does a lot right. It’s a great game.


I just want new game modes. We hardly get any and we have NEVER got a game mode that made it into the quickplay/comp rotation. And that is sad.

Other than that, I have always loved the game and its content. Really, I dont have much else to complain over. Overwatch has lasted me longer than any other game ever.


people take to forums for 2 things in games, to complain, and to discuss strategy. but since the culture of OW is “babies first fps” most people come here to complain.

This game is so much less punishing than other games, Spellbreak is in closed alpha, and as a tester, I can tell you, the people on the forums here would uninstall spellbreak in an hour the way they talk about OW.

This game has a pretty good balance, and tries atleast to protect its casuals (a mistake IMO but that’s a different discussion)

But the OW community has always been ungrateful. Always berating the devs, and throwing blame at other members of the community, so its nots surprising in the least that the forums that the community tries to make the game out to be trash while still binging it everyday, if they really felt what they said, they wouldn’t play the game.

I don’t play OW anymore because of the terrible state of dps as a whole, and the fact that blizzard is taking their sweet time to do anything about it. I play where meta is actually seen so its hella frustrating as a dps main.

end of the day, if they meant what they said, they’d leave. They are just venting to the forums.


I still adore this game. I’ve had to cut back as of late because of IRL stuff, but I still get on as much as a I can.

And OWL is as good as ever. It’s a shame that the Shock lost (ignore my icon, I’m a Shock fan, long story) but god damn that Shock/Vancouver stage final today was one of the best matches in pro Overwatch history.


No other game has provided the same experience to me that Overwatch does. It has way more polish than a lot of the games out there, and even amidst all the PubGs and Fortnites of the past few years, this fps hybrid still found a way to thrive. If that’s not a testament to its content, I’m not sure what is.


I really enjoyed it too! I like that the match went long and was close.

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