This Game is A LOT better than these forums make it out

Out of curiosity do you have any evidence that they took your idea and implemented it?

I thought this was a joke =_=

I’m pretty quick to bash on blizzard (small indie company) but I think there’s a disconnect in what they’re trying to achieve and then communicating that, hence the seemingly janky changes that can happen.

Or a hero you really enjoyed playing undergoes a tremendous gut punch, or they’re perpetually unviable (unless your tremendously talented which almost are not)

I like watching dota, but I would never bother playing it. I’m not young enough to get to the higher echelons of ranked to have a strategic enjoyable game. OWL is kinda similar in that respect in that most people aren’t good enough and/or (usually and) don’t play in a high enough bracket where the sorts of teamwork exhibited can occur.

Whaddup Rich?

Yeah man, this is why I never complain about the game. I love the game’s intensity, and I love all of the characters (except Mei)
It’s perfectly fine for the most part. Just a lot of people that need to git gud lol
But I dropped a lot of money into merchandise for this game, and by the end of April, the new pops should be out, along with the Tracer action figure.
I already pre-ordered her :joy:
I thoroughly enjoyed the run of this game, and I hope it’s still gonna go strong for the rest of this year.

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Agreed with everything you say. But particularly with this line. The game shouldn’t be balanced for the bottom of competitive tiers. A lot of people don’t seem to understand this concept.

There are a few characters that still need some attention like Symmetra and Bastion but by and large the game is currently balanced more or less to a decent level. Particularly the last two balance changes are heavily in the right direction.

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So what’s the problem? Balance? Jeeez-Laweez have you read the names of the forum users who complain everyday about balance? MOST of them are the same dang people spamming the hell out of these forums.

It’s not only the balance. Tha game has gotten stale because:
No new quick play/ competitive play modes have been introduced like Tug of War for example. We got new maps but with the same old gameplay modes.
The competitive ranking system needs work - whether it’ll be role select, hero ban system or else is another topic but it has been complained alot since the game’s release. Simple SR gain/loss and pointless placement matches are not cutting it anymore. Seasons need to start meaning something finally.
There’s still not even basic Guild/Clan system. This has been discussed before, I think there’s no need to discuss further…
Couple that with the same old events which used to bring back alot of players but not anymore because the only new thing they add is skins. Yeeeee…

This game is, without a doubt, one of the best games I’ve played in my life of 30 years.

You can write it a third time if you want, but it only shows how few games have you actually played.:roll_eyes:

Of course, Rich.

This is the place where all the negativity and narcissism brews, with a sprinkle of productivity/positive assertion.

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Match quality and matchmaking. Matches are usually extremely one sided and promote toxicity.

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Tbh i’m plat on console, but i freaking love this game. I hate when my friends say it sucks because a Doomfist punch them or they can’t kill a reaper, then they start getting mad because i tell them it’s easy dealing with them, honestly they are bad but i like playing with them xD. When i play solo Q i have great matchmaking on comp, sometimes a thrower, we know they’re everywhere.
Then when i read the forums and read all this complains i really get annoyed seeing all the complains but whatevs i LOVE Overwatch.

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This game would be more fun if competitive was not synonymous with Trolling, Throwing, Smurfing and Toxicity. While I understand that is on the player base, a little more thought to the competitive mode implementation would have made it worth playing.

I had a moment a few months ago where I HATED Overwatch. I couldn’t force myself to open the game so I took a break. Best decision of my life because after a while of not playing, I came back after a patch and loved it in the same way I have since I started in 2016. I still love Overwatch and will keep going forever and ever. I am now level 661

I think it had to do with games like Overwatch having stupid toxic communities a lot of the time. The forums are a prime example of how biased and idiotic some people here can be.

That’s the nature of forums tho.

People who feel strongly about something take to the forums to vent their frustrations. People who are happy and content just keep playing.

Been saying for 2 years now that people don’t seem to understand what these forums are…

It’s a complaint forum…that’s what people get on here for generally speaking and as such it’s going to be heavily skewed in negative direction…(Which is why stuff like polls are essentially useless on here)

I’ve used that line before - the “if you asked people to give you impression of game based entirely off of forums”…you’d think it’s the worst game on the planet

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I come out of the forums with a bitter taste in my mouth, but then play the actual game and 95% of what I get is a diverse roster of heroes (almost everyone is picked in QP), nice players who at least try to coordinate and are almost never toxic and most of the time good sportsmanship from winners and losers in a relaxed enviroment.

I have FUN in the game (as long as I avoid comp, and even comp wasn’t THAT bad).

In the forums, I get frustration.

I’ve played OW a lot, and I think the game is pretty awful. I certainly wouldn’t recommend it to anyone right now.

To make it shorter: stop being drama queens for no reason

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Well yeah dude, it’s a video game. It’s made for enjoyment. If the forum was right then the game wouldn’t be any good. I just hate that one role out weighs the others.

Then again the way you perceive the game is subjective. I don’t really care what it does, but to someone else it could be an absolute hellscape.

so basicly you need to have the skill level of a master+ player according to this post to be able to play this game properly, got it.
you’re really going to draw in people by posting that -.-

and yes, it does deserve the hate because us plebs who aren’t master+ are tired of the shi**y matchmaking system. stop mixing regular players with alt accounts and smurfs, i don’t give a flying hoot that i have to wait 20 minutes for a round, i’d rather have a fun round then another onesided pos. because we all know your game is nothing but inflated numbers due to the massive influx of alt accounts over the years.

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I’m almost 30 too and have to say this is one of the better games I’ve played as well.

Teenagers or early 20’s players are very unaware of how bad games used to be just a 10/15 years ago. Like. Super bad. Up until 10 years ago (maybe 7) even the best game was akin to a only-half-decently-ran mobile game of today.

The forums are a bunch of children who are throwing their shallow complaints into an echo chamber and should really be ignored for their sake and ours. Either that or make them play a P2W mobile game for 1 year, that’s essentially the same badness that was online gaming a decade ago… But with better customer service lolrip. :^)


you don’t need OWL level team work, the game just needs to be more consistent and more competitive than it is now. I’m right around where the game has decent coordination in good games (high masters low GM) but 8/10 games are won or lost just by hitting the play button.

2-2-2 or role queue would probably make the bad game an outlier or atleast you get more of a fighting chance by having a decent team comp