The way you guys are treating the developers is beyond sickening

Or, get this, it’s a very clear indication of who the problem children are because they are going to pick the characters who are most likely to win. They would not play at a disadvantage by picking inferior characters. It’s a much better foundation to use than the Platinum instalock one trick Torb’s with a 1:3 w/l.

It would be one thing if those characters were spread out decently with some characters being marginally better than others. But when one damage character has a pickrate about 2700% higher than 7 others, you just might have an issue with your balance.


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Why does Jeff deserve to be treated better than he’s treated others?

People tend to forget that Jeff was once a normal player like us and he was very vocal for his dissent towards the development team of Everquest:

Fix your [removed] encounters. Do me a favor so I don’t waste my guild’s time on this kind of [removed] again, send me an email when you decide to A) Implement an encounter that wasn’t designed by a [removed] chimp chained to a cubicle B) Get a Quality Assuarance Department C) Actually beta test the [removed] thing and D) Patch it live. And please for god’s sake – do it in the order I laid out for you. Don’t worry, I won’t charge you a consulting fee on that one. And for good luck you might as well E) [removed] While you’re at it rename the game to BetaQuest since you’ve used up you’re alotted false advertising karma.

That’s an actual post of his in reference to the Everquest team.

So I think him of all people would understand why the players are growing increasingly hostile to the devs radio silence and slow action.

Moderator: While I appreciate that this was a quote of something said on someone else’s forums, even masked obscenities are a violation of the forum code of conduct. Please adhere to the forum code of conduct when posting.


He literally says that overall there has been an increase in stuff like healing and damage. That’s literally all power creep is, is an increase in that sort of stuff. It doesn’t necessarily mean it’s instantly a problem until it’s gotten out of hand.

What I think is really happening is that the community doesn’t understand what the word excessive means, or at the very least don’t understand what they themselves mean when they just use the generalized “power creep” term, since the actual term can be a lot more benign than people seem to think.


Not sure why they even came to the forums in the first place, Jeff even said on a stream once that most people are having fun playing the game and the minority are sitting on the forums complaining :wink:

When looking at what’s too strong, yes GM is the best place to look

When looking at what’s not strong though, it’s not so good since the least amount of people reside there and they prefer to play what’s best over what they like

Too many people rely on way too small and biased a group to find their ideas of balance

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Yeah the way he treated developers was pretty bad. And he was around 30 years old too, so he wasn’t some kid.

Maybe if he actually programmed a game in his life he would understand how hard it is. But he’s just a super lucky guy who became a VP with no engineering or programming background. So if people direct criticism towards him, I don’t care. The guy is super lucky to be where he is.

My heart goes out to the actual engineers and programmers and artists though. Those people work their butts off.


Honestly, it does bother me that people like him and Ben Brode were able to get super high paying positions just by being lucky and knowing the right people - without having any real skills. But I digress.

The point is I find it funny that after him making that post and complaining about the devs of Everquest (and a future post about working on WoW and wanting people to feel “happy that the game is in good hands”) he goes on to lead this game and is silent most of the time and slow to update things.

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I VERY much doubt Blizzard would fire somebody based off what internet anonymity loving trolls said on twitter. :roll_eyes: “a$$eater69 said Josh should be fired, guys, somebody get me a pink slip.”

I agree that ppl should be more civil, but Blizzard aren’t that callous, or stupid to be frank.

this is gold.
thats worse than pretty much anyone on forums has ever been here. (then again forums dont allow @dev targeting so could be why.

wonder how he’d respond if we told him to take his option E? (can’t blame us when he has sad same view toward other devs right?)


OW developers certainly have an over-inflated ego and they should be criticized because they never listen, only relay their decisions. The most laughable part is their defenders saying “devs don’t engage with community because community is toxic” when they never engaged with community outside their pro player bubble.
Last two heroes they released are still broken and added more frustration to the game than fun, so the point of adding new heroes is just for the sake of adding new heroes.
Also by now these “poor” developers should know how to interact with their community, just hiding because of “toxicity” only further proves that they just don’t want to communicate and just do what they want.
In the end what players can do about that - not play the game, request a refund?
And their behavior would be somewhat fair if the made some single player story driven RPG, but OW is a MOBA.


Usually when balance team and development team are the same crew, they can use the excuse, which is legit, that they are burning on both ends, to at least let us see that they are trying despite bad balance. But this is simply not the case on OW appearnently due to the info that the balance team have at least 2 non-"hard"software-developer, which goes into the question of, what are they doing NOT balancing the game asap as they have the time and manpower to quickly react the data and meta.

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It is sad to see people treat them like scum when they finally talk. Every time this happens it’s all I think of. “Well so much for that guy.” He won’t be fired but he will never speak out to the community again. It does suck sometimes. But what can you do really. In overwatch If you’re not meta you are trash.


All the people complaining are still playing the game. If they honestly hated the balance that much, they’d be playing something else, not coming here to rage unnecessarily on a dev like angry children.

It is true, I quit when double barrier was too much for me. Came back after the nerfs. If the game was THAT bad, I would not be here. I also quit after the first summer games because I thought we were going down an extremely anti-consumer path.

Maybe Jeff was ridiculed for his rant and is trying to take out his anger on us lol

That’s not exactly true and that’s kind of a really narrow way of looking at something. You can love a thing and still dislike parts of it.

I love ice cream but I hate that it causes my backside to spew contents similar to Willy Wonka’s chocolate river.

A lot of us who hate how bad the game has gotten in terms of balance, post here in the hopes the devs will see the dissent and actually do something to fix it so we can go back to fully enjoying the game we love.


A lot of the anger and toxicity that’s bubbled up is simply due to the developer silence. The only people that actually read the forums (as of 2018; "Reading our Feedback") were the mods who lock threads. Back in fall 2017, when the Devs were active, there was a much better relationship between them and the community. UP until they stated that they didn’t know what was wrong with Doomfist (who, at the time, couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn with any of his abilities) despite 3 megathreads that were sitting on the front page discussing the issue.

The developers have been coasting off the reputation they built as active partissipants on the forums since mid 2017. THat goodwill has long since run out, and this is the result of it.


They didn’t even appear to read the feedback anyway, particularly in regards to Mercy, which I believe led to hidden forum profiles so stats like ‘read posts’ could no longer be identified. The person presumably incharge of balancing/hero design hasn’t been on for several months since the support change overhaul which led to Mercy struggling to keep her role as a main healer.

People have become frustrated at the apparent disconnect that the team has with their game and, in particular, with their overall community. Some of the pros and popular streamers are in agreement too, which is refreshing. If there had been more regular discussions then there’d likely be less frustration building up.

Some people may have crossed the line, sure, being reasonably civil should be expected. Those few not being civil should probably be ignored. However, the community won’t bow to a response if it appears that the response seems to go against what the community and even some of the pros and popular streamers feel is currently happening in Overwatch.

That’s something I can agree on, nobody should be demanding someone’s fired for simply replying, rarely, to a discussion on the forum. Personal attacks shouldn’t be how some here and on other social media are handling the response.


The problem is that people will all pile on whatever a dev says and if it’s not what they want to hear they throw respect out the window and start raging at them.

Dev communication can be great if we can keep civil but…

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They have teams that collate feedback from the forums etc. and send it to the developers. Making their forum profiles private was probably because people were wasting time saying it was indicative of them not reading the feedback like you’re doing now, not because they wanted to hide the fact that they don’t read it.