The way you guys are treating the developers is beyond sickening

So… mocking them and saying this game is dead is gonna fix it?

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Being quiet is the best thing. I wished twitter, facebook, myspace & instagram did not exist.

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No, its them throwing in the towel and likely moving on, taking their respective bases with them. Which only makes the situation worse for those of us that remain because they had access to the devs and could more effectively address community concerns with them.

That’s kind of sad when you think about it but it makes sense, particularly the question of moderation.

IF you think about it though back in 2017 we still had the devs on the forums. Yet they secretly went to work on OW 2, all the while feeding us a bunch of other excuses of why content wasn’t coming out.

Things like “focusing on balance changes” in 2018, or that big social update that was supposed to happen after LFG that never happend. Lets face it even when they did talk it was mostly either stuff they didn’t have the authority to comment on, or lies.


Even ignoring the biased moderation on certain topics. The whole way they shut down every Mercy thread for a long time, closing or merging them into the mega thread constantly to quiet discontent was silly. Many other “bad PR moments” got the same treatment.


TIL that in all my years as being a linguist that the phrase “such as” is almost all inclusive and anything that may apply outside of what is aid after that phrase is vastly less importance to the subject.

Oooor, stick with me for a moment, it’s only an example and it’s not limited to only what is said.


I wouldn’t say it’s sickening.

It’s more whenever you challenge player misconceptions over a medium of contact that IS the most toxic aspect of the community, you get what just happened.

Although the lack of transparency of how information is collected (and what is the most important metrics) causes some sturm and drang. Then again if the player base knew they would game the system to protect their main.

From what I’ve seen in the community, YES, they would do that.

You’re basically reinforcing this negative perception that he talks about right here.

You don’t have access to the tools he has, it’s not a job you’re paid to do. He clearly understands where the issues are coming from and he’s clearly reading and trying to calm concerns.

You aren’t helping. Worse, you’re exacerbating the troubling perceptions.

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People are responding the way they are because it’s almost as if no feedback had been read over the past year. People who feel neglected and ignored tend to lash out, and that’s precisely what happened.
We now know that this was actually Josh’s personal view, but it’s obvious that the devs don’t actually play their game or keep track of the community concerns if they said something that was considered obvious to most of us. Negative feedback is quite often negative in it’s delivery, and it should be expected with the dispassionate disregard for the state of the game right now.
Blizzard needs to start hiring actual high-end players to playtest their new changes and heroes if they want true feedback on how unhealthy playstyles and metas can form and nip it in the bud accordingly. There really isn’t an excuse for this level of callousness from the development team of an industry titan like Blizzard, especially considering how slowly they take with balance changes.
I’m not trying to bash on the dev team or anything, but I honestly don’t even believe that Josh’s initial post was his personal view, but rather the higher ups told him to say it was for damage control.


My brother, people complain about stuff because they love the game. An explosion should be expected when people kept shouting their thoughts and concerns to the abyss for, literally, months and their voices went unheard.

Also, there should be communication between Developers and Players. Without developers there are no players, and without players there are no developers. It’s a symbiotic relationship.


I mean, their bad balancing and refusal on listening to player opinion lost them the respect of most of the community a long while ago becuase the community suffered and the group that can help actively denied/sit around the problem until it’s almost too late.

Now, U expect the community to have respect when they turn up again, not w/ good facts, but w/ skewered stats accompanied w/ underlined deny on community consensus? It’s like seeing someone sit around while u are in a bad situation for the first time, and the 2nd time when u are in the same situation, they come up to u w/ some statement that “u are not in a bad situation, it’s just u, I never see u in this situation even once except this time” and sit around while u suffer from it. I don’t see anyone that is not masochistic can keep their cool.


That sentence doesn’t say it isn’t there, it says it isn’t excessive

Learn to read, learn to comprehend. The game isn’t in as bad a state as all you loons seem to think it is, and the developers know that better than any of you tools here


10 out of 31 heroes have less than a 1% pick rate, while 4 have an 8% or more pick rate in GM…
In a game where there are 6 members on a team.
Now that’s a balanced game…


UH what? See it’s lies and hyperbole like this that causes mass hysteria.

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Ah yes, the top 1% of the players, the ones who are most likely to use a variety of characters!



He did not say anything wrong. He was 100% correct. The devs do not want to talk to us because we do not understand the game.

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Remember No Man’s Sky.

A small team that got harrassed beyond measure.

Now, they created a great game thats VR compatible.

Hello Games is a really small team.

Blizzard should have a larger team; At least change some damage and healing values and do that more frequently.


Yeah it’s reactions like those ones who kind of lower my sympathy for the “power creep” people. I’m starting to think that they will never be happy until the game is 100% catered to them with only the heroes they deem appropriate being META. It really gets old.

every moira , sym and dva mains felt that too hard PepeHands