The way you guys are treating the developers is beyond sickening

Honestly, don’t expect them to come back here anytime soon after what has been unfolding on twitter and the forums the last 24 hours, if ever. You people have been asking for the devs to communicate with us more and more frequently for the last year. So this very nice and friendly dev decides to do that and try to do what we asked. He takes the time to read our feedback at 9pm and clarify some things, and what does he get? He gets turned into an internet meme. People are literally calling him “retarded” on twitter, and that he should be fired. If I were him, I would never come back here.

You guys asked for communication, you got it, and now you probably chased it away. I am genuinely sad for him. Yes, I know he didn’t say the best things. Yes, IT IS OKAY TO BE WRONG. But we shouldn’t call him a terrible person for this. We should give CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK and actually HELP THE DEVELOPERS instead of making them feel like absolute garbage.

All I am asking for you guys, is if they ever come back (which I doubt), that you guys try to be respectful. Now I know quite a few of you were nice and respectful to him for communicating and I am grateful for that. But if you’re just going to bash him for having a wrong opinion, be nice about it. He is not trolling, he is being genuine. HE JUST WANTS TO HELP YOU GUYS HAVE FUN.


Yea the forum community is a bit rough lol, Josh Noh & Jeff Kaplan (as well as any and all Blizzard employees) deserve a bit more respect than they get. I think they do a fine job, I’m still playing Overwatch years after launch.


And this wasn’t even a major issue. I can’t imagine how awful feedback was during the Dva and Mercy changes which caused the Devs to stop in the first place.


Its the height of ridiculousness to watch a Developer take time out of his night at 9pm to come engage with the community, while we all sit here in our computer chair, rubbing dorito dust on our shirt yelling for him to be fired and lose his job and have his life upheaveled because we don’t agree with a specific sentence he typed


Some of the so-called ‘Professionals’ out there on twitter need to look up the definition of the word.

You can disagree with someone with resorting to personal attacks.


Wait, what.

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Yeah, people are actually doing that. It was somewhere on twitter, and it is sickening.


I guess I can’t blame the devs for not making posts when people get this rabid about it. Gross.


here is where I think you’re wrong, the forum shouldn’t feature this kind of behavior, this IS the place for devs, not for bratty kids who will jump at anyone’s throats for disagreeing with their opinion

Mods should be banning any and all people who comes here just to insult devs and several others who dedicate their time on these forums to simply harass people in the most subtle way

Twitter, instagram and youtube can say whatever they feel like but THIS forum should be a safe space for devs to share stuff, period


Mods clearly haven’t been doing that. But that’s besides the point.

He made a post here, and now YouTube, Twitter, and Reddit have eaten up and spit it back at them. Their reputation is getting actively ruined because of two or three posts on the forums. He could be potentially at risk of losing his job now, and as such, I don’t see him posting here much more.

Why would he lose his job if he’s just echoing whatever the dev team chooses to believe? He’s in the dev team too.

But his posts proved that the balance team especially is out of touch with this game and this game’s awful balance is why we’re bleeding players left and right. They choose to ignore feedback as per usual and deny powercreep has happened and heroes are balanced and fine, while having massive double standards at the same time.

It is no wonder people are memeing about it now. This game is honestly doomed, no new shiny expansion OW2 is going to save it. Personally I’m just tired of joke balancing, I’d like to play a good game because OW at it’s core is still an excellent game, just ruined majorly.


Say it with me: Listening is not the same as agreeing.

He didn’t, though. Quite literally the opposite.

Didn’t say they are balanced and fine either, just that they aren’t as bad as people think they are.

Well yeah obviously. A good portion of the community is a hive mind with extremely poor comprehension skills.


Gotta admit, props to Josh for actually being willing to come back to this dumpster fire and clarify what he meant not just once, but twice.

Like, this is exactly why they stopped talking to us 3 years ago. People don’t know what they’re talking about, and certainly don’t know how to respectfully disagree.


I don’t think he need berated, but he clearly isn’t listening to us at all. Basically is saying what we are ll experiencing doesn’t exist.


Just because you seem to have missed it.


He says healing creep exist and then he says power creep doesn’t really exist. =)

I’ve read it just fine thanks.


Honestly, it isn’t worth the effort.

I think enough of us actively shows appreciation to the devs. They know some of us show the <3

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What I’m saying is if we want them to listen, then we need to actually give CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.

Making a meme out of them and calling them ‘retarded’ will do the opposite, and they’ll just assume the community isn’t going to like anything.

Idk how people are reading this like he said powercreep exits. He clearly doesn’t see it as a problem. He is wrong


He basically said our problem didn’t exist.
They are ignoring the constructive criticism. Again, I wish him no cyberbullying, but they just don’t care about our opinions.