The term "throwing" is losing the original meaning

Is it really though? I don’t agree. Moira has to do DPS. It is a key part of her kit. Some people get bent out of shape the second they see Moira dueling someone which isn’t really fair to the Moira player.

That said, if Moira is standing right next to you and never left clicks through an entire game, even when you are near death, then she isn’t playing the hero very well and is reducing your chances. It’s throwing.

I just think most DPS Moira’s are probably not actually DPS Moira’s. But there are some and I bet most of them have a lower win rate than a Moira player who properly utilized their kit.

What forums are actually saying:

But the end result is usually almost the same and saying just “throwing” is much easier so they just don’t bother to add the “soft-” out of laziness

Oh that is throwing 100%. a DPS moira will vanish into their backlines and keep killing their supports over and over again and split the attention of their team every push.

DPS Moira is a VERY different beast from not healing Moira.

It could be that we just have different definitions of DPS Moira and that is fine.

I switched modes to running DPS Moira rather than regular, and gained 2 entire ranks, and a 70% win rate (80% for most of the games).

It is crazy effective to use her as a “reaper” type of hero. Heal your team, and once a hole opens up that you can get through safely, you fade PAST their back lines to safety.

There you wait for fade and orb to be off cooldown, and pop out, kill a support or DPS, fight some of the others at the most range you can pull off, and when they come for you, fade out, and don’t have the fight. Repeat.

You can keep their healing lower than your team, since, you can kill one support, and either kill or making the other support HAVE to engage / run rather than healing their team. Your team still has an effective support, and their team doesn’t, AND have to split attention when pushes happen.

It is super good as a strategy, but, I think, a lot of people are just bad at it.


The game doesn’t even call it throwing. It calls it gameplay sabotage. And in the in-game definition, intent isn’t part of the definition. You cannot judge someone’s intent, only their actions. And if I see someone acting like a thrower then I’m going to assume their intent and treat them like a thrower.

Ok, let’s roll with that.

Should soft-throwing be reportable?

I think Blizzard is an extraordinary company! There’s not another one like them, in a good way. But what the entire company doesn’t understand is competitive multiplayer. I learned this when I tried to get into RatedBattlegrouds in WoW a few years ago.

Blizz did not support PvP in WoW, and that was okay with me because WoW is an RPG. But it’s inexcusable imho for Overwatch. You put a multiplayer game on the market and don’t have replays from day one, wowzers. No scoreboard?

No LFG??!?!?!

I understand the bosses wanted to get the game on the market ASAP, and the Overwatch engine took a lot of money and time. FIne.

But this is a competitive multiplayer game for crying out loud. I don’t care what color sneakers Tracer is wearing, I care what her gosh darn hit box looks like.

I want a rule book. Blizz doesn’t understand PvP and I’m not sure another company does either. League of Legends has been around for a while. Are they as naïve to PvP as Blizz? I don’t know, I’ve never played LoL

Which company understands PvP? Show me!

You have me there. PvP is hard to get right, team based PvP is super hard to get right.

I can point you at companies which get single player, and how to do community engagement.

I can show you companies which are gods at complex systems, etc. but PvP?..

It is hard, and people are got great at it.

Oh wait, I know ONE game which had it super right.

“For honor” was good, the fights were EXTREMELY skill matchup, but they got the different classes and fighting styles really down. Which is a thing, the moment that classes get involved it is hard to balance.

If you are after larger scale fighting I think Amazons new MMO may also be good. I have high hopes there if MMO is your thing.

They sure as hell have the resources.

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Throwing used to be placing Sym teleporters on cliffs, jumping off cliffs continuously, pressing W into enemies without doing anything else etc.
Nowadays it’s codeword for “I don’t like the hero you play” or “I find your performance with the hero you’re playing inadequate”.

so did they get different classes down packed, or are classes hard to balance

(btw balance is easy imo How to Perfectly Balance the Game )

I wouldn’t mind playing an individual soilder in a battle of 30,000 versus 30,000 lol

but what I really want…

Is Overwatch to take place on Arathi Basin 15v15 :star_struck:

In my opinion yes. The community doesn’t have a consensus though but there are plenty of players who report soft-throwing as gameplay sabotage and when there’s plenty of players who report the activity the player being reported enough will get actioned against and the action doesn’t get revoked because it’s clear that the player has engaged in a repetitive behavior that disrupts the other players

Different classes ARE hard to balance, in an MMO I wrote the matchmaker for, we used something called “the meta twister”

It looked at win rates, and each week it nerfed the highest win rate heroes, and buffed the lowest ones.

Everyone knew that is how it worked, and what the buffs / nerfs were going to be the next week.

People STILL complained, but, having a public, reasonably understandable way of it running stopped most of the complaining.

We DID have a balance issue that the people who were REALLY good at the sniper class were crazy good at every other class, but, people who were only ok at other classes were worse at the sniper one.

Which showed the sniper was under tuned, BUT people thought it was fair mostly, and that gets you a long way.

I should do a long chat around different balancing strategies for games because it IS super interesting, and really the overwatch balance team do a pretty good job considering the hero designs they go for.

I think that someone else will build a hero shooter which will eat overwatches lunch at some point, because the market is CRAZY ready for someone else to enter.

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Yes, it is.

For a player to be reported for Gameplay Sabotage, they must intentionally be trying to disrupt and harass their teammates or actively trying to lose.

Not the in-game definition. Here’s a screenshot.

Besides, intent is unknowable. If intent is required then nothing is reportable.

Blizzard has clarified their stance here on the forums.

And no where does it say ignoring chat is throwing.

Blizzard said intent is required. If you cannot determin intent, then you cannot report.

I didn’t say ignoring chat was throwing? Maybe we misunderstood each other?

Nobody can determine intent. It’s impossible. So, I suppose Blizzard should just remove the report system. You can infer or presume someone’s intent but only that person ever knows their own mind.

When intent is required, all that means is that I believe that is your intent.

You are clearly misreading or misunderstanding what I said because even quoted that doesn’t come close to saying that turning off chat is reportable.

You said ignoring the teams protest means they’re throwing. I said there is no rules against ignoring chat, whether chat is on or off.

That’s not what I said. I said

If they are doing something incredibly dumb, repeatedly, even after the team protests, then I think that you can decide they are throwing.

Which is not the same as saying.

Ignoring the teams protest means they’re throwing