The term "throwing" is losing the original meaning

That is the same thing. Playing poorly is not reportable. Playing poorly and continuing to play poorly while ignoring chat is still not reportable, because there is no requirement to obey chat.

picks non meta hero

Teammates: “omg! This guy is throwing!”

When it should be:
Teammate just walks up to enemy team and waves and does nothing or sits and spawn emoting, etc.

Teammates: “report so in so for throwing”

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No, it isn’t. I don’t mean to be rude, but is English your native language? Because those two sentences are not equivalent. In the first, the main problem is that they are doing something very wrong, not simply bad play but character misuse, such as not healing at any point during the match, and in the second sentence the offense would simply being chat is disabled. Those are not the same thing at all.

You are the one that added the qualifier of “ignoring your teams protest” to the middle of the sentence. Maybe english is not your first language, because in English, words written in the middle of the sentence becomes a part of the whole statement.

Even if you take out “ignoring your teams protest,” your claim becomes if they do something “dumb” then they are throwing. Blizzard clearly said playing poorly is not reportable.

I’m more annoyed with how misused c9 is. Hog ults people off point in overtime? “c9 ahahaha”


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This is my worst pet peeve, the way people throw that word around so much.

I see it so much lately, someone is just doing poorly, or made a mistake or two, and everyone rushes and shouts “Our [hero] is throwing!!”

Like, we’re in gold, do you really think these players are gonna be godlike?

The way people think that playing poorly is throwing just blows my mind.

OK, in the way it was written it is not a requirement at any point that the person throwing actually hears or reads the team’s feedback nor is the team’s feedback the primary reason for the report as your comment makes it out to be.

So they are not equivalent.

If you read my other comments, the context is clear. I’m not just talking about a player making some mistakes. I’m talking about a player doing something blatant. As per my previous example, a Mercy who does not heal at all the whole match. Here is another example. A player who sits in spawn the entire game. Or maybe a Mei who constantly ice walls off her own team.

I get to decide, since I’m the one reporting, if I believe that you are just bad or not. If I think you are throwing, I’m going to report you for throwing.

The point is chat is not required, so whether someone is ignoring chat or not is not a primary, secondary, tertiary, or any minute factor into whether someone or something is reportable.

If your report someone for something that doesnt fall under Blizzard’s definition of throwing, you are false reporting.

But it would fall under the definition listed in the game for gameplay sabotage. I don’t report lightly. If I report you, it’s going to be something pretty clear. All my examples were very blatant.

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The meaning hasn’t changed at all, the ability to use it has just evolved. A lot of the time if someone just makes a bad decision players accuse them of throwing as if to say “That decision/play is so bad that no human, regardless of intelligence or game experience, would ever do that unless with the intention of doing badly.”

So, it’s not really a genuine accusation of throwing, it’s just a new way to call them bad.

Or sometimes, it’s just used to try and guilt someone into doing something that they didn’t want to do, by belittling their original idea.

I don’t find it to be overly complicated.

Personally i try to not take things literally nor do i look at them as black and white. In competitive If you purposefully and continously dont heal me as a support then im going to report you. A tank that stands in choke and makes dps and supports push for them, reported. Dps that wont swap, reported (example: a reaper and junk playing into phara/widow). Continious selfish play in a team based game is gameplay sabotage when youre losing, but not when youre winning lol “Its only a bad idea until it works”. So if we win, i dont report. I wont argue with the results “Victory is everything”… in competitive

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This is blatantly false reporting. You deserved to be banned for abusing the report system.

Reminds me of how no one knows what a C9 actually is anymore

Mercy running around with her pistol out half the game=throwing
Lucio playing like Tracer the entire game, dropping solo beats=throwing
Moira fading into enemy backlines getting farmed by doomfist all game=throwing
Rein pressing shift at the choke every push=throwing
Playing any high skilled heroes in the game right now=throwing
Playing Overwatch atm=throwing

If I see a level 10 ana spawncamping the enemy team, I ask if she’s a DPS main smurf playing support for fast queue and she responds with: “So?”, yeah, that’s throwing.

'I’M MAD" so “your THROWING” “its ALL YOUR FAULT” “IM MAD” brb diaper change

Did… the forums actually just make an entire post complaining about, what can only be chalked up too as semantics?

Why would i deserve to banned? With the example i gave, that is blatant throwing in COMPETITIVE. If you are playing competitive and not actively trying to win then you are the one in the wrong. You are ruining others game experience. Im bad, and idc if you are too but you have to try in competitive.

Refusing to switch heroes is explicitly allowed and not a reportable offense. False reporting is bannable, so you deserve to be banned.

Lol does every crime deserve the maximum punishment?

Yah before 2-2-2. The rules need revisions.

Edit: fixed quote line