The term "throwing" is losing the original meaning

I don’t want you banned for your false interpretation. I want you banned for your action based on your false interpretation. Preordering something doesn’t give you any more privilege beyond what Blizzard has provided, which is a few skins and early access. And it definitely doesn’t give you the right to break the rules.

The rules explicitly says, unconditionally, refusing to swap is not gameplay sabotage. Reporting someone for refusing to swap is a false report, and false reporting is a bannable offense. You are allowed to disagree with the rules, but you are not allowed to ignore or break the rules.

The only person selfish here is you for thinking your personal beliefs is the only correct one, and that others should obey your personal ideals despite it being the opposite of the owner of the platform that you are using.

The meaning of words is flexible. It is not set in stone. The traditional meaning of throwing is intentionally giving up, yes, but it has evolved to mean different things as well. Anything that vastly decreases the team’s chances to win even if done unintentionally can be considered “throwing”.

I mean, it makes sense. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. I don’t care if a player is doing something intentionally or not; if they are making a choice that radically decreases my team’s chances to win, they are throwing to me. No excuses. This includes things like insisting on picking Wrecking Ball when there’s Mei, or picking Zarya when the other tank picked

I don’t think it is reportable necessarily, but I call this throwing.

Because the people playing the sniper class were typically extremely skilled, and could do better on any other class.

but that doesn’t mean the sniper is under tuned. if you buff the sniper then it’ll be OP. who cares if the low ranks can’t player the sniper?

That is a really good question.

Since anyone who played the sniper could do better on other classes, we always assumed the sniper was under tuned, but, we lived with that because we got consistent win rates.

What we should have done was make all heroes have abilities which were useful for bad layers, medium players and really good players.

Pharah is a good example. Low ranked people can’t use concussion as a self movement ability really well.

So you have a way of buffing her for high ranked play, without effecting the low ranks by changing how that’s works.

By giving each hero abilities which were good at different ranks. we would have been able to tune each hero to be good at ranks.

We didn’t, and overwatch didn’t. And I regret us not doing it, and I’m pretty sure the overwatch team also refers not doing it.

I don’t agree. I think balance should be tuned around high level play. How to Perfectly Balance the Game

If this creates 6 must picks from GM to Bronze, I wouldn’t care. (FYI, I don’t think it would) It might create 6 must picks for Bronze though.

You can’t make a peewee league on the internet, because there’s no way to ensure that only 9 year olds are playing the game, ya know?

No you miss the point.

Each hero has a good ability at low, medium and high ranks.

Now you can tunes each hero so it is good across the board. You don’t give up bring able to tune at some ranks for the ability to tune for others.

So brig being used in a dps slot is technically game play sabotage. Better report the entire OWL roster. Lul.

OWL is played by organized teams who knows what they are doing, not by randoms who just met each other.

Some hero’s are just so poorly designed they do not have a hard set of ways to play.

Brig was so busted she was better as a dps. Why try and heal someone when you can just do the dps job for them.

Moira is sometimes a better hit scab against pharah than mecree and soldier why pick a hit scan that is not meta when you can have your Moira tickle the Phara to keep her away?

Hog is most times a better play maker than your flankers. Hog literally brings someone out of position.

Ball literally is not played like a tank at all. Your job is not to soak damage but to just disrupt and then leave. That doesn’t sound like a tanks duty. But it’s Hammond’s.

Do you get it now?

You can do both dps and heal as Brigitte. You are not being efficient if you do only 1 thing.
Why pick healer if not going to heal?

The real definition is better and one I try to stick with. I don’t like the whining and overpolicing of behavior that the latter definition encourages.

good job ignoring the whole point of the message.

I haven’t ignored anything. Don’t act like people don’t know what to expect from the character.

Don’t act like the hero’s dont have multi roles or the devs have really vague lines around where there jobs stop and another hero’s job is.

I’m with the OP.

Being bad at the game, and that doesn’t just include mechanically.
It also includes not understanding team comps, maps/positioning, how to use abilities and ults isn’t throwing.

It’s poor play, and refusing to switch makes them bad teammates.

But again, being a bad teammate or not understanding the game isn’t throwing.

Ok, lets go with your logic then. The old Brigitte is a tank/healer hybrid.
if you are not doing both, that means you are throwing.

Actually that was your logic. I was stating poor design is what broke roles of a hero with hybrid roles of a hero.

That is not an excuse for not to healing, dpsing, tanking or whatever.

If your tanks aren’t picking Orisa/Sigma in every game, report them.