Symm’s Teleporter is now almost on par with Reaper’s Shadow Step in terms of distance covered per use. He teleports two meters further, and can use it from within spawn, but it’s a worthwhile trade for being able to teleport turrets and teammates.
Having 4 seconds before losing a level on primary fire as opposed to 2 means that Symm can ramp up to max damage, place a teleporter, and not lose a level while waiting for its massive cast time. Alternatively, it means that she can walk forward another 22 meters (a little under twice the length of her beam) before leveling down. This 4 seconds also overlaps with the time it takes for her shield health to start regenerating, synergizing beautifully: If you aren’t close enough to get a stronger beam, you’re likely far enough that you can seek cover for the 3 seconds you need to regenerate your health.
These are some great changes, and I certainly welcome them coming to live, but if the reduction in health for tanks and Brigitte don’t come with it, I feel like she’ll still need an extra minor improvement to supplement the aggression she has now.
I have two, mutually exclusive suggestions:
- Make her turrets do 50 damage per second each again (up from 40), and increase ultimate charge cost.
Brigitte is arguably the hero most affected by the change to her health, as she effectively dies 1.25 times faster. 1.25 used to be the damage multiplier for discord, so that’s the multiplier I’ll use for increasing Symm’s turret damage. Because turrets and teleporter can bypass barriers, that will give Symmetra a stronger niche in counteracting them while ensuring shield tanks don’t become even more unfun to play. She will however need a corresponding increase in ultimate charge cost since she has a barrier of her own. Depending on how the majority population adjusts to being even more dependent on walls for cover, I’d suggest getting rid of the slow effect. No one likes the crowd control it provides, but if if the slow effect is gone, then case turrets would definitely need to do more damage to compensate. I’m aware that increasing turret damage hurts console players more than PC players, so I would suggest increasing the delay they have before turning around to face their targets.
- Reduce teleporter’s cast time by 1 second.
I remember something along the lines Geoff Goodman saying they were hesitant to change the cast time on Teleporter because it would be too good for teleporting whole teams around. With a 2-second faster cooldown however, I’m guessing that fear’s been kind of reduced. So I’m thinking “Why not just lower the cast time”? Obviously the enemy should have some time to react, but if 1 second is enough to react to a 10-second cooldown (Sentry turret has a 1-second long “deployment” animation when it attaches), then a 1-second cast time for teleporter would probably be sufficient as well. The lower cast time would not only make it more useful as an escape option for the solo-queue Symmetra but also be more useful in a meta where shields don’t last long enough to cover it.
Again, these are some mutually exclusive changes, (as in it’s probably best to have one or the other) and I suggest them mainly if the nerfs to tanks and Briggitte do NOT go live.
Thanks for reading, and thanks devs for taking another look at Symmetra. Also, when do we get to see Jeff playing as her? I’m curious as to how a game developer with intimate knowledge of the level geometry would place her constructs.