Sym's Primary weapon needs a rework when Echo releases

current tp:
place → do stuff for x seconds–> come back i.e. in sym’s down time now → destroy tp → 12s cd then starts and sym has to wait out full 12s.
total time to next cast (from prev cast) = x +12s
experienced down/wait time = 12s + however many seconds of the x where you weren’t using tp

old tp:
place → 12s cd starts as you do stuff for x seconds → come back i.e. in sym’s down time now → waiting for next tp starts now
total time to next cast (from prev cast) = 12s guaranteed
experienced down/wait time = 12s - 10s + however seconds of x spent not using tp (of which is bounded above by 10s).

new tp recast time and effective down time >=12s but old tp recast time and effective down time <=12s
yet new tp somehow has better recast and down time? or that this difference is minor? :thinking:

and extra range does not compensate this massive increase in down time that also reduces adaptability of tp of which also limits what you’d use tp for.

it ain’t no cyro, wraith, recall, etc. but it defs can be put down in mid combat. thinking ahead 2s or so is not unreasonable.

in fact it’s more optimal/ideal to place it down later/close to when you need it rather than preplacing it down like many seconds ahead because

  1. you don’t root yourself from placement time until when you expected to/actually need it, and
  2. you retain flexibility in purpose and position of tp until like 2s or so before when you expected to/actually needed it

and old tp would let you have another tp cast before current moreso when preplacing it too because current cd only starts serially after tp destruction.

not to mention, predicting closer to 2s ahead is more accurate than predicting like >5s ahead or so. like how accurate are you landing orbs at enemies like >30m away? I highly doubt very. why? because orbs are so slow that where it’s unrealistic for anyone to be able to make up for its slowness with prediction at those ranges. same principle with tp. how much earlier than ~2s do you want to preplace and root yourself until your expected/predicted time of use?
keeping in mind that the closer to 2s you say, the more it’s my point that old tp would’ve been better whereas the further away from 2s the less realistic your point is because the much less accuracy in predictions anyone can make (unless they can see the future). not to mention if you say more than 12s ahead, then it’s further my point because old tp would’ve had at least 2 casts in that time and would literally be letting sym have more opportunities to do more with old tp.

and my point is you’d less likely to do that at all with new tp because of how much less tps you’d have in a match with current tp and would rather save it up for more valuable uses unlike old tp where you had higher cast frequency and can afford such uses.

how was it “terrible” for controlling 2 lines of sight? you can effectively achieve the same with old tp. having to place it down every 12s isn’t an issue esp in the fast paced ow where you’d likely need to reposition elsewhere outside of those 2 static spots in that time period anyways. which old tp would help because tp would be available for you to move your “2 sightlines” to adapt to the shifted space and thus have higher uptime.

they literally do the same thing except current one sacrificed adaptability and thus effective uptime just so people that didn’t learn where to look for tp not track it can find it every 3rd time or so they swing their mouse to look around. which btw is a ui problem to be fixed by a ui solutions, not forcibly by a balance one.

even if you had the best prediction in the world and even when looking at a strategic perspective, a tool that can adapt faster to changing situations is better than one that does the same thing but has a massive guaranteed delay in repurposing or relocating. the “micromanaging” you keep saying is a con is actually what makes old tp have high optimisability.

like if you had to choose between 2 stock trading apps where both only allowed you to buy more stock after a cooldown has passed, would you choose

  1. where the cooldown starts when you bought your stocks allowing you to sooner and be able to grab more opportunities with other stocks should you predict there to be more opportunities i.e capable of both long game and more short sell strats; or
  2. where cooldown starts only after you sold what you bought making only able to invest in 1 thing at a time while also having an extra guaranteed down time where you can’t take up more investment opportunities i.e. long game only?

obvs even with a magic crystal ball with 100% prediction accuracy you’d go with 1. because it has higher potential due to it being able to grab more investment opportunities and adapt to the volatile market better to optimize profits. same principle with tp.

did I say revert to old tp or something of that level should replace every other change you’ve said? no.

but having a lower tp downtime to the level of non-infinite tp is definitely just as important at the very least. because unless you want blizz to turn sym into a semi sniper with her orbs, or into a juggernaut reaper2.0 to address her “getting in and out of her effective range to be able to have chances to do stuff” issue, sym has to have a better tp.

range, bulk and mobility are the parameters for that problem which sym rn is low on all. a significant amount needs to be added and it can’t just be all in 1 parameter.

more dets here:

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