The stats prove Mercy and Ana are balanced. Why do Mercy mains keep complaining?

Compared to old supports before their buffs I can see the argument but now? Not so much. I can also see that maybe the reduced base would demote pocketing a little (specifically Pharmercy) but in that case just add that lost 10hps to main beam in ult and call it a day

I respectfully disagree

The above as stated would apply to all Mercy players, and I have seen individual Mercy players excel regardless of the team around them; and as such I feel that while some Mercy players may well be getting carried as you say, this would not be true for all of them

Except there isn’t a way to get those stats, so it sounds like you’re making things up.

In competitive, maybe.

But I’m not referencing competitive, am I?

They do in Quickplay, unless someone else has already picked that hero.

Factually, that’s what Quickplay is for.


Such as?


And yet somehow, the vast majority on non-Mercy players in these surveys also are unhappy with Mercy’s state. :thinking:


I doubt that is true, and the stats prove mercy is balanced regardless of what a few disgruntled mercy mains think. :joy:

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Factually, team comps are formed in QP as well

Factually, many (possibly even most) people want to win in QP, and a player can choose a less fun character in order to have the best chance to win

Others are practicing a character in QP for a variety of reaons. They’ve chosen to (try to) get better at a given character, in which case they are also not playign that character for fun

For these and a variety of other reasons/scenarios, pickrates in QP do not necessarily correlate to fun

One can choose to ignore bias, but that doesnt mean the bias isnt there

Then how about I remove that doubt?

Mercy Survey - Results

From that thread:

Except that stats prove quite the opposite.

It’s not balanced for a hero to have 14 times the pickrate of one of their counterparts in GM. It doesn’t take a genius to realize there is a problem here.

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Can you provide us with the methodology of this survey so that it can be determined if it was conducted in a valid manner?

Separately, pickrate is not identical to balance

Also factually, nobody in their right mind would play a hero they don’t enjoy playing in Quickplay regardless as to what the team does.

Factually, in Quickplay, how fun a hero is to play is infinitely more important than how a player’s teammates feel about a hero pick.

Also factually, Mercy’s pickrate, in the gamemode where fun is definitively the driving factor behind pickrates, has been dropped to less than half since season 5.

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If even the non-Mercy players are expressing the same sentiments as the Mercy players, it’s pretty clear that the only reason one might beleive there to be bias is that beleiving it so helps their cause.


A quick Mercy Survey

Are they identical? No.

But is one a reflection of the other? Absolutely.

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I would prefer if Valkyrie had a shorter duration with higher HPS. That, or I would like the 60HPS base to return. They would need to increase the amount of ult charge required again, of course.


Even though I believe Overbuff can’t be trusted, I do feel like all the supports are decently balanced with one another.

Though the above is stated as fact, I know many folks who have gone into QP many times with a purpose other than having fun, such as practicing a character for Comp

As such, as I see it, the above is an opinion rather than a fact, and I respectfully disagree with this opinion

Although the above is stated as a fact, this is not always true; and as such, I see it as an opinion, and it is an opinion I disagree with.

For example, many players who enjoy playing Sym find themselves not playign Sym because of a fear that their teammates will (falsely) report them for doing so. In such a case, the player who wants to play Sym but plays another character is placing more value on his or her teammates feeling about said pick then they are on their own fun

Given that I disagree with your premise, I also respectfully disagree with the conclusion that (to me) you imply here

you think im pulling your leg? i was attending my first semester of college when the mercy stuff started

And no one in the right mind would practice a hero in Quickplay if they didn’t enjoy playing that hero.

Few people would play a hero they don’t enjoy playing in competitive; there is not a single person who, in their right mind, would practice a hero they don’t like to play in the casual mode. That defeats the purpose of playing the videogame in the first place.

As such, your perceptions are incorrect.

First, if it is Quickplay (it is), then the Symmetra player has nothing to fear, as these cases of false reporting hardly ever occur in Quickplay, in contrast to Competitive, where it could be considered common. Because of this phenomenon in addition to viability, Symmetra’s Quickplay pickrate is double that of her Competitive pickrate.

Why? Because fun is the most important. If Symmetra players were forced to play heroes that they didn’t like playing due to the threats of their teammates, they just wouldn’t play. Again, if you’re not having fun playing a videogame, that defeats the purpose of playing the game unless you are getting paid to do so… none us are.

Second, I can’t help but notice that you brought up players demanding that others switch off a given hero due to said hero’s poor balance state… something that, according to you, isn’t a problem with Mercy at the moment.

So… either Mercy is underpowered, or your example isn’t relevant. Which is it?