A quick look at the Overbuff stats for this week show Mercy and Ana are quite well balanced with each other.
Mercy has a higher win rate than Ana at EVERY SINGLE RANK - even GM.
Mercy heals more than Ana at EVERY SINGLE RANK - even GM.
Mercy is the 6th most picked hero in competitive, Ana is the 2nd most picked hero in competitive.
The stats prove Mercy and Ana are balanced with each other. At this point the complaining sure seems like Mercy mains won’t be satisfied until Mercy is far and away the best healer.
Not on the main topic, more of a side-note: mate, next time pick aggregation not for the last week, but the last day – you’ll have even wilder fluctuations which will prove any point you like… xD
Feels like we’ve entered a state where Mercy players aren’t complaining anymore.
And since no threads are being made, people like OP feels the need to instigate even further complaining from Mercy players BY complaining about them complaining when in fact: There haven’t really been any such threads in a while.
Just checked Overbuff, her winrate is lower than Ana and Moira, Ana is leading.
Secondly, as compared to her horribly reworked ultimate that left her OP by the DEVS, yeah she’s nearer to being balanced.
She’s being picked a fair amount, but as a secondary healer.
This whole post just shows that people don’t understand what we are advocating For, she’s just bland and not impactful. She’s just like soldier too “meh” in all aspects and lost her niche: single target healing and Rez.
Maybe if you used your eyes to read for once then you’d realize most of the complaints are due to the fact that her kit is clucky to use and pretty much contradicts itself in the same way it did pre-rework.
And a thing about Ana; She’s got nearly double the next healer’s pickrate in any rank above Platinum. 300 instant HP isn’t balanced, it has the same instant fight swing value as pre-nerf Resurrect. Only reason her heal stats are trash is because burst healing/ damage will nearly always show the lower stat values due to them ending fights faster and having inconsistencies at the cost of it. Otherwise she’s probably got the most valuable healing in the game as it can send any hero from 1-100 in the blink of an eye if you can land some oversized dart hitboxes.
This is actually only the second Mercy post I’ve seen today. I don’t think there’s really that much complaining right now. In fact, this is post is more likely to start the complaining than Mercy players would have been on their own.