The stats prove Mercy and Ana are balanced. Why do Mercy mains keep complaining?

To answer your question…

Because our concerns have gone ignored and unnadressed for over a year.

That, and probably the fact that we are a hell of a lot more stubborn than Blizzard realized.

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…you just have to poke the damn bear don’t you

Every now and then it seems appropriate to reply. But when you read their replies it’s obvious that the person is just trolling so I shouldn’t bother engaging them.

Why would a large number of people complain about something? Does it mean that they have an issue with something? …nah, can’t be.

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never said they didn’t have a point, just saying that it has been going on for a long time, making people who don’t care, like me, annoyed at it

well at least now you share something in common with Mercy players

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I’m going to go ahead and call that one a “Check Mate” for this thread. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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If you can call one of the most popular characters braindead and have that assumed true without need to base it on anything, then that is enough reason to change it.

Valk is braindead and that’s poor designed that should be altered.

Although the above is stated as fact, as I see it, it is an opinion, and I respectfully disagree with this opinion

I know many players - and I have done this myself - who want to be able to help their team win in competitive. In such a case, winning becomes more important than fun. In my opinion, a player with this mindset is still “in the right mind”, even though their priority differs from what you or some others think it should be. Such a player ventures into QP and may choose to practice a character they dont have fun with because they feel that improving their play with that character will help their team win more competitive matches.

see above

I believe your premise here is that all gamers play video games to have fun

I agree that this is often the case, but as explained above, it isnt always the case

Factually, one can be (falsely) reported just as easily as the result of a Quckplay game (or in any public-mode mode) as in a Comp game.

There are players who limit their play of certain characters due to this fear - in all public gameplay modes

I speak here of perception, not reality

There was (and to a large extent, still is) a perception of Bastion (for example) that he is a bad choice, and as such, some people file false reports on the Bastion player before the spawn doors even open. Perception is the issue, not reality, as Bastion can be quite effective in the hands of a good player

Really and here i though it was because mercy was the lowest skill floor and ceiling hero in the game, who can get away with being bad/weak in certain skill areas no other hero can get away being weak in >.>

why else would they refuse to play/learn another support instead of angry mobing

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If you have to go by “weekly stats” just to prove your point, I would suggest fishing from a larger net. Frankly, your argument isn’t all that strong here.

The actual stats overall say otherwise, and this month alone still proves that Ana has higher overall winrates. So, I’m sorry, but a mere 7 days is not nearly enough data to pull from to make such a conclusion.

You… Do realize that Mercy’s issues, and the complaints from people who play her, have been existing for far longer than just a week, right? But of course, knowing this, you wouldn’t be able to make another Mercy main hate thread, would you? :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


If you scroll up to the very top, I addressed this point the first time you raised it.

Or is reading the actual thread to which you are replying beyond your ability?

Addressed what exactly? It seems to me that you have tried to justify that one week of data should automatically be taken as undeniable proof that Mercy mains shouldn’t be complaining. As I said before (and many other people have said before myself, with excellent rebuttals that you’ve honestly failed to “address” I may add), that isn’t nearly enough proof to make the claims you are making… So, what was the point in making them, other than to push an agenda?

Sorry, but I’m not sure if this thread was a good idea on your part. It seems to me that your data is a bit rushed, just to make a point of Mercy mains. Especially considering the context. Needless to say, there’s certainly some improvement that could be noted, namely, with your sample size.

I would suggest that you give it another month, and then trying this thread again. As of right now, you seem to be lacking in the “concrete evidence” department, which probably explains why so many people aren’t taking your “stats” seriously. But hey! That’s just my 2 cents :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Yeah using ‘This week’ is not really a good sampling size cause if you look at current ‘This week’ for PC, Mercy beats Ana in Bronze and Silver but at Gold and beyond Ana beats Mercy with that lead extending. On console Mercy beats Ana in all ranks but that’s more cause it’s harder to aim with a thumbstick than a mouse.

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Okay, use the last six months then. Mercy is the second most picked hero if you use that as a sample size.

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Where? Cause what I’m seeing is below gold Mercy beats Ana which is normal since at that level players can’t really aim. Once you get to platinum rank Ana starts pulling ahead of Mercy for PC. On console Mercy beats Ana for the reason I stated above.

People can’t accept the walls are closing in on the argument to revert her.

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Whats the win rates?

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Doesn’t make Mercy fun to play. :thinking:

When you bring balance into a game over fun, you’re doing something wrong.

I bet they miss playing 12 games and getting top 500 grandmaster with zero effort required

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